Friday, December 15, 2023

Mixed household

Continuing from the last blog, I headed back over to have the overnight shift with my sister, to round out the doctor's orders for 24 hour "supervision" by a responsible adult.  I'm pretending to fulfil that role!  

I arrived sometime in the second set of the NCAA semi-finals volleyball match.  In case anybody didn't hear, Nebraska has become a big Volleyball state, breaking the record in August for the biggest spectator crowd at a women's sporting event in recorded history.  They packed our football stadium.

Sis and I finished listening to radio coverage of the Husker women (they won), then I went to bed before she did.  I also rise before she does.  It has always been so, since we were kids sharing a room.  Why is it that night owls and morning larks land in the same nest?

Friday's follow up appointment was not until 9, but my body decided that 5:30 was a good time to get up.  Sis had told me not to worry about lights on or sounds.  She doesn't wear her hearing aids to bed.  I'm not sure when she actually retired to her own room.  I know there were lights on in the main part of the house as I fell asleep.  

I managed to navigate mostly by night lights to get dressed and go through my morning routine.  Her kitties followed me around, but didn't start getting vocal until Sis got up and started moving about, too.

It was foggy and warm enough that what precipitation we got was in the form of rain and light fog.  We made it safely to her post surgery eye appointment, and she tested out with OK eye pressures (she doesn't have the glaucoma that I do).  She read the eye chart perfectly. This was her good eye before, too, nearly 20/20 to begin with, except of course for the cataract.  On the way home, Sis observed after the fact that she now sees better without her glasses than with them.

We took the scenic route to and from her eye doctor's office, and nearly got lost on the way there, because Sis had only her near-vision eye unmasked, and could not contribute to "where we are and where we're going."  We were doing what older ladies who grew up together do:  noting who USED TO live in this house or that, etc.  We remind ourselves of our mom and grandmothers and aunties!  

Once Sis was safely ensconced back in her own home and a few last bend over tasks done by me so she won't be tempted to break her aftercare orders, I came home to find The Prisoner waiting to be pampered, as he should be.  He demanded some lap purring time and I fed him canned food, even though I fed him some Thursday as well.

The photo at the top is my sisters cat, Ginger.  The one on the bed here is her other kitty, Spice.  They were littermates, I believe, but in any case were adopted together.  The amazing thing is that Spice is hyperthyroid, which is controlled by medication... she looks so healthy now, and both of them were very vocal, attentive, and confused by a day when THREE people who usually feed them were present at once!

In the end, I was exhausted at the end of all this and came home to a two hour nap.  I await news of the other patient in the family.

Life is good, and it is precious.  Keep Sparking.  And breathing.


  1. News of the other patient: slow progress. Sodium at 123. Waiting for bowel blockage to clear. One day at a time; Monday discharge estimated. We shall see!

    1. Glad to see that sodium count rising! ((( Big virtual hugs! ))) And prayers for that blockage to clear up soon. You may recall we have one sister very familiar with that particular condition.

  2. What pretty kitties! Look a lot like our Tigger and Bear (when Bear was still with us) I would have needed a nap too. Busy busy!

    1. Cats often look so alike! Ginger looks a lot like my Rubia (also now over the rainbow bridge). And I know your Tigger and my Prisoner look related!

      Writing now on Saturday morning, feeling well rested from a night in my own bed! Hope you have a good weekend!

  3. How did humans navigate the night time paths through the house before the invention of electricity and nightlights?
    The trip to and from the check-up visit sounds like a hoot. How much fun to travel through neighborhoods that trigger warm memories. Nostalgia flexes its muscle this time of year.

    Any disruption of the regular schedule, for me anyhow, causes fatigue. I think of the visits from DGD. When she's here, I stay up later, gotta have game time, and I'm up earlier to prepare for our day. The time flies when she's here, so I want as many extra minutes as possible.

    Hope you receive good news about BIL. Hope that sister continues to heal on her road to recovery.

    Have a restful weekend. 🤗💕💤

    1. Thanks for the good wishes. I am glad I'm not the only one who needs "down time" to assimilate disruptions to the routine. Saturday morning I'm feeling much better after a night in my own bed. I heard from his wife that BIL's sodium was better and they are hopeful he'll get to come home on Monday. Whew!

      May the nostalgia trips you have this season bring you comfort and joy, too.

  4. Glad that your sis’ eye check went so well. Definitely found I saw/see better after the cataract removals then w/glasses. Big hallelujah.

    Awww, Ginger and Spice are adorable!

    Hope that the other patient in the family is improving! OY, enough is enough already!


    1. There is reported progress on the second front, too. Alicia sent a photo of his lunch! That means things are going well.

      Enough is indeed enough!

  5. BF has 4-day weekends the rest of the month (from the date of this blog), having him around so many extra days confuses me, too.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Any disruption to the routine, eh? Hope you and your BF make good use of those 4-day weekends, and can enjoy the season in whatever way seems appropriate to both of you.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...