Saturday, December 23, 2023

Ooh... Shades of Harry Potter

The obligatory proof of presence shots.  

An evening planned by the Birthday Girl herself, the group had dinner at the Blue Orchid, a Thai Restaurant in the Haymarket almost / downtown Lincoln if you don't want to count it as Haymarket.  

After that lovely meal we went downstairs to the Boiler Brewing Company for a Jazz Christmas concert by the Darryl White quartet.   

We were very early, and my son offered to buy me a non-alcoholic butterbeer!  Shades of Harry Potter.  They topped it with whipped cream and butterscotch drizzle, and it was perfect for the occasion.

It was so pretty I had to take its picture.

Darryl starred on cornet and trumpet. The bassist was Hans Sturm, the drummer Greg Ahl, and on the keyboards Jeff Jenkins.

Darryl's two young sons along with him, and the youngest one wanted to hear "Jingle Bells" toward the end of the concert.  The little guy got to play the tambourine for the bells.

The guest singer (Julia Olynyk) also had a son along, who was sneaking in taking photos.  Darryl White referenced him as "the paparazzi" at one point, with a smile, while thanking everyone for coming.  One of the most wonderful things was hearing a Christmas song that was new to me:  "I always cry at Christmas".

I was up past my bedtime, for sure, but it was oh, so worth it.  The kids ferried me back to the garage where I'd parked my car, and I made it safely home.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. What an amazing evening!

    Season's Blessings,


    1. It was lovely. Thankfully, nothing today that I had to get up for!

  2. A fun time had by younger and older alike. Beautiful blessings! 🤗❤️

    1. Indeed... a Merry Christmas weekend to you and your Granddaughter... hope you're having fun!

  3. Oh my! Never heard of a butterbeer but it sounds delicious! Sounds like y’all had a wonderful time. That’s what it’s all about.

    LOVE the photos.


    1. Butterbeer was what the young students from Hogwarts could get in the nearby village pub in the Harry Potter series. I don't know if it was a "real" thing before it was popularized as a fictional thing. It was indeed delicious.

  4. That really sounds like a wonderful time with great music too. Great pictures!! Merry Christmas

    1. It was lovely... of course at our table we were rejoicing over the children's interaction with their parents' performances. So cute! Oh, and we were almost visited by a Bernese Mountain dog who came to the door with his people, but they did not stay due to capacity and the concert ongoing. Adorable detour, that was!

  5. What a fun night! The butter beer looks scrumptious ~ Ace

    1. It was. Both fun night and scrumptious fancy drink!

  6. Merry Christmas to you and the Prisoner. That sounds like a great evening that you had.

  7. It sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday with her. The butter beer looks good. I always wonder what it would taste like.

    Merry Christmas to you and the Prisoner. (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. The butterbeer was kind of like creme soda with buttery undertones. Think of sucking on a butterscotch hard candy disk while sipping on creme soda. And of course the whipped cream added to the flavor tones, too.

      Merry Christmas to you and your mom!

    2. And Carl says Merry Woof-mas to Scooter, too!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...