Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tumbling through Tuesday


Tuesday morning started with me oversleeping.  I didn't wake up until nearly 6 a.m.  The household has been about an hour behind all day ever since.  

I was glad that I had waved off the personal trainer session when I had my driver's license renewal scheduled for Tuesday morning.  I'm just too wiped out to do more than I'm doing minute by minute today.

Since we started the day late, and I had my oatmeal on the regular schedule, Ember was not ready to go down for her nap yet.  We went for a neighborhood leash walk, and then she went down for her nap at 9, rather than 8.

I got into the car to drive over to pick up dog food, and my phone rang.  It was the Thrasher guys.  They had a cancellation, could they come this morning instead?  So, shuffle the plans.

The gentleman came, looked at Ember's excavation, and pronounced that given how they had installed those pillars it was in no danger of collapse. He had the records of what they had done, with a concrete bottom layer, topped by crushed rock, and then that square metal platform before those solid pillars.  He showed me how it was supporting well.  Ember had dug down to where we could see the metal platform.

His recommendation for correcting the dog's efforts was to keep filling it in with topsoil and tamping it down, each time she re-digs it.  Cost to me?   $0 for the assessment.  $2.99 a bag for a few bags of topsoil.  That takes the October 14th appointment off my calendar, too.

I picked up topsoil, the dog food, and a replacement toy for the turquoise unicorn that was destroyed during the two-dog weekend.  This one is a cow, I think.  I also got her a beef center bone, as that was one of the things she really liked during the dog swap day, over at Carl's house.

Ember gnawed on that bone for an hour!  

Then while I was getting ready to go outside, she disappeared and was very, very quiet.  Suspicious, I checked the basement:  the laundry room door was open!  My mistake. I must have left it open when I escorted the cat out during puppy nap #1.  Ember had snarfed all the cat's dry food and was not going to leave the laundry room.

I put a leash on her.  She resisted.  Tossed treats to "search" into the big room... she was still surfing the carpet under the dryer for leftover cat kibble.  I ended up having to go get cheese out of the fridge and run away to entice her to chase me. That got her moved beyond the laundry room door.  I reached back and closed it behind me.

I fed her "salad", then observed that she was getting sleepy.  Sure enough, we were about an hour late starting puppy nap #2, at about 1 p.m.  I came upstairs to write this blog, and then I intend to close my eyes again for a while.

Meanwhile, across town

Got a text from my DIL... they will be signing papers tonight.  They are accepting placement of Kam, the little boy they provided respite for last week, and a prior weekend, the one who joined us for family dinner.  We're all thrilled!  The stability of my son and his wife on a regular basis, hopefully for at least several months should be good for this child.  I hope the new foster parents are ready for this!  It's pretty for-real, and parenting is always a work in progress, as those of us who have been through it know.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. Congratulations, foster grandma! ❤️
    sorry for the sleepy not-quite-right post
    Hugs & love, have a good day! Ace

    1. After I posted this, the DHHS guy postponed the appointment, so it hasn't happened yet. Tonight is a birthday dinner for my co-foster-grandma. I hope Ember cooperates and crates in time.

      Hope your hip is feeling better!

  2. Congrats to DS and DIL!! Blessings for that little boy.
    Devouring cat food and searching for more. Hunger that leads to bloody arms and bites?

    1. Problem with that is that the vet tech felt her rib cage this morning and pronounced she's a bit "chonky" now... I believe the last bite incident was due to my turning the mail into "prey" by lifting the envelopes over my head and tossing them over the fence. She should not have been hungry for that one (last Friday, no bites since, or for ten days prior to that incident).

      She was so well behaved for the vet tech this morning, and she weighed in at 76 pounds. She is now more than half my own weight. The two dogs together outweigh me.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! All of the local "foster grandparents" (myself and Lacey's parents) are thrilled, and hope they get the paper work / notification / communication working better soon!

  4. You were probably just in real need for a bit of extra sleep. The two dog weekend probably takes the same amount of time to recover from. That is lovely news about the boy, congrats to DS and DIL. Have a great day

    1. Yes, I was short on sleep over that weekend, so a little bit of "make-up" sleep was welcome. We are thrilled at the new longer-term foster arrangement (should be at least 5 months). I should get to see the whole crew this evening, if Ember's schedule settles in well.

  5. OH my goodness. First and foremost, congratulation to your DS and DIL on the placement. Yup . . . it's for real-sies now. But they'll do a fine job. Thrilled. Hugs and MANY prayers and mozel tov!

    Well, Ember still has the tricks up her sleeve, doesn't she. But glad that the post is still steady in the foundation. Sheesh.

    HUGS and blessings

    1. Ember was a very good girl with the vet tech this morning, and her puppy nap #1 started about the time it normally would have ended. Heaven knows what the rest of the day's timing will be like, but I'm hopeful for Donna's birthday dinner this evening.


Over-extended and too tired to blog?

  That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it.  Normally this phase hits me in about July.  It came late this year.  Just one or two to...