Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Day 10 - Today I am thankful...


Today I am thankful for hot water, or so I told Facebook this morning, after enjoying my morning shower, nay, savoring it!

Since then, I've noted gratitude for grocery clerks who check the condition of my eggs at the counter.  This morning, they caught a cracked egg that I had not noticed when I checked the carton back in the aisles.

Seems like gratitude for a "taken for granted" item first thing in the morning sets one up for gratitude chains that run all day.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Glad that clerk was vigilant. A couple of times, I've come home only to discover a cracked egg, even though I had done as you said, checked the eggs in the aisle. Yeah!

    And yes . . . this morning was a tad cool, so a hot shower after getting Miss Lilly out felt really good (along with a hot cup of coffee!)

    Here's to a wonderful Wednesday. Grateful for another sunshiney day and trip to the park!


    1. I have had that happen before, too (finding the cracked egg AT HOME, having not seen it in the store). Love the cool mornings, I do.

      Hope your dental issues get taken care of competently and "once and for all". Yeah, it's expensive, but having your teeth and gums in good shape are worth it! Good luck!

  2. The last of the auto repairs are completed. This morning's oil change, new wipers, anti-freeze and battery check will see me through the winter until spring, at least that's according to my trust worthy mechanic. I am grateful. 🙏🏼

    1. Good job getting those auto things taken care of now, and being prepared for the cold weather ahead. We both know when it shows up, we'll be surprised by it!

  3. I agree; so many of our 'take for granteds' are gratefuls. Just remembering to be looking for them instead of the negatives makes life so much better, and helps us see the goodness in others. :D

  4. Starting with Gratitude is a great way to tackle the day!

    1. Truth! It's good discipline and makes for a better day!

  5. It's always a good thing to start out with gratitude. I also like ending my day with it too.

    Enjoy the day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  6. Yes as the cold weather settles in the hot shower in the morning is truly something to be so grateful for. Thank you for the reminder. Huge hugs

    1. Here's to the joy in small things that looms larger when the seasons change!


A hunker down week has begun

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