Thursday, October 31, 2024

Day 18 - Today I am thankful

Today I am thankful that I am short and the couch is long enough for me to nap on.  Seriously, when the need is there to nap on that big old couch, dog-chewed though it is, I'm glad I can stretch my whole body between the arms!

Ember's digestive issues continued beyond that first night, and I ended up having to clean out the crate on Wednesday.  Between that, giving her a bath, and fixing things that broke (shower door guide)... Overnight Wednesday night was another whole adventure.  

Ember is not a fan of the sky water or getting wet from it.  There was that reluctance added to the gastric stuff, and we had multiple accidents in the house.  

Amid all of that, I noticed she's licking at one of her front paws rather more than the other.  I can see she skinned her nose in the overnight Tuesday, now I'm wondering if she also injured that paw.  There's going to be at least a phone call to the vet's office Thursday!

In the night this feature cropped up:  she went to the front door, not the back door, asking to go out.  I think either the concrete out front is easier on that paw than the splintery deck, OR she had some doggy thought that it would not be dripping sky water on the other side of the house?

Little one is sleeping in the wire crate now.  She has been in the x-pen loose part of the night and chose to nap in the wire crate.  I closed her in for a bit, then opened the door, in case she needed to go out.  We may be about to have a second transition in sleeping arrangements for the pooch.

I'm more concerned about the paw and the poo at the moment.  One challenge at a time, right?  The couch is there for just such times of needed vigilance.

Life is good, despite this.  Keep Sparking, friends!

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Day 17 - Today I am thankful...

I told Facebook this morning that I'm thankful for the ability to take risks.  Some people have no choice, their whole lives consist of risks, every day!  But for me, it is a first world problem; I do have choices about how much risk to take into my day-to-day life.

At the time I posted on FB I was thinking of the risk of taking on a puppy "at my age".  But I have indulged in several "risk for reward" adventures over my lifetime.  Joining Sparkpeople, various attempts at losing and maintaining weight at a healthier level... starting to run longer distances, participating in obstacle courses and later triathlons... all of those involved some level of risk.  One can get hurt taking on voluntary risks.

Some people risk their hearts in romantic relationships.  Some make safer choices, but in the end, partnering in life is a risk, too.  Having children!  Making big purchases "on loan" like a house or a car... risks.

And in order to accept a risk, one needs a certain level of courage.

It is these aspects of human life for which I am grateful today, facing uncertainty with courage, accepting risk, and in many cases, becoming richer, emotionally, intellectually, in our physical and mental health, and if we're fortunate, sometimes materially or financially.

Life is Good!  Keep on Sparking!

Ember is tucked up today, avoiding the sky water (I was grateful a few days ago when it rained... still am!)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Day 16 - today I am thankful...

Bear with me, it's coming. Yesterday afternoon the dog got into the laundry room and ate the cat's food. This gave her diarrhea. This morning I am very thankful that in the night this resulted only in gas. Like I said little things can be big blessings. My baby dog is up early chewing on her bone, the crate is outside, airing, but I'm neither bathing her, nor cleaning out the crate. For this I am thankful.

I wrote this originally on FB in the 4 a.m. hour.  Turned out I was wrong... There was in fact a little soupy poo in the back corner of the crate.  But it could have been so much worse!

Sometimes the gratitude is that things are not worse.

It got me outside in the dark, observing the stars, as is my habit.  Orion is marching farther before sunrise.  By the time we reach US Thanksgiving day, he'll be rising before my bedtime, and setting close to sunrise.

At this point in the calendar year, I can see the Big Dipper pre-dawn.

I am grateful to have learned a few constellation stories when I was young so that the stars became friends in the sky.

Life is good!  Spark on!

Monday, October 28, 2024

Day 15 - Today I am thankful...

 Today I told Facebook that I am thankful I don't have a deadline for when I have to get my gratitudes posted!  Because I'm late posting even over there!

I'm also thankful to have lived long enough to experience life as a retiree.  It's awesome to be able to go to bed and get up with Mr. Sunshine, as I call him to Ember.

By the way, this is a "from the top" shot of Ember from Sunday, in her "We're supposed to go for a walk now, Mom" gate pose.  I may be imagining things, but it looks like maybe her growth pattern has thinned just a shade.  By the way, at the vet's office, when I dropped her off for boarding, I hopped her up on the scale for purposes of feeding guidance.  She refuses to stop growing.  81 pounds now.

Her paws don't show in this shot, but she doesn't look to me as though she's grown into them yet.

Life is good.  Keep on Sparking, my friends!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Day 14 - Today I am thankful...


Today I am thankful to have the household back to its full complement of one puppy, one kitty, and one hu-mom!

Ember seemed pleased to come home, but also tired from all her playing for two days at the day care where she boards.  She retreated into her x-pen and gnawed on her bone, which is where I snapped this photo.

We had a short walk on Sunday morning, during which I felt cold.  Autumn and freezing has been late in arriving, but the chilly mornings are here, for sure.

This is the morning of the Good Life Halfsy, a half marathon event that I participated in several years.  So if I want to go out and get some artificial tears that are more suited to what I need this week, I need to go to a different pharmacy than the closest one (which was out) and the second closest one (which is blocked off for the race).  I am thankful that there are options, that I can drive with my "old" glasses, and that medical technology has got to the point where our vision can be helped when we develop things like cataracts and glaucoma!

Life is good.  Spark on!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Day 13 - Today I am thankful...


It's me, The Prisoner, guest writing again.  This morning, the hu-mom told the book of faces that she's grateful I had some dog-free time of pampering.  She's not the only one, I'm pretty happy about it, too.

Somehow, that puppy won't leave me alone if I want to sit on mom's lap for a cuddle and purr.  And getting in my workout here was pretty special.

Aunt Dottie held me while I purred as mommy brushed me on Friday.

Saturday in the dark of the morning I sprawled on the dog-towel on the kitchen counter, too.

Life is good!  Spark on!

Friday, October 25, 2024

Day 12 - Today I am thankful...


My name is The Prisoner, and Mom asked me to substitute for her Day 12 gratitude post.  She was a little busy this morning.

She did manage to tell the book of Faces that she's thankful for those who driver her to and from her medical appointments.  Today was her cataract surgery on the second (left) eye.  My Aunt Dottie was her driver this morning.

I, The Prisoner, am thankful for a couple of dog-free days, and the chance to cuddle and purr with my Aunt Dottie, too.  I guess I hope that Ember is having fun at the Doggie Hotel she's staying at.

Meanwhile, Mom is kinda blind at the moment with a patch over her eye.  The uncovered eye is the "slightly far-sighted" side, so she's having trouble reading the phone screen!  She says the computer screen is a little better, though, so... there's that.  Tomorrow morning she'll get the eye patch off, and she'll have a different driver, in Carl's mommy.  Thankfully, Carl will not be coming along!

Life is purr-fect!  Spark on!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Day 11 - Today I am thankful...


I told Facebook that I'm grateful for glow in the dark dog toys.  Yep, it doesn't have to be something big, and it can be something silly.

Glow in the dark dog toys, especially a ball to fetch, was something another dog owner who lives in a place where she has to get up before dark recommended a while back.  I finally succumbed to the lure as sunrise started getting later and later.

It's a lifesaver or at least it saves some of the rest of my house from getting shredded.  "Outside" play is harder if you can't see the target, right?  While dog vision is different from human vision, we can both pick out this ball!

Life is good!  Spark on.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Day 10 - Today I am thankful...


Today I am thankful for hot water, or so I told Facebook this morning, after enjoying my morning shower, nay, savoring it!

Since then, I've noted gratitude for grocery clerks who check the condition of my eggs at the counter.  This morning, they caught a cracked egg that I had not noticed when I checked the carton back in the aisles.

Seems like gratitude for a "taken for granted" item first thing in the morning sets one up for gratitude chains that run all day.

Life is good.  Spark on!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Day 9 - Today I am thankful

 As I told the book of faces this morning, today is easy.  I am thankful for the rain we got yesterday afternoon and into the overnight hours.  We needed it badly!

The little one, clean, from Tuesday morning on the deck.

I had my trainer workout this morning, the last one before Friday a.m.'s scheduled cataract surgery.  Ember will go to the doggy hotel from Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon so that I have one less thing to stress over.  I know she loves the staff there, and they take good care of her.

My drivers are confirmed for both the day of surgery and the checkup the day after.

This?  Oh, it's the shampoo that leaked out of the bottle that Ember nabbed during her bath on Sunday.  I mentioned it in Monday's blog.  In the aftermath I just put the leaking bottle in the container there and let it leak down to the piercings.  Still usable!  Guess that's also something to be thankful for.

Life is good.  Spark on!

Monday, October 21, 2024

Day 8 - Today I am Thankful...


I told the book of faces that I'm thankful for humor and the ability to laugh when things don't go "as planned".

See the dirty dog in the photo?  This was Sunday after an outing to the "big" dog park, the one with the stream running through it.  She got thoroughly muddy, so that means a bath.  I don't have a photo of her cleaned up, I was too busy cleaning up after the clean up!

Let's see, what all happened in that episode?  Well, of course, she grabbed the shower mat (the non-slip one from inside the shower), and I had to get it away and up.  She stole one of the dog-washing gloves, and I just let her have it, so I could rub on her dog shampoo.

She managed to get up on her hind paws and snatch my human shampoo bottle, and of course pierce it with her teeth, so some of my stair carpet got some extra spot cleaning.  I don't know how one dog's coat can hold that much dirt, but it can!

In the after-bath disarray, she got into my bedroom.  I must not have checked the latch very well.  Amazingly, the damage in there was not as bad as it could have been.  She did turn over the two waste baskets, but that's just paper goods.  She got a stack of books and notebooks off one flat surface and managed to damage a spiral notebook.  The entries in that one dated back to 2012 and were sporadic.  I ended up shredding the used pages, and only keeping the blank sheets.  I snipped out the plastic spiral where it was damaged.

Having a puppy in the house, I am never bored, and as long as I keep that sense of humor about it, and a curiosity about my little fur-love, life will continue to be good!

Keep Sparking!

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Day 7 - Today I am thankful...

 I told Facebook that I'm thankful for learning, my own and that of others.  Learning has taken on whole new meanings with a puppy growing up under my roof.  

Doesn't she take on the "ash on a briquette" look with the sun shining on her coat in the afternoon on the deck?  This was during a disappointing football game on TV... joy was right outside my door.

What can one learn from the attitude of a puppy?  Lots!  Like that "keeping score is not necessary in life".

We are working on hand targeting and learning to love "unfun" toys... all in preparation for eventually learning a formal retrieve. 

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Day 6 - Today I am thankful...


Over on Facebook, I posted my gratitude for good sleep.  This one comes up every year.  There is always one morning, at the very least, when I wake up and feel... thankful for the rest I have just had.  This is something I've been grateful for before.  I continue to be grateful for it, and try to be conscious of that morning awareness that sleep was good!

I picked a photo of Ember napping by the sliding glass door to the deck to go with this particular thankfulness... I'm also grateful when she sleeps.  Puppies need their sleep, as well as their food and their exercise!

Ember, in case you are missing the daily reports, is doing well.  Today we took the "long loop" in reverse order.  The one that looks like a gorilla's head.  I'm convinced that RunKeeper got the mileage wrong, saying we went 1.58 miles.  Tuesday morning it clocked the same route at 1.26 miles, in the other direction.  Looking at the difference in the maps, it looks as though we went down a different street on the way back today, but I know we did not!  

Toward the end of the walk, Ember took a sudden lunge at a squirrel.  I did not get pulled off my feet, and she did not get all the way to the squirrel, but it startled me as she has so far not done this.  Could be the beginning of a new phase.

On Thursday I had my pre-op visit with my regular doctor.  He was very happy with my weight "correction" since January, and when I enthused over the positive influence of Ember's residence at my house, he joked that he might have to start prescribing puppies!

Life is good.  Spark on!

Friday, October 18, 2024

Day 5: Today I am thankful...


The autumn colors are late in arriving.  It's mid-October, and they are only just beginning to arrive.  But we did have our first freeze warning (and first freeze) of the season earlier in the week, and it is now "Indian Summer".

Today I am thankful for this season that is really a part of another season.  After the first freeze, the allergens settle down.  As the sun is changing angles at the start and end of the day, the sky and buildings and trees take on a 3-dimensional aspect that they don't seem to have during other parts of the year.

In Indian Summer, the mornings are cool, sometimes even cold.  The afternoons are warm, but not hot, like true Summer.  Warming up the kitchen with traditional smells of cooking is a welcome and cozy tradition.

I'm prizing the waning hours of sunshine.

Life is good.  Spark on!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Day 4: Today I am thankful...


Today I am thankful for things that sometimes irritate me in the short term.  I'm talking about technology.  There is a point in life where one becomes pretty proficient at what it takes to live.

Then technology comes along and changes the rules!

Today I'm thankful for having to learn new technology to navigate the world in terms of exchange of services and good.

Little things that have bugged me:  changing the way we pay for parking meters, or pay bills online, or even donate to our favorite charities.  It takes some learning, and sometimes you just feel (once you've reached that point in life) that you just don't have the bandwidth to learn this new thing.

Then once you learn it, it becomes "no big deal".  Cell phones and tablets and swiping and pinching and touch screens and drive-through "everything"... all of them have replaced "the way it was" when I was a kid and even a young adult.  Amazing!

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Day 3: Today I am grateful

Today I am grateful for a warm house when the temperatures finally decided to drop.  I am thankful that it's only gone down to 31 degrees on its way to 30, as opposed to the 26 the weatherman said.  I did not drain the main line of the underground water sprinklers, but I did turn it off for the 4 a.m. schedule for this morning.

Val said she could tell better whether Ember was "overweight" from a photo from directly above.  Here she was eating her breakfast Tuesday morning.  I'm thinking I might take some progress photos over time to see how the waist starts to reappear.  Who knew I'd be having to manage a dog's diet?

Life is good.  Spark on!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Day 2: today I am grateful


Today I am thankful the peace that comes from the fact that Ember does not bark at squirrels.  I can't even take credit for it, even though I was careful not to use the word in front of her or excite her over their existence.  I think a good part of it is just in her genes!

Here's a link to a video of the squirrel running across the top of the fence.  If you turn on the audio, you can hear the absence of barking.  Ember was sitting right below on the shed pad, with me.

Life is good.  Spark on.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Thanksgiving Season begins

One thing I neglected to mention about Friday morning what's the smoke. There was a fire to the South and west of me, maybe six or seven miles away.  The smoke was so thick before sunrise, it was as though the whole neighborhood it started up their charcoal grills.  

The reason I mention it now is that Saturday morning I woke with phlegm on the cloudy side.  I think I breathed too much of that Smoky air before it cleared off.  It got better as the day wore on, but Sunday morning, still seeing a less-than-ideal nasal discharge.

As a result, I kept the weekend pretty quiet.  Ember and I did a morning walk on both Saturday and Sunday, and a trip to the dog park between puppy naps #1 and #2 each day, too.  I did dash out to get groceries, as well.

Here's Ember, sunning herself on a cool and breezy Sunday afternoon shortly before I tucked her in for puppy nap #2 of the day.

Monday morning as I type, and it is Thanksgiving Day in Canada and some other nations around the globe.  Traditionally, I post gratitude every day between Canada's Thanksgiving Day and the US Version.  This year that will be 45 days this year.  I am no longer restricting myself to no duplicates, as that's too much keeping track for me.  I am also going to do a little projection this year, not just what I'm grateful for, but what I think Ember and The Prisoner might be thankful for.

I promised the family that Day 1 (Today) my gratitude would be for the kindness of strangers.  Specifically for all those strangers that come to my rescue when I am out and about with Ember and she goes into her "no legs" routine, refusing to get back in the car for the trip home.

Sunday when she did this at the dog park, a very fit young man was walking a tiny dog back to his own car, and he volunteered not just to hold the leash for me to lure her.  "I can just pick her up and put her in," he declared.  Most of my helpers of late had been older, like me, and having them hold her leash while I tempted her from the other side of the car had become my go-to strategy.  This young dude schlepped her up, same as my son does, and into the back seat she went, quite happy with her reward (being picked up is apparently a reward).

People are awesome!  I am grateful for every parent, schoolteacher, store owner, pastor, mentor, etc. who helps children develop into kind and respectful young people who are ready to take their place in adult society.  Kindness rules!  For this, I am thankful.

Life is Good.  Spark on!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Reusing stuff you already have

 Written on Wednesday:

Ember likes big toys.  You may or may not recognize this one.  In 2009/2010 when my son was deployed, this was "Rawlings" the basketball I tried to deflate to ship overseas to him.  I ended up ordering one directly delivered to his APO from Amazon, instead.  Rawlings, named because of "Wilson" in the movie Castaway, remains at my house, and when Ember started exploring the basement, out he came to play.
She can actually pick him up with her mouth and carry him around.

The photo on the right is me holding Rawlings in 2011.  That year I did a once a month (on the last day of the month) progress photo for a year, then followed up the next year, month by month, with a recreate of the same pose, showing the effect of fitness training while maintaining weight.

Written on Friday:

Thursday was a bit of a dumpster fire around here.  Ember not only refused to get into the car to go to the dog park, but she proceeded to tear into a bag of clover seed.  She also ate an apple core she found in a bush on our leash walk Thursday morning.  I sacrificed a cardboard box to her to keep her from barging into the cat's room while he was there.

On the plus side, we did "the big loop" on our leash walk for the first time, covering 1.24 miles total.  She would have been familiar with both the start and the end parts of this walk, but the connecting stretch was totally new to her.  The apple core was close to the beginning of the walk.  Perhaps the length of the walk contributed to her reluctance to want to go run with other puppies, too.

End of the day, I was feeling bummed and low energy and went after sugar in the kitchen.  I was also worried about my cousins in the Tampa, Florida area.  The one that I ran a half marathon with down there had a tree fall on her garage during a pretty awful night of Milton coming through.  Her mom fared OK, though, and no people in the family were injured, so that's always the good news.

Friday morning, Ember and I had a shorter morning walk.  As we were on the far corner, we came across a garage sale.  For sale, among other things, were three dog crates.

I saw the biggest of the three from across the street and wondered if it were large enough for her to easily sit inside, which is a requirement for several stages of "crate games".  Crate games is day 6.  It's also the place where I got stuck in the Recallers program.  Having a well trained Crate Games behavior is vital to so many later games in the program.

The photo is "after" I got it home.  The seller helped me collapse and load it into my little Dexter (Honda Fit), and asked if I had someone at home to help me unload it.  I said no, but that I was sure I could handle it, and I was right.  I reassembled it in my kitchen/dining area and put a couple of towels that I'd been using for Ember "hot zones" inside.

After letting Ember out of her original crate and working with familiarizing her with the big training one, we got in the car and went to the dog park, where she ran around with her doggie friends.

When we got home, I made us salads, and after she finished hers and I was eating my own, I heard those sounds of... impending loss of tummy contents.  Yep, she lost a whole tummy full!

Looked like something she picked up at the dog park (a beggin' strip?), plus some of her partially digested breakfast, assorted treats, and of course, her "salad".  Cleanup on aisle seven!  I did what any fur-mommy would do, went back through all the things that could have contributed to her upset tummy, including the apple core, her habit of inhaling EVERYTHING, and the car ride.

She was a little low energy after that.  She put herself to bed in the new crate, melting her mommy's heart.

She stayed there snoozing for 15-20 minutes before moving out to lay by the back door.  I had left the door open the whole time.

I sang her to bed in her plastic crate after a little, put a load of laundry in, and came upstairs to blog.

Life continues to be good in Emberville.  Spark on, everyone!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Memory is such a funny thing

I think I have mentioned that I sing to Ember, especially when it's time for a nap or bedtime.  I had been singing "Oh where oh where has my little dog gone" but someone mentioned a week and a half ago that they remembered "How much is that doggy in the window"... and I tried that one.  I found out Ember likes it better.  Especially when I voice the "arf, arf, arf"!  She comes running, looks into my eyes, and licks me.

What started this whole thing is that the lyrics to the song came back in a strange order.  Here's what I sort of remember (and I learned this from a plastic record that we played at 78 rpm on a kid's record player when I was pre-school age).

"How much is that doggy in the window?  (arf, arf) The one with the waggly tail?

"How much is that doggy in the window?  (arf, arf) I do hope that doggy is for sale.

"I must take a trip to California, and leave my poor sweetheart alone.  If he has a dog, he won't be lonely, and the doggy will have a good home (arf, arf, arf).

"I read in the paper there are robbers.  With flashlights that shine in the dark.  My love needs a doggy to protect him (arf, arf), and scare them away with one bark (arf, arf, arf)"

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I can tell you, the chorus came back to me first.  The love needing a doggy to protect him and scare the robbers away came next, but I couldn't remember "read in the paper"... that was the last bit that came back.  I remembered "I must take a trip to California" third.  And the doggy would have a good home came back before "if he has a dog he won't be lonely".  

And I marveled at how memory fills in gaps in an order of its own choosing.  I did not look any of this up on Google, by the way, and still have not.  Anybody else remember the lyrics the same or differently?

Added Wednesday morning

"I don't want a bunny or a kitty.  (arf, arf) "I don't want a parrot that talks.

"I don't want a bowl of little fishies. (arf, arf) "You can't take a goldfish for walks.  (arf, arf, arf)

My little love, playing tug with me this morning, holding the flirty lure bit with her paws.  This episode, and for that matter, how we are learning to play tug with toys that have a puppy end and a human end, turned my mind to "this is how puppies learn the laws of physics".  Action, reaction.  That cord that I'm holding the end of is a bungee.

Life is good.  Spark on!

Monday, October 7, 2024

A one-dog weekend!


Saturday afternoon sunning.  Would you believe it got up to 96 degrees Fahrenheit?  On October 5th?  Those football players must have had a rough time of it down on the field at 3 p.m.

Mom actually watched most of the game, on TV, while the Cornhuskers seemed to be reviving their old winning ways.  Knock wood!  They are now 5-1 on the season, having defeated Rutgers in the heat.

Mom calls this one a moment of peace.  A warm puppy and a biocoffee in the mug.  

Ember slept outside the crate for puppy nap #2 on Saturday and had at least part of her pupsicle in her X-Pen.  As warm as it was, it was a good day to just chill.

Sunday morning challenge was that Mommy put on a different pair of shoes.  Mommy did her distraction thing to get the focus on other things.  One thing that startled Ember on Sunday morning was the discovery that if she dropped her big bone on the tile floor, it clattered loudly.  She went into indoor zoomies over that one.

Sunday featured a morning neighborhood walk, and a late morning visit to the dog park.  I seemed to have a hungry puppy on my hands.

At the dog park, I walked Ember on leash outside the fence for a bit before going into the "free play" area.  Someone had brought a child that looked to be five of six and said child was hanging out around the entrance to the park while parental unit was chatting with another adult.  I was concerned about the clump of dogs, the child, and Ember the adolescent puppy who loves people but doesn't always greet appropriately!

Still, we got inside.  Given that I had a pouch full of treats, I attracted lots of dogs.  I would ask their owners if it was OK to give them treats before I did, just because.  Another dog owner had an "open bar" bowl of water at his picnic table base, and Ember took advantage of both that one, and one at the entrance before we left.  On Sunday I figured a way to get her back in the car without assistance of another human!  I crawled into the backseat myself, and across it, and out the other side, turning it into an agility "tunnel".  Ember followed me in once I got out the other side, and happily allowed herself to be clipped into her seat belt.

At home, there was a roast in the crock pot, and an ounce and a quarter of that became the topper for Ember's supper kibble.  She ate the roast pieces, but did not polish off the kibble.  All the treats from the morning filled her up.

Monday morning, we had a fly inside the house!  Given that we keep the sliding door open at lot for ease of Ember entrances and exits, this should surprise no one.

I was distracted for a minute and left the flyswatter on the counter.  One of Ember's favorite toys.  Flyswatter.  Dust pan.  Empty plastic bottles.  Anything she can destroy.

We had a neighborhood walk before Mom cooked her own breakfast.  Mom kind of overdid the fat and sugar and even some flour Sunday night, trying to regulate her feelings after Ember chose the basement level to use like a giant pee-pad... both pee and poo.  I cleaned it up. I put her to bed and then I went nuts in the kitchen.

Sunday night I did not sleep well.  I cannot do the night before / morning after thing these days.  Too hard on the body.  I was therefore not hungry Monday morning at the usual time.  Ember did not seem to mind going for a walk without waiting for Mom's breakfast.  We used to do it that way when the sun rose earlier, anyway.

During puppy nap #1 I did a little furthering of the deconstruct of the sliding door myself.  After puppy nap #1 the HVAC guy came to do the annual heating check of the furnace.  All clear for the heating season.

It was a bit of a shuffle to get Ember out of the way, into the back yard, and later into her X-Pen, so as not to interfere with the young man's work.

After he left, we did a reward trip to the dog park.  Ember raced around with a whole new group of dogs.  She's getting to expect this level of exercise, and I truly appreciate how calm she becomes afterward.  From just three trips to the park.

We'll see how Tuesday goes!

Life is Good.  Keep Sparking!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Don't fix the item until ...

... you get the dog trained to ignore it!

Next time I get some fool idea in my head about "fixing" something the dog has damaged, remind me... If you cannot manage the environment to keep her away from it, she will attack the replacement "fix", too.

We have tried "train", we have tried "manage", we are down to "ignore and hope she grows out of it?"

I wasted my money having that door replaced.  It did not keep her out of the basement level of the house, and once she found she could get purchase on it with her teeth... matter of time.  I am not going to spend more money having them come and uninstall it.  Eventually I will get around to doing it myself.

Yes, Ember has plenty of approved chew things around.  Yes, I can sometimes distract her, but it's temporary.  No, I can't gate her off of this one.  I am all out of baby gates, and when she really wants to, she can get through them.

When she can't get past a gate, she sometimes goes after the wall, too, stripping wallpaper, and putting tooth marks on the drywall.

When does this usually happen?  Pre-sunrise!  Before I can get her outside to run, chase balls, and play.  I do try to distract with training games, but until I get the crate games training figured out, I'm putting my blinders on.

It also happens when she is bored.  Saturday afternoon it was too hot out to take a leash walk, too hot to play chase the ball, she was napping on the floor in her new sized harness.

I ordered this harness a couple of months ago about the time she got spayed.  Now it fits.  We will take it for a spin with a leash walk on Sunday.  Sunday's supposed to be about 20 degrees cooler for its high!

My favorite political sign.  It seems to say we're all neighbors whatever our political philosophies may be.  I snapped this photo Saturday morning while walking Ember.

Life is good!  Keep on Sparking!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Over-extended and too tired to blog?


That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.  Normally this phase hits me in about July.  It came late this year.  Just one or two too many social things, including social with dogs, and it becomes that proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for me.

This photo was an experiment, taken Thursday morning, pre-sunrise with a flash.  It shows Ember chewing on the playhouse ladder, while two tennis balls I attempted to distract her with lay on either side of her.  We do try to play a bit of chase the ball, even before the sun comes up.

It's been a busy couple of days since the birthday dinner for DIL's mom.  I had my personal trainer session on Thursday morning.  Ember and I did a turn around the block on leash before I went to my workout.

Then in the afternoon, with naptimes somewhat skewed again on Thursday, I took Ember to the dog park for the first time "solo".  We had gone a couple of times when we were coordinating with when my son and his wife were bringing Carl to the "big" dog park.

This time I took her to a smaller one, and we got very lucky.  There was a nine-month old Rottweiler named Cora, and an 18-month-old Bernese Mountain dog named Neffie, and it was just the three musketeers (would you believe Ember is 8 months old now?)  For the first 15 minutes or so, it was just them, and then a few more dogs showed up with their people.

Ember was not particularly happy with the thought of coming home, but someone who was just arriving with her dogs helped me lure her into my backseat, and home we came.  She was tuckered out and went to bed easily.

Friday morning's leash walk ended in our own back yard with some off-leash time playing with Barnaby.  Unfortunately, Bill (Barnaby's human) and I did not handle the entry very well, and Bill ended up on the ground when Barnaby took off with Ember in full flight.  Bill was mostly unharmed, no broken bones or anything, and we sat in lawn chairs watching the canines cavort, but we're both already strategizing on a better way to enter the back yard.  I think we need to insert Barnaby through the gate before letting Ember out through the back door... it was particularly hard this morning as they greeted one another on-leash at the sidewalk/driveway intersection before we tried to get them into the yard.  

Human lessons learned.  Bill had a bit of a scrape on his elbow, and I checked in via text later in the day to make sure he was washed up and patched up and OK.  We'll do better next time.  As Bill said, Barnaby needs to run like he does off leash with Ember.  And I have this big backyard space, we may as well get the use out of it!

During Puppy nap #1 on Friday, I filled out my ballot for the November 5th election.  When Ember got up from her nap, among other things we went for a ride in the car to go put that ballot in the election commissions drop box.  I can now ignore the political ads for the remainder of election season.  Did my civic duty.  The ballot issues are worth watching in our state.  I mean, we are unique... we have only one legislative house, the Senate.  "The People's house", if you will, in Nebraska, is not a "house of representatives", it is the voters.  And we take our role seriously.  We the people of the State of Nebraska will decide by our votes if we want to fund private schools out of our tax dollars, if we want to de-criminalize medical marijuana, and if we will leave the issue of abortion between a woman and her medical providers.

Enough about politics... my favorite political sign is up the street.  In red, white and blue, it simply says "Dogs / 2024".

I promised Ember that if we took that ride, we'd stop somewhere fun on the way home, and we did.  We stopped at the park closest to the home where I grew up and got out to sniff at just about every tree in the place.  The park has changed since I was a kid (obviously).

There is now a disc golf course in the park, a nice cushiony floored playground, and the drainage is now protected from children exploring it the way my brother and I did as kids.

The park was in good use while we were there, in the 11 a.m. to 12:30 time frame.  A mom and her child on the playground.  Several disc golf players.  A couple picnicking at one of the tables.  Someone sleeping on the wall at the edge of the playground.  And a caretaker with her wheelchair-bound charge.

Ember got pets from a few of them, and in general behaved very well.  At the end of our visit, I prevailed on one of the disc golfers to help me entice her back into the car.

The short trip home was too much for her little tummy. We got home to a seat-cover full of what used to inhabit her stomach.  Poor baby.  Got her inside and settled, then cleaned up the car.  I pretty much let her nap outside the crate until suppertime.  I fed her and tucked her into her crate.  I came back upstairs, where I'm typing this out to let folks know, that Life is Still Good, here in Emberville, and to remind us to Keep Sparking!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mid-week family celebration


First attempt at executing the Thrasher guy's suggestion.  After I took the picture, I tried to stamp down the topsoil a bit more.  

Wednesday morning at 4 a.m. the automatic sprinklers went off.  She had not completely dug it out again, yet.

Ember was due for her bordatella vax Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m.  I let her nap outside the crate ahead of that.  It also gave me a chance to weigh her: 76 pounds.  She's now 8 months old, and that's a new feeding amount range, for her kibble, in fact reducing it a bit.  

I felt like I was doing a guessing game with the amounts, between kibble, canned food (1/2 can a day), training treats and "just because" treats, including chew sticks and bones.  I asked the vet tech whether I'm feeding appropriately.  Vet tech felt for her ribs, and could not find them easily, so she's a bit "chunky" at this time.  She gave me some tips on what's healthy in a dog... in terms of feeling the rib cage.  

So, we shall work further on reducing things like whipped cream lures to get her into the crate, reducing the IYC treat amounts, etc., and monitor, as they say.  I think I can also work on getting her a bit more exercise.  Since her spay in August, I have not been taking her on as many leash walks.  And I think at 8 months, and with an improving recall, maybe it's time to introduce her to the dog park, not just her back yard.

Barnaby (rough coated collie) and his humans are back from their Summer in the Pacific Northwest, so inviting him over to play off leash is another option.  

Wednesday morning, after leash walk, before vet visit, "outside, looking in".

The day continued, kind of time-skewed, as I was also trying to make the birthday dinner thing work out so Ember would be OK in her crate while I went.

She went in for puppy nap #2/bedtime a little before 4 p.m. giving me time to shower and change and drive across town for the 6 p.m. dinner.

It was held at a rather posh place, with outdoor seating, called The Barred Owl.

DIL's mom picked the place, and invited me to come, and it was perfect!  The weather was perfect for the 6th floor balcony at sunset.  We had plates of hor d'oerves, pretty much, and "special drinks", one apiece.  Mine and Kam's matched, a cherry limeade, while the rest of the crew enjoyed adult libations with creative names, like "The Bobfather" (which, naturally, Bob had to order).

Partway through, I noticed the reflection of the sun on its way to setting on that window you see in this photo... had split the sun into two suns.  It did not photograph that way, but my mouth dropped the words, "We're on Tatooine!  Double Sun!"

This place is on the University's Innovation Campus, which is on the former State Fairgrounds land.  It's flat, and being elevated, the views to the horizon are stunning.  The airport takeoffs and landings can be watched.  The lights in the background are the ones that light up Memorial Stadium for night football games.  The old folks in the crowd were musing on the buildings that used to occupy this space.  The old industrial arts building from the fairgrounds still stands.

Shortly before sunset, I took one of my typically pathetic selfies... proof of presence.

I am respecting the rules about no photos of the foster family, including child... but let me just say, for a six-year-old, this boy does amazingly well in adult settings!  As he got a bit more tired, he started to act more like a normal child, swinging on two chairs, and wandering about the balcony.  His parents split the child-watching duties, to make sure he stayed safe and didn't fall off the edge or anything of that nature, or bother other patrons of the bar.

I drove home about 7:40 p.m., after sunset, and it only confirmed my decision to have the cataract surgery sooner rather than later.  It's the left eye this time, and the glare from headlights is more bothersome than it was when it was the right eye.

When I got home, I quickly changed shoes and shirt, then let Ember out for her "last call".  She once again, as she did last week, sniffed suspiciously at mommy's jeans.  Clearly mom had been someplace having human fun, eating human food, with other humans!

But she did her business and went back to bed in her crate with a little treat encouragement. 

Life is good!  Keep Sparking! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tumbling through Tuesday


Tuesday morning started with me oversleeping.  I didn't wake up until nearly 6 a.m.  The household has been about an hour behind all day ever since.  

I was glad that I had waved off the personal trainer session when I had my driver's license renewal scheduled for Tuesday morning.  I'm just too wiped out to do more than I'm doing minute by minute today.

Since we started the day late, and I had my oatmeal on the regular schedule, Ember was not ready to go down for her nap yet.  We went for a neighborhood leash walk, and then she went down for her nap at 9, rather than 8.

I got into the car to drive over to pick up dog food, and my phone rang.  It was the Thrasher guys.  They had a cancellation, could they come this morning instead?  So, shuffle the plans.

The gentleman came, looked at Ember's excavation, and pronounced that given how they had installed those pillars it was in no danger of collapse. He had the records of what they had done, with a concrete bottom layer, topped by crushed rock, and then that square metal platform before those solid pillars.  He showed me how it was supporting well.  Ember had dug down to where we could see the metal platform.

His recommendation for correcting the dog's efforts was to keep filling it in with topsoil and tamping it down, each time she re-digs it.  Cost to me?   $0 for the assessment.  $2.99 a bag for a few bags of topsoil.  That takes the October 14th appointment off my calendar, too.

I picked up topsoil, the dog food, and a replacement toy for the turquoise unicorn that was destroyed during the two-dog weekend.  This one is a cow, I think.  I also got her a beef center bone, as that was one of the things she really liked during the dog swap day, over at Carl's house.

Ember gnawed on that bone for an hour!  

Then while I was getting ready to go outside, she disappeared and was very, very quiet.  Suspicious, I checked the basement:  the laundry room door was open!  My mistake. I must have left it open when I escorted the cat out during puppy nap #1.  Ember had snarfed all the cat's dry food and was not going to leave the laundry room.

I put a leash on her.  She resisted.  Tossed treats to "search" into the big room... she was still surfing the carpet under the dryer for leftover cat kibble.  I ended up having to go get cheese out of the fridge and run away to entice her to chase me. That got her moved beyond the laundry room door.  I reached back and closed it behind me.

I fed her "salad", then observed that she was getting sleepy.  Sure enough, we were about an hour late starting puppy nap #2, at about 1 p.m.  I came upstairs to write this blog, and then I intend to close my eyes again for a while.

Meanwhile, across town

Got a text from my DIL... they will be signing papers tonight.  They are accepting placement of Kam, the little boy they provided respite for last week, and a prior weekend, the one who joined us for family dinner.  We're all thrilled!  The stability of my son and his wife on a regular basis, hopefully for at least several months should be good for this child.  I hope the new foster parents are ready for this!  It's pretty for-real, and parenting is always a work in progress, as those of us who have been through it know.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!

A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...