Monday, December 4, 2023

Santa's Helpers

 Or "how does Amazon do it

These two little delivery vans parked in front of my house, Sunday.  They stayed there for a while.  They seemed to be conducting a bit of business exchanging packages for delivery.  

Last year during the Christmas season my trainer and I had noticed one big delivery truck transferring a whole bunch of packages into the back of a minivan in the parking lot of the strip-mall where his studio is located.  

The two vehicles came back and did this on several different days when I was there.  We puzzled over what might be going on.  Today I was gutsy enough to go outside and ask if they were lost or needed any help?

They declined but were polite enough to thank me for asking.

The two trucks stayed in place for maybe half an hour or so.  Maybe they were taking their breaks and doing paperwork related to the exchange.  

At about 5 p.m., they proceeded on their separate ways.


Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Yes, that is indeed puzzling! Never have seen that happen.


    1. I think it's a choice spot because of the ample parking and that a lot of folks in this neighborhood get things delivered. It makes sense in this day and age of electronic tracking.

  2. Because of the season. Because of all the news about porch pirates. Just Because. Maybe a phone call to the local constabulary to inquire about the activity. 🚓

    1. Believe it or not, my trainer and I discussed the possibility last year of doing just that! We did not, however, and when we saw the paperwork being exchanged figured it was an above board thing.

  3. We had them in front of our house a few times. It seems they trade off deliveries to different areas. As long as it's not routine, I'm ok with it.

    1. "As long as it's not routine"... sounds about right.

  4. Amazon lost my last two orders. 🤬 I’m looking for alternatives. -Ace

    1. Growl! Not good. Do you know if they lost them "in the system" or lost them during the delivery process? More than one way to lose an order, and the solution might not be the same.

      "In the system" I might try ordering directly from the manufacturer. But delivery could get screwed up by anyone!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...