Saturday, October 19, 2024

Day 6 - Today I am thankful...


Over on Facebook, I posted my gratitude for good sleep.  This one comes up every year.  There is always one morning, at the very least, when I wake up and feel... thankful for the rest I have just had.  This is something I've been grateful for before.  I continue to be grateful for it, and try to be conscious of that morning awareness that sleep was good!

I picked a photo of Ember napping by the sliding glass door to the deck to go with this particular thankfulness... I'm also grateful when she sleeps.  Puppies need their sleep, as well as their food and their exercise!

Ember, in case you are missing the daily reports, is doing well.  Today we took the "long loop" in reverse order.  The one that looks like a gorilla's head.  I'm convinced that RunKeeper got the mileage wrong, saying we went 1.58 miles.  Tuesday morning it clocked the same route at 1.26 miles, in the other direction.  Looking at the difference in the maps, it looks as though we went down a different street on the way back today, but I know we did not!  

Toward the end of the walk, Ember took a sudden lunge at a squirrel.  I did not get pulled off my feet, and she did not get all the way to the squirrel, but it startled me as she has so far not done this.  Could be the beginning of a new phase.

On Thursday I had my pre-op visit with my regular doctor.  He was very happy with my weight "correction" since January, and when I enthused over the positive influence of Ember's residence at my house, he joked that he might have to start prescribing puppies!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. This time of the year does induce better sleep for me. Maybe it’s just being cuddled under the blankets, maybe it’s Miss Lilly plastered against me to snatch any body warmth she can. . . but whatever it is, I love it.

    I LOVE it. Would love to hand a script for a PUPPY to the pharmacist! LOL

    Here’s to a wonderful Saturday.


    1. Don't think the pharmacist could fill it! LOL, you might have to go to a specialized dealer, like you do for medical marijuana?

  2. Today I am thankful for family members who came to help with emptying sheds in preparation for demolition.

    1. Family who show up to help out... awesome thing to be grateful for!

  3. ALICIA363
    I love the idea of puppies as a prescription for patients that would benefit from it!

    1. Wouldn't it be great? Tax deduction for your dog's expense?

  4. Now that would be a great prescription - puppies! I am grateful too that I sleep very well and it is rare that I don't have a good nights sleep and that happens because I did something I knew better about during the day. Have a great day!

    1. Yes! I find when I have trouble sleeping it can be traced to something dietary!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...