Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas followup

Christmas afternoon, the start on the clearing of walks.  Heavy, wet snow.

Boxing day noonish... melting and slush-shoveling.  I waved off the workout on Boxing Day morning, thinking it would be a hard enough workout clearing.

We had light snow flurries off and on all Boxing Day.  The ambient temperature was almost up to freezing, but that was enough to cause some melting.

I'd been putting off picking up the prescriptions that had been "auto-refilled" for a couple of days just to give myself some breathing room, but it gave me a chance to try out the roads.  The little "slippery" light on the dashboard went off on the uphill around the corner on the way to the pharmacy, but that's what those safety features are for.

Now that all the sisters have opened their holiday gifts, I can reveal the design:

I swear we all have cupboards full of mugs, but what you see here is the cartoonish version of the five of us.  Alicia squealed (text-squealed, that is) when she discovered she was the one with hair!  Dottie laughed over Alicia's mop, too, noting that the other three sisters were all in short gray hair, and Kevin had his bald head and angel wings.

Not to be outdone, I received a mug with heart-strings attached, too.  

The new Carl mug held my Christmas breakfast coffee, to go with leftover treats from the Christmas eve gather.

Christmas would not be complete without a new book.  

My daughter in law picked this one out for me.

It's a goodie, too.  A short, fast read, written by a researcher and animal lover.

Late Boxing Day afternoon, I called my sister's friend Jerry, as my sis is staying in Kansas an extra day.  I wanted to see if his phone got fixed.  It did!

I figure the roads are clear enough I could go do kitty care tomorrow morning, but he seemed to want to carry on, so I let him, and that means I could even sleep in on my Wednesday morning if I so desire.

Life is good.

Spark on!


  1. Snow is predicted for us overnight. No accumulation predicted
    The cup is brilliant! What a stunning, thoughtful gift! I'm not familiar with the book. I'll wait for your review.
    Wishing you a great last week of the year. 🎉🤗💕

    1. Up pre-dawn on Wednesday morning, which would have been Kevin's 68th birthday. Looking out at the streets under the street light, it seems slick out there. The news told us yesterday that they were not planning to plow the residential streets. The snow melted off the drive and walks, but I would not be surprised if the remaining moisture has re-frozen.

      Wishing your last week of the year is a good one, too!

  2. We got some snow, but not that much. It's just really cold here now. We had light snow on Christmas and yesterday a little more.

    That is a wonderful cup of all of you.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. It's cold here, too. But not super cold, only 27F, so below freezing but above zero! We're just spoiled this year, so it feels cold after the 50F highs of last week!

      Have a good today! (( hugs ))

  3. What a fantastic mug!! Both of them! I would make room for mugs like that too even though we have many as well. No snow here only rain, rain and more rain. Have a great day!

    1. I always tell myself when I get a new one that I should let an old mug go... but nostalgia keeps the old ones in the cupboard, too!

      You have a great day, too!

  4. Love the mugs. The five siblings' mug works for us too with moving the bald brother on the far left as the oldest, me next with waist-length hair with silvery salt & pepper hair near the scalp, followed by two sisters with very short hair, one white & one gray and last the baby sister with shoulder length, curly, blondish hair. Did you special order this online or have made locally? I would be interested in getting one of these if you could share the source.

    Our holiday season has been fairly warm weather. Beginning to have nippy mornings with days in the 60's. Recent predicted storms have been less stormy than predicted. We sure could use some rain here in Central Texas!

    I had hopes my battle w/cancer (begun in April) would be over by now but it's not to be. Surgery #3 last week and awaiting biopsy results to learn what's next.

    RIP, Kevin.


    1. I ordered it online, the same place that did a tree ornament for me last year. I hesitate to post the link as my browser deems it "dangerous". I originally got to it via a Facebook ad. Here's the URL from a recent e-mail: https://manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/web-view?a=VJEWZn&c=01GKCWDBTSDBASF3GJK2Q90WER&k=fd34041b70c600a7e2421b939bf873c4&m=01HJMMMQ3T68J7QFX8ZFRYA4TX&r=3dimtWnp

      Naturally, remove all the spaces and apparent line breaks when pasting into your browser.

      Sorry to hear you had to have a third round of surgery, and my prayers are for good biopsy results. These decisions are never easy, are they?

      (( hugs ))

    2. Thank you! Order completed. Since our Mom's death in 2002 we had gathered at her favorite cafeteria (Luby's) on her February 28th birthday. Last year our Luby's closed and lives were busy with some siblings moving further away so we didn't gather. This Christmas only 3 of the 5 of us were able to gather so I look forward to handing these out for the New Year!

      Prayers always appreciated.

      PHOENIX1949 (Susan)

    3. I do hope they are able to turn the order around in time for your plans. It was quick for me this year, but last year it seemed to take forever!

  5. LOVE the mugs. And the Carl mug is perfect w/the holiday treats!

    Nice that your sister’s friend did Kitty duty and you could sleep. That’s what I need today, too!


    1. I'm very grateful about the kitty care. I'll get my turn at it next week when it's hospital taxi time again for same sister. Unfortunately, I didn't actually sleep any later. Most of the time the body deems 5 a.m. as "time to get up" no matter how early or late I go to bed!


  6. Oh, how I wanted to put a picture here for reference, so readers could be as entertained by the visual disparity as I was! I had to make a blog instead (unable to add picture to comment, heck, I have to manually add my profile name):
    But you, Barb, truly know the depth and breadth of my hair angst and obsession over the years. Call that the icing on the cake! 😍😂❤️

    1. That's a great portrait for comparison! I am so glad the mugs brought joy to all the sisters...

  7. Perpetual sympathy on your loss - it’s still strange to us, recognizing that my BIL (55!) is gone for this first holiday season. P called Kate (Ken’s widow) on Christmas Day; she of course was quite somber but it was good to speak to her. But I like the mug - even though my cabinet is overflowing, I’d like to commission one for myself & my angel sister, whom I had such a short span of time to know…

    1. That first Christmas is always hard. More of "keeping" Christmas in the honor and memory of those who passed before us... it gets more normal as the years go by. We still remember our loved ones, but it's more cherishing the good memories.

  8. The mug is so cute! If I got one it would look rather empty since I was only blessed with one sister.

    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. The figures would be bigger with just two... my sisters girls are a "just two" pair and they are very close!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...