Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Day 16 - today I am thankful...

Bear with me, it's coming. Yesterday afternoon the dog got into the laundry room and ate the cat's food. This gave her diarrhea. This morning I am very thankful that in the night this resulted only in gas. Like I said little things can be big blessings. My baby dog is up early chewing on her bone, the crate is outside, airing, but I'm neither bathing her, nor cleaning out the crate. For this I am thankful.

I wrote this originally on FB in the 4 a.m. hour.  Turned out I was wrong... There was in fact a little soupy poo in the back corner of the crate.  But it could have been so much worse!

Sometimes the gratitude is that things are not worse.

It got me outside in the dark, observing the stars, as is my habit.  Orion is marching farther before sunrise.  By the time we reach US Thanksgiving day, he'll be rising before my bedtime, and setting close to sunrise.

At this point in the calendar year, I can see the Big Dipper pre-dawn.

I am grateful to have learned a few constellation stories when I was young so that the stars became friends in the sky.

Life is good!  Spark on!


  1. I'm grateful that Orion and the Dippers are 3 constellations I can identify without using Stellarium. Have a pleasant evening.

    1. LoL! Me, too! I remember Casseopia, shaped like a W, too. Can't think of any more without software assistance!

  2. Ohhhhhh I LOVE looking @ the stars when I take Miss Lilly out for her first walk in the morning . . . in the dark. Looks so beautiful.

    Yes, have seen the Big Dipper, too. Lovely to see the other constellations.

    HUGS, blessings


    1. I think it's something that they early dog walkers among us can savor!

  3. Yup, being grateful that whatever it is is not worse can be the most grateful thing of all. Too much light where we are to enjoy the stars now but I appreciate them when I am on my early morning walk.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...