Saturday, December 30, 2023

404 day and beyond!


On Wednesday my facebook memories came up with my post from a year ago, when I declared December 27th as "404 day".  This is a nod to my brothers last racing bib number, from the day he passed on.

I had forgotten that I'd done that last year, but there's Facebook reminding me!

This would have been his 68th birthday.  He passed in July of 2019, about three and a half years ago.

The photo of the day is the corner by my house, under the streetlights, pre-dawn.  So much for "sleeping in" as I suggested yesterday.  Looks kind of slick, doesn't it?  I'm grateful to my sister's friend Jerry doing the kitty care!

My younger sis, Alicia, had the day off work, so we were able to pick the time to walk, and we picked the warmer part of it, when it was mostly wet and slushy, as opposed to icy, but there were some spots.  We avoided the park, and stayed pretty much with cleared off sidewalks.

Thursday, December 28

Last trainer workout of the year!  After I weather wimped on Tuesday this felt good.  

Other than that, I was lazy, reading an e-book.  It's science fiction-y, with multiple parallel universes, but with some murder mystery mixed in.  Title:  Infinite.  Author: Brian Freeman.  I'm not quite halfway through and enthralled.

Friday, December 29

A totally lazy day... finished the e-book.  And a satisfying ending.  Through the dark parts and out into the light again.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

All week, it's been slowly dawning on me that a year is coming to a close.  You can't miss it if you turn on a news program, of course.  But we all cast these things into our own lives, too.

I look back on 2023 and notice a few trends:

More social activity.  Between a wedding and various family gathers, and then the socializing around family health, added to my workout outings with the trainer or walks with my sister... the social activity has risen.  I've even been out to restaurants a couple of times, and got my hair cut two or three times, and went to the symphony once and to that jazz Christmas concert.  

Health costs, though:  between trying to keep myself healthy for the "big" events and succumbing to RSV at least once, and something respiratory that lasted "too long" but I never got tested (other than "not covid").  I managed to keep myself well for the wedding, and get well in time that the cataract surgery happened on schedule.  But I ended up having to reschedule or cancel other things, due to illness.

I set myself a goal to read 12 books in 2023, and I barely made it.  I am considering how I might alter my habits in 2024 to increase that.  I am letting the idea of goals percolate in my mind as the between the holidays week spins out.

Life is good.

Keep Sparking!


  1. Just finished "akiane: her life, her art, her poetry" which was a gift from a sister. I saw this extraordinary person when when she was on Oprah at age 10. Several years ago I purchased a framed print of her "Prince of Peace" painting. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her life story up to now, including her backstory on the painting of the print I have, and wonder what more is to come from this remarkable person.

    67F with a sunny, clear sky in Central Texas. Downer is the cedar pollen and mold counts. Oh well, can't have it all.

    PHOENIX1949 (Susan)

    1. Sounds fascinating. I added "I know why the caged bird sings" (Maya Angelou) to my to-read list this year, but I haven't got to it yet. Somehow my list keeps growing!

  2. First of all, remembering all whom we have loved and lost. They are here w/us in spirit. A hug and acknowledgment of your brother’s 68th birthday.

    LOVE the photo. It does look slick. And cold!

    Glad you and Alicia could walk together. Makes for a nice day.

    I know . . . it seems just unbelievable to think that the year is closing out. Just . . . too . . . fast in some ways, and yet, maybe not soon enough in other respects. At any rate, going to do my best to make 2024 a great year.

    Wishing you a 2024 of health, happiness and prosperity.


    1. I know what you mean about time passing ... fast and slow! Wishing you a wonderful 2024, too, you and your whole family!

  3. Brrrr, looks cold! (It’s Val) - we must be a few miles N of Susan since we only hit 64 degrees here in the Metroplex. But it was a beautiful clear sunny day! My eyes are also red & itchy so that’s probably the mountain cedar…

    1. Those pesky allergens! It was pretty nice here today, all that snow is melting. I guess it wasn't really all that much snow, after all. I do hope it soaks in well!

  4. My idea of Heaven is every good book that has been written and an eternity to read them.
    Those roads look treacherous. Break a hip kind of treacherous.
    It's been quite a year. Nothing horrible, but I'm looking forward to a fresh start. Here's to a healthy, happy new year. 🎉🤗💖

    1. There is something energizing about turning the calendar page, isn't there? I'll bet in heaven some of the books we read here might seem trivial!

  5. I just got a collection of cozy mysteries through BookBud, 10 books for 99 cents so that will keep me busy for a time. I just love some of those bargains that they come out with. Happy New Year my friend!

    1. Putting a "bookmark" in this one... a new source!

      Happy New Year!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...