Saturday, October 5, 2024

Don't fix the item until ...

... you get the dog trained to ignore it!

Next time I get some fool idea in my head about "fixing" something the dog has damaged, remind me... If you cannot manage the environment to keep her away from it, she will attack the replacement "fix", too.

We have tried "train", we have tried "manage", we are down to "ignore and hope she grows out of it?"

I wasted my money having that door replaced.  It did not keep her out of the basement level of the house, and once she found she could get purchase on it with her teeth... matter of time.  I am not going to spend more money having them come and uninstall it.  Eventually I will get around to doing it myself.

Yes, Ember has plenty of approved chew things around.  Yes, I can sometimes distract her, but it's temporary.  No, I can't gate her off of this one.  I am all out of baby gates, and when she really wants to, she can get through them.

When she can't get past a gate, she sometimes goes after the wall, too, stripping wallpaper, and putting tooth marks on the drywall.

When does this usually happen?  Pre-sunrise!  Before I can get her outside to run, chase balls, and play.  I do try to distract with training games, but until I get the crate games training figured out, I'm putting my blinders on.

It also happens when she is bored.  Saturday afternoon it was too hot out to take a leash walk, too hot to play chase the ball, she was napping on the floor in her new sized harness.

I ordered this harness a couple of months ago about the time she got spayed.  Now it fits.  We will take it for a spin with a leash walk on Sunday.  Sunday's supposed to be about 20 degrees cooler for its high!

My favorite political sign.  It seems to say we're all neighbors whatever our political philosophies may be.  I snapped this photo Saturday morning while walking Ember.

Life is good!  Keep on Sparking!


  1. Ah we had a Golden Retriever puppy and little guy chewed everything during his puppy stage. My mom's cook books seemed to be his favorite things to attack. Hopefully, Ember comes out of the chewing stage soon for you.

    Have an amazing day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I hope so, too. She has frayed, put holes in, or downright destroyed a lot of things! She seems to need some of this, so providing "approved" toys that can be used for this need is the challenge for her human!

      Puppy "bombs" (empty toilet paper rolls with a few kibbles and a couple of treats folded up inside) and "pinatas" (same, but with an empty paper towel roll) are one fairly inexpensive way to satisfy her need to eviscerate. I have found a center beef bone (thanks to the kids) satisfies some of her chewing needs better than the nylabones were doing. Redirecting her can sometimes be a challenge. Puppyhoood!

      Hope you have a wonderful and peace-giving Sunday!

  2. ALICIA363
    Have you thought about changing the schedule to leave her in the crate until sunrise? Don’t know if that will work for your daily schedule; just a thought.

    1. Have thought about and rejected this change. Since she goes into the crate before sunset, gets spelled about 8 p.m., 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. is about the best I can ask of her holding power (we had a crate accident about two weeks ago, wish to avoid that happening again).

      In any case, the sun is now rising at 7:30 a.m.

      Yes, just a thought, and yes, I thought it.

  3. Oh my. Ember sure has a mind of her own, doesn’t she! *SIGH*

    I LOVE that political sign. Absolutely wonderful.. Hopefully Ember will get over the chewing stage!

    Hope today is a cooler day for a leash walk. We are supposed to only reach 65 today and for the rest of the week til it warms a little to 71 on Thusday. I LOVE the temperatures, though.

    Hugs and good luck!


    1. Sunday is indeed a cooler day: started out a 49*F! We took the new harness for a spin, and I don't know Ember's opinion, but Mommy is definitely a fan!

  4. PHOENIX1949

    Love the political sign. I also vote by mail; this year's ballots were delayed by the printer and I should get mine this week. Yards used to be plastered with political signs but not this year.

    Former neighbor had 3 sibling lab puppies at the same time and they ate the fence and house (interior and exterior) which she was renting from a brother and sister-in-law. We didn't realize the extent of damage until she moved out and the owner brother who lived there about 5 years (then renting the house to his brother & sister-in-law who outgrew it when child #4 arrived, followed by their single sister renting it) showed us the place when he was getting bids for repairs. I sure hope Ms. Ember gets past this stage! Hang in there!

    I reread my grammatical disaster of a paragraph but too lazy to rewrite.

    96 degrees expected here again today. A couple of coolish mornings our only sign of Autumn.

    1. I think I got the gist, despite your own judgement of the grammar! LOL. I always say "I read fluent typo". But yeah, I completely sympathize with your former neighbor, especially as it was not his OWN pet that did this! Renters have additional responsibilities to protect the property they inhabit, which is why so many landlords do not allow pets!

      Yikes on your anticipated temperature. It is a rare October day here that tops the 90-degree mark. The football game yesterday had a 96-degree kickoff temperature. Those uniforms are built for the cool, not the heat, so I feel for the players. The home team won on their homecoming day, so everybody happy around here.

  5. Wow, I never had that challenge with Oscar or Chewy! You have a lot of patience.
    Oscar liked cloth. Chewy did not live up to his name and he's never been a chewer. He did delicately hold the end of the toilet paper and drag about 30 linear feet of it through the house one time.

    Love the sign. I could use one.

    1. Yeah. Don't know if it's patience, per se, or the recognition that I contribute to the problem. And some exhaustion of effort, too.

      It's not that Ember is always a whirling dervish of destruction, but when she *is* in destruct mode, she's very effective at it!


Don't fix the item until ...

... you get the dog trained to ignore it! Next time I get some fool idea in my head about "fixing" something the dog has damaged, ...