Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mid-week family celebration


First attempt at executing the Thrasher guy's suggestion.  After I took the picture, I tried to stamp down the topsoil a bit more.  

Wednesday morning at 4 a.m. the automatic sprinklers went off.  She had not completely dug it out again, yet.

Ember was due for her bordatella vax Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m.  I let her nap outside the crate ahead of that.  It also gave me a chance to weigh her: 76 pounds.  She's now 8 months old, and that's a new feeding amount range, for her kibble, in fact reducing it a bit.  

I felt like I was doing a guessing game with the amounts, between kibble, canned food (1/2 can a day), training treats and "just because" treats, including chew sticks and bones.  I asked the vet tech whether I'm feeding appropriately.  Vet tech felt for her ribs, and could not find them easily, so she's a bit "chunky" at this time.  She gave me some tips on what's healthy in a dog... in terms of feeling the rib cage.  

So, we shall work further on reducing things like whipped cream lures to get her into the crate, reducing the IYC treat amounts, etc., and monitor, as they say.  I think I can also work on getting her a bit more exercise.  Since her spay in August, I have not been taking her on as many leash walks.  And I think at 8 months, and with an improving recall, maybe it's time to introduce her to the dog park, not just her back yard.

Barnaby (rough coated collie) and his humans are back from their Summer in the Pacific Northwest, so inviting him over to play off leash is another option.  

Wednesday morning, after leash walk, before vet visit, "outside, looking in".

The day continued, kind of time-skewed, as I was also trying to make the birthday dinner thing work out so Ember would be OK in her crate while I went.

She went in for puppy nap #2/bedtime a little before 4 p.m. giving me time to shower and change and drive across town for the 6 p.m. dinner.

It was held at a rather posh place, with outdoor seating, called The Barred Owl.

DIL's mom picked the place, and invited me to come, and it was perfect!  The weather was perfect for the 6th floor balcony at sunset.  We had plates of hor d'oerves, pretty much, and "special drinks", one apiece.  Mine and Kam's matched, a cherry limeade, while the rest of the crew enjoyed adult libations with creative names, like "The Bobfather" (which, naturally, Bob had to order).

Partway through, I noticed the reflection of the sun on its way to setting on that window you see in this photo... had split the sun into two suns.  It did not photograph that way, but my mouth dropped the words, "We're on Tatooine!  Double Sun!"

This place is on the University's Innovation Campus, which is on the former State Fairgrounds land.  It's flat, and being elevated, the views to the horizon are stunning.  The airport takeoffs and landings can be watched.  The lights in the background are the ones that light up Memorial Stadium for night football games.  The old folks in the crowd were musing on the buildings that used to occupy this space.  The old industrial arts building from the fairgrounds still stands.

Shortly before sunset, I took one of my typically pathetic selfies... proof of presence.

I am respecting the rules about no photos of the foster family, including child... but let me just say, for a six-year-old, this boy does amazingly well in adult settings!  As he got a bit more tired, he started to act more like a normal child, swinging on two chairs, and wandering about the balcony.  His parents split the child-watching duties, to make sure he stayed safe and didn't fall off the edge or anything of that nature, or bother other patrons of the bar.

I drove home about 7:40 p.m., after sunset, and it only confirmed my decision to have the cataract surgery sooner rather than later.  It's the left eye this time, and the glare from headlights is more bothersome than it was when it was the right eye.

When I got home, I quickly changed shoes and shirt, then let Ember out for her "last call".  She once again, as she did last week, sniffed suspiciously at mommy's jeans.  Clearly mom had been someplace having human fun, eating human food, with other humans!

But she did her business and went back to bed in her crate with a little treat encouragement. 

Life is good!  Keep Sparking! 


  1. It's great to hear that Ember is doing well and adjusting to her new routine. Her weight seems to be a bit on the higher side, so it's good that you're taking steps to adjust her diet and increase her exercise.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. One wonderful day at a time, right? Hope you have a great one, too.

  2. It is hard to keep a balance for pets, you want them to be healthy and yet those sad eyes they give you can trip you up - LOL. Hubby falls for it every time. Looks like a great time with family too. Have a great day!

    1. It was a lovely family "party" and we did sing happy birthday to the lovely lady at the end, even though there were no desserts on the menu! Hope your Tuesday is a fine one, too.

  3. Holy moley! “Little Ember” is 76 lbs.?? Hope all went well w/her vaccination.

    I can only say, Miss Lilly loves her walks, loves going to the park and definitely, being as small as she is (10 lbs), have to be wary of portion sizes. Just like humans! That will be good for Ember to have her playmate back. Lots of good exercise.

    Ohhhh, a cherry limeade sounds delicious! Sounds like a wonderful place and love the ‘double sun’!

    Awwwww, glad that the foster child fit right in! Sounds like your DS and DIL have the parenting thing off to a good start!

    Sounds like a lovely day.


    1. Yeah, "little"! All did indeed go well with the vaccination, although the timing did mess up the usual nap schedule. Even with "big" girls like Ember, we have to watch portion sizes and I think I may have had blinders on.

      Yep, I'm just glad that particular parenting phase is over for me! High energy required!

  4. Special times with family and the new addition. While love doesn't conquer's definitely on the plus side. He's found a niche of happiness and safety. Relish all those special times that make special memories. 👪💞

    1. The young boy seems to adore my son, and my daughter in law is so ready to "mother" and bond. So, yes, special memories to get off on the right foot. I'm sure there will be some waves ahead on this voyage, but starting off well is important!

  5. That's a lot of dog! Even a few pounds down, I think she's bigger than you anticipated? Such a sweet face, though.
    I am very glad for the kids and hope they enjoy parenting once the honeymoon phase is over and the newness wears off. Kids will be kids.

    1. I have said from the beginning that she will probably top out at about 90 pounds, but I think she's ahead of schedule to meet that prediction.

      Agree that the foster family is very much in a honeymoon phase.


Over-extended and too tired to blog?

  That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.  Normally this phase hits me in about July.  It came late this year.  Just one or two to...