Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Memory is such a funny thing

I think I have mentioned that I sing to Ember, especially when it's time for a nap or bedtime.  I had been singing "Oh where oh where has my little dog gone" but someone mentioned a week and a half ago that they remembered "How much is that doggy in the window"... and I tried that one.  I found out Ember likes it better.  Especially when I voice the "arf, arf, arf"!  She comes running, looks into my eyes, and licks me.

What started this whole thing is that the lyrics to the song came back in a strange order.  Here's what I sort of remember (and I learned this from a plastic record that we played at 78 rpm on a kid's record player when I was pre-school age).

"How much is that doggy in the window?  (arf, arf) The one with the waggly tail?

"How much is that doggy in the window?  (arf, arf) I do hope that doggy is for sale.

"I must take a trip to California, and leave my poor sweetheart alone.  If he has a dog, he won't be lonely, and the doggy will have a good home (arf, arf, arf).

"I read in the paper there are robbers.  With flashlights that shine in the dark.  My love needs a doggy to protect him (arf, arf), and scare them away with one bark (arf, arf, arf)"

I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I can tell you, the chorus came back to me first.  The love needing a doggy to protect him and scare the robbers away came next, but I couldn't remember "read in the paper"... that was the last bit that came back.  I remembered "I must take a trip to California" third.  And the doggy would have a good home came back before "if he has a dog he won't be lonely".  

And I marveled at how memory fills in gaps in an order of its own choosing.  I did not look any of this up on Google, by the way, and still have not.  Anybody else remember the lyrics the same or differently?

Added Wednesday morning

"I don't want a bunny or a kitty.  (arf, arf) "I don't want a parrot that talks.

"I don't want a bowl of little fishies. (arf, arf) "You can't take a goldfish for walks.  (arf, arf, arf)

My little love, playing tug with me this morning, holding the flirty lure bit with her paws.  This episode, and for that matter, how we are learning to play tug with toys that have a puppy end and a human end, turned my mind to "this is how puppies learn the laws of physics".  Action, reaction.  That cord that I'm holding the end of is a bungee.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Yup, definitely memory is a funny thing and yup, song often come that way to me. I remember that song although not many of the verses, we never owned a doggy so I would change the words to kitty - LOL Have a great day!

    1. I can see changing the words to suit your own pets! My mom used to do that all the time.

  2. I remember that song. It caused many an ear worm in its time. 🎢🎢🎢

    1. It's been fun starting to remember all the "dog" songs. Do you remember the "Pokey, Little Puppy"? We had that one as a record, too... might have been the flip side of Doggie in the Window. I only nowadays realize that my mom had a dog growing up, and that might have fueled her providing us with these as tunes when we had only cats in her marital home.

  3. Sweet! I remember both those doggie songs! And so cute that Ember goes to you, looks you in the eyes and licks you! SHE KNOWS those are her special songs from her Hu-Mom! Wow! I just remember the first verse from that song! For your listening entertainment! And the doggie Patti Page is holding looks like a little Ember! Have to cut and paste.

    Bing Videos

    Here’s to a great Wednesday.


  4. PHOENIX1949

    A childhood friend who moved away from here right after college, brought up the "Doggie in the Window" song when visiting us about 5 years ago. Then she commented that her mother's sister was Patti Page's pianist for a very long time and began reeling off a list of songs sung by her. A few were familiar to me as my parents listened to Gospel music and Country Western on the stereo (didn't have any albums or records). With the evolution of the transistor radio, we teens tuned into the Top 40 stations.

    During the Jan 6 committee hearings when one certain person on the panel would speak, Bailey (RIP) would stop what she was doing and sit at attention in front of the TV -- made me wonder if the lady sounded like her previous owner.

    Got my mail-in ballot yesterday.

    Praying for the folks in Florida.

    1. Bank your vote! Good woman! I'm also praying for Florida, but I'm much comforted by my cousin's rational posts about how the news hypes it up for "the rest of the country" when they have lived through countless hurricanes down there and know what to do... run from the water, hide from the wind, and be prepared to be without power. But I also note that only those who can afford to have those "up to code" homes are "safe" to ride it out. If poverty kept you from preparing, you are the ones that get shown on the national news. So, yes, praying. That storm will go somewhere!

  5. That's a really interesting observation! It's amazing how our memories can fill in the blanks and create their own narratives.

    As for the song lyrics, I don't remember that exact version, but it sounds familiar. It's possible that there are different variations of the song or that your memory has added a unique twist.

    And your connection to the puppy playing tug is fascinating! It's a great example of how real-life experiences can spark memories and connections to other things. It's also a great way to teach a puppy about cause and effect.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS))

    1. The interaction of play, human and dog, is a big part of building the bond between us. She loves to play, I love to see her happy.


Day 2: today I am grateful

  Today I am thankful the peace that comes from the fact that Ember does not bark at squirrels.  I can't even take credit for it, even t...