Friday, December 10, 2021

Night sky in the seasonal spirit

 Remember last year, when we were looking for the Christmas star?

Astronomically, it was an alignment of planets, mind you, but one night this week when I stepped out the door just after dark, Venus and the moon were putting on a show above the roofs of my neighborhood.  It was quiet, not too cold, and we haven't had snow yet, but the view got me to pull out my phone and snap what looks very seasonal.

Snow is predicted for overnight Friday, which would be our first of this season.  When I cast my thought back to 2020, I recall that we had snow as early as October!  This year, we've had highs well above normal, and even next Tuesday (the 13th of December) they are predicting high 60's maybe even making it to 70℉.

Sunrise Friday morning

I headed out to pick up a prescription this morning, before the front comes through, but really loved the pink and blue sky as the sun was coming up.  This time of year often brings such spectacular skies, day and night!

Shopping blind

Ever see the ads for these guys?  Two Blind Brothers?  You send them money, they shop for you;  you do not know what is coming in the package.  It's a matter of trust; they ship it to you.

Looks like the box is a little the worse for shipping wear, but they sent me an e-mail link to show me what's in it.  In a way I was looking forward to it being a surprise when opened, but when I saw the colors and fabrics of the items in the e-mail I'm kind of glad 'cause I have an idea of "to whom to give the blind package"!

Anyway, I'll let y'all know how it turns out after the Christmas to-do!  

Oh yes, the two brothers are indeed blind, and the proceeds of their business go to sight research.  So it's three fun things bundled together:  surprise gift, tags in braille, so you have something new to learn... and a donation to charity!

I have just one more shipment expected, and my notification says it is out for delivery today.  As notified.  Woo-hoo.  All that's left is the wrapping, and on Christmas eve, the baking.

Pep talk time!

Now let's head out and live the best Friday, December 10, 2021 we can manage, right where we are.  After all, it's the only one we'll ever get!  And each one of us is worth the effort to take care of our health and well-being!

Life is good!  Spark on.  🔥💖🎇✨


  1. Wow! That sounds neat buying from Two Blind Brothers! And I like that their $$$ goes to fund sight research. My Grandmother was blind, and she wrote letters to Mom and me in braille. I have them. They are a treasure. My grandfather 'transcribed' the letters.


    1. I figure, I normally donate to charities this time of year anyway, it was worth a try with these guys. How precious to have those letters from your grandmother, and lovingly transcribed by your grandfather, too. Double the love!

  2. Lovely photos of the sky from your vantage point.

    Unfortunately the porch pirates are out in full force, forcing folks to compete with them to get gifts ordered and delivered before the pirates snag them.

    85 F here today with a cold front on the way tonight so it may start feeling more Christmasey.

    Brian Wilson - Christmasey

    1. We're expecting snow in about an hour. One of the great advantages of retirement is being here to sweep the packages inside off the porch at once! Unless, of course, I'm at the gym or the grocery store, and those are short trips.

  3. How intriguing to order and receive the blind boxes.

    I have four more packages to wrap and I'm done. Yay! One of my goals this year was to have absolutely no packages to wrap the last week before Christmas. I enjoy shopping and wrapping for my loved ones, but not late at night feeling harried. :)

    Happy Friday.

    1. Happy that you're having a relaxed, non-stressed Christmas. Only way to go!

  4. Seems like you're going to have a lovely White Christmas! Wow, the Two Blind Brothers system is amazing. Never heard of it. Thank you, very interesting. Have a very pleasant weekend.

    1. This snow won't last to Christmas. We just got a dusting, as it turns out, enough to have cat-paw prints on the deck, but not enough to cover sidewalks or street. And the forecast is for 60℉ by Wednesday!

      May your weekend be just right!

  5. Finally we woke up to snow on the ground today. It's already gone, but it still counts.

  6. Thanks for the intro to 2BB!
    Sweet story. I hope the gifts make your recipient happy.

    1. I'm sure the recipient will be happy. We'll have people all vaxxed and boosted, in person together. Today will be a slightly more risky venture... I'll write about it (and mitigation strategies) later.

  7. Two Blind Brothers sounds like a worthy cause. It will be interesting to see what you received. Looking forward to the photos of what arrived in your package.

    Happy Saturday!

    1. Patience... it's still two weeks to Christmas! LOL!


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