Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday catching up

 I set myself three tasks for today:  prepare a birthday card for my daughter in law, write the annual Christmas letter to the only friend I still exchange letters with at Christmas, and figure out the shipping equation for my third sister's gift.

Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?  But when one doesn't do things regularly, suddenly they become an exercise in learning all over again.  I started by sorting through the supply of cards, finding one that I wanted for my daughter in law, and one that I wanted for my friend.  Take the lot downstairs.  Pause for coffee.

Prisoner shows his skepticism of the day's plan.

Write check for birthday card (yes, how often do we write paper checks these days? But seriously, I am not a fan of gift cards).  Address the envelope and put on a stamp.  Start writing the Christmas letter, but get interrupted by package delivery.  The last of the Christmas gifts has arrived.

Locate a box that will hold the last sister's wrapped gift and packing paper to fill the gaps.  Seal it up.  Pause to start breakfast cooking.

Back to the Christmas letter.  Finish it up, inserting photos.  Try to print.  Fail.  Printer status "off line".  Several attempts of various sorts later, finally get the letter printed, two pages. You see about things you don't do often? Pause to eat the breakfast that cooked in the meanwhile.

Start researching how to address the box.  Things have changed in the dozen years plus since I was good at shipping care packages to an APO address, including the import/export papers.  Immediately reject the automated address label creation online that requires an account!  Measure and weigh the package.  Create an address label without postage and print it out, not having to go to nearly as much hassle as for the Christmas letter.  You see, we do re-learn!  Seal the address label onto the box.  

Go into paranoia about whether the card with the two page letter will mail on a single stamp.  Thank goodness for kitchen scales.  Insert letter in card, address the envelope and weigh it to make sure it's under an ounce (which I looked up).  It is!  Great sense of victory!

There is now a plan:  go to the post office inside the HyVee to ship the package.  They will tell me how much it costs, and print whatever else needs to be printed.

About now is when I discover that my keys are missing in action.  A search ensues.  Normal spot on the vanity?  Nope.  All the pockets on all the outerwear I wore yesterday?  Nope.  Bathroom counters?  Nope.  Note to self, Mt. St. Omigawd's foothills are growing, I really need to clear off those flat surfaces again!  I have not been good at maintaining them in an orderly fashion.  

Finally give up, breathe, and decide that they will turn up if I just stop stressing.  Get out the backup set of keys. Sure enough, as soon as I put on my coat and went out to the garage, backup keys in hand, and opened the car door?  There were my keys, on the edge of the doorframe.  Seems when I got home from Big Sister watch yesterday, and was juggling the gym bag I used as an overnight back along with the keys and the phone... they fell, I didn't notice, and they stayed out there overnight.

Is the saga over?  Almost... this keystones cops comedy has one more part.  I got to the grocery store with the post office retail space inside, got the package and the cards off in the mail, picked up a few items from the grocery, and went back to the car, only to have the receipt from the post office blow out of my hand and go skittering like dry leaves across the parking lot!  I opened the hatch and put the groceries in before chasing down the errant receipt (because it has the tracking number on it for the package that's winging its way to North Dakota).  I must have looked pretty funny chasing those receipts down!  One had landed in the middle of the road, the other in the drive-through pharmacy lane.

End of adventures.  Enough!

Life is good.  Keep sparking!


  1. You had me guessing there for a while when you mentioned filling out import/export paperwork when preparing for Jen's package to mail. I was wondering if North Dakota had seceded from the Union or if she had moved.

    All was cleared up at the end...

    And, yes, people do still write paper checks. I see a lot of them where I work and actually write a few, also.

    1. I guess I mixed up the timeline there with my old-lady memories of a deployed service member. He's been home and safe now, for over a decade. I was lucky to have a kindly postal clerk who helped me learn that drill with its extra steps... way back when. Glad it cleared up for you!

      As for paper checks, I seldom write them any more... I do for things like the taxes and the dentist. And as gifts.

  2. Making a plan and having a course of action...sure thing! It's nice to know that those things happen to other people besides me. Interruptions and "fixing" techno things have caused me to eat more that one meal that's gotten stone cold, usually the coffee, too. These adventures that try the patience of a saint (I'm not) keep life interesting. The lost keys and fly away receipt would have triggered vocabulary skills that are rarely used. Here's to calmer days ahead. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. πŸ˜‡

    1. Thanks, Jeanne... "vocabulary skills"... LOLOL!

  3. My mom is big on paper checks still. I had to get her a debit card during Covid so I could use it when getting groceries.

    You got lots done and had a plan. but sometimes hiccups happened. It does those things to keep you on your toes.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. My older sis is also a regular paper check writer. Our brother decided to trust the online systems from the financial folks, and that encouraged me to adopt them, too. His daughter ended up working in online security.

      You and your mom have a wonderful day, too! (( little lower case hugs to go with the BIG ones ))

  4. Yup, it is the little stuff and errands that can drive us batty, all I had to do was pick up a document at the bank and look how that went. I firmly believe it is not the big stuff in life but the thousand little things that really get us down. Great to hear you can sit down now and take a break.

    1. The little snags in an otherwise smooth process can drive one nuts, for sure. Glad your "adventure" with the bank personnel ended OK.

      Here's to a Sunday with peaceful breathing, for all!

  5. Glad the wind wasn’t too strong and you were able to retrieve the receipts. Good work! Prisoner’s skepticism 🀣 ~Ace

    1. LOL... we all need a good comedy sketch now and then! And if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at/with? Hugs to you and David, navigating his first full day home!

  6. On days where I feel that I have too much to do the next day, I write out a Have-To-Do-List and a Can-Wait-List, most things end up on the Can-Wait-List, relieving the anxiety/dread. Of course, things like a fly away receipt creep into the Have-To-Do-List every now and then, but my reaction to it is a more positive one😁
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. It helps to be able to laugh at ourselves, doesn't it?

  7. I’ve learned to hold the receipt in my hand as opposed to leaving it on top of a grocery bag where the air curtain at the exit door will blow it right out of the bag🀭
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. LOL! It *was* in my hand, but clearly I was clutching something else in my hand as well, and lost my grip!

    2. I’ve dropped my water bottle “letting go” of the thing hooked on the wrong finger.
      -RunKeeper Dee

    3. I swear you belong in our sister-group, Dee!

    4. Sign me up!!!
      -RunKeeper Dee

  8. I'm a fan of gift check, myself. I don't trust the cards. Mostly the young folks do the phone snap, on line deposit now so that's easy(I suppose, haven't done it yet).

    1. I have tried the phone app deposit deal, and it's awesome! Slowly, step by step, being dragged into the 21st century... only took 23 years, right?


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...