Sunday, December 5, 2021

The December experiment


I canceled Hulu Live TV

The last day was November 29th.  What I'm mainly lost is the live news of CNN and MSNBC and their commentators.  If I really want to see what they had to say, there is always a YouTube clip available the next day.

I do have a digital antenna and can pick up the local CBS and nearby NBC stations live over the airwaves.  I have Prime.  And I'm an "extra" on my son's subscription to HBO.  He dropped the YouTube TV he had me on as an extra and I put Hulu plus live on back in September when he did that.

Prime just started airing a production of The Wheel of Time.  I have started streaming The Lord of the Rings on that HBO access.  The deal with epic movies is that you have to give them several years rest between viewings, or at least I do.

Speaking of the news

Here we go again with another variant of the Covid-19 virus.  It didn't take long from first identification in Africa to show up right here in Nebraska.  Six cases of Omicron variant confirmed two counties south of me were identified by Public Health on Friday.

I was already being pretty careful, looks like we keep on that careful drill for the foreseeable future.  Sigh.

Christmas shopping

Despite all the "warnings" about supply chain, I have done all of my shopping on-line.  At least other than things I can get at the grocery store (as in ingredients to bake, etc.)  Three of my online purchases for the season have already arrived.  Two more are expected next week.  Still have to wrap, including a few things bought last Summer.  

Blended on-line Church

This Sunday morning, I'm watching the on-line church service, and there's my sister #1 toward the front on the sanctuary, in person, amid the congregation, socially distanced, wearing her mask, but I recognize her outfit, her glasses, and her posture and gestures.  This is one way to be together even when not physically together.  

It's advent season, the preparation of the heart for the coming of the Christ child.  In my own mind, the Thanksgiving season is also a part of this preparation, for what better preparation to receive God's great gift than being thankful for all we already have.

Now, being thankful for the gift of life, which is indeed good, let us go about LIVING it, today, taking care to nourish body, mind, and spirit!  What is a Spark, but letting our lights shine?  Spark on, my fellow graduates!  πŸ”₯πŸŽ†✨


  1. Shopping online has been my go-to this year. Like you (so far) I've gotten all that has been ordered. Several deliveries are scheduled for delivery this next week. Today, I'm getting my "thank you" basket ready to put out in the morning for the FedEx and UPS people. I found cute mailbox gift boxes that are filled and ready to put in our curbside mailbox for the mailman and the postmistress. I am truly grateful for those workers this year!

    Have a Happy Sunday!

    1. What a kindness to think of those who work those delivery jobs! I know I for sure appreciated the extras when I delivered newspapers as a kid.

  2. It is so easy to overload on news, etc. w/subscriptions!

    I think Omicron was FOUND in S. Africa but have a feeling that it was pretty well elsewhere by the time the S. African gov’t announced the new virus. Something to be watchful of for sure.

    How neat that you spotted your sister while participating in on-line church.

    Definitely thankful for the gift of life.


    1. First sequenced and named in South Africa, but it's been quietly spreading before it was published and named, thus it was already here. The travel case found here arrived in Nebraska on November 23rd, in a person returning from Nigeria, who became ill on the 24th... and spread it among their own household (5 more people). Who knows where it might have gone in the comunity since, but I am sure those public health folks are trying to trace contacts, diligently! Of the six cases, only one was vaccinated. The next few weeks will tell.

      I wondered if I'd be able to see sis... I knew she was going back in person and I know where she ususally sits, so was kind of on the lookout for her.

      Hugs back! Nice virtual, vaccinated, masked, safe hugs!

  3. The last two online items that I ordered arrived ahead of the date predicted....
    I think the new normal is that the virus will continue to mutate and present in new forms
    AND that is our reality. It truly has changed our way of living, hasn’t it😒‼️ Spark on, Barb! Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Yes, it has changed our daily habits. Things take a little more planning, but it is still LIFE!

  4. Missing the ease of Spark...
    Our new normal is to expect variants until it either replicates itself into quiet oblivion or into Armageddon-like features. The former is most likely and the latter more from my creepy mind. Anything that changes form to that deadly extreme will destroy all its' hosts and will die out as well. (Trying to use my medical mind).
    No worries, we got this! Masks are benign as well as hand washing. Something I've done all along.

    I decorated my house today to try and mood-up the place. It'll be a quiet Christmas with younger kids going to the UK (hope they can come back) and Chewy being my foot warmer. The older ones and g-kids seem to be spoken for in the friends category.

    1. Yes, I listen to a pod-cast fellow from the UK who traces the global behaviors and he is hopeful of the former, as well. The next few weeks or months will tell the tale. Meanwhile, keep on masking and hand washing, and get boosters when they tell us to do so.

      BTW, the mythical son got his booster (Moderna 1/2 dose) yesterday. The VA came through!

      I'll hope with you for the return of those younger kids headed UK way. I'm sure you'll enjoy Chewy's warming properties in the meantime.

      I have two planned Hannu-mas events, well one Hannu-mas one Christmas eve, with two different "bubbles". Got myself an at-home test for extra peace of mind before heading for said events, to make sure the loved ones are safe from ME!

  5. Hand washing, check. Mask wearing, check. Vaccinations 1 & 2 + booster, check. Online shopping, check. Collected vaccination records for two new house cleaners coming mid-December, check. Avoiding public gatherings, check. Continuing participation in a Covid Antibody Research Study being done by a major State University Branch, check.

    May add a couple of at-home tests on shopping list just in case -- neighborhood pharmacy on edge of subdivision has drive-thru rapid testing available.

    Feeling comfortable that I'm doing what can be done, check.

    1. Not only doing what can be done, but going the extra mile with the research study! I'm grateful for everyone who participates in these things.

  6. I love ordering online. I wish I didn't have to go out to buy presents. Happy new week!

    1. Happy New Week to you, as well! I have to go check the wrapping supplies... if I don't have enough wrapping paper, I may need to order for pick-up just to get things wrapped.

  7. I'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping and I did everything online this year. I'm glad I started early because everything is already here.

  8. Enjoying the Parade of Mugs.

    Stay safe and well ❤️

  9. I love the Esty shops that give one the chance to get really different gifts and support those business. Those that I don't get there, I find at our local shops, we have some pretty creative shops here in our small corner. I just have one little stop for mom and then all finished.

    1. The little "makers markets" they have here are like Etsy, but local makers showing their wares. Hope your stop for your mom finds you just the right thing!


Spring? Not just yet!

  Crocus?  Or daffodils?  Whatever, near to the foundation, the escaping warmth of the house and the warm weather of late is encouraging som...