Friday, November 1, 2024

Day 19 - Today I am thankful...


Thankful for the veterinarians who toil away helping our animals stay healthy or recover from mishaps!  Here's Ember on Thursday, hiding her hurting paw under her body, while waiting for the vet.

We came home with four prescriptions and instructions.  The vet herself helped me load Ember back into the car after our visit Thursday morning.  Ember loves this vet and was climbing in her lap, and licking her face, and generally being a puppy, all wags.

Ember's cupboard now has treats and meds in it.  The good news is that after the hu-mom fretted all day, and the first dose of everything was administered, about 10 p.m. we got production of both sorts on the "output" side.  Who knew one would get so excited over excrement?  There was some serious fiber in that one!  It was not the soupy stuff of the past few days.  I am thankful for the improvement.

I slept on the couch again, but got a bit more sleep, once I knew things were improving!

Here's the nod to the holiday last evening.  I got a grand total of 9, count 'em, 9, visitors, not counting attached parental units for the littlest of them.

The instant information on social media has certainly changed how the holiday happens... matter of fact, most holidays, since the pandemic!  The message thread between myself, my co-inlaws, and my daughter in law documented the counts in "real time".

In the end, "the kids" of course had the most visitors, at 132.  My co-inlaws and I live in more aging neighborhoods, so ended up with 7 and 9, respectively.  Still, it was fun.

Ember spent the Trick or Treat time snoozing for the most part, in her big wire crate, which is rapidly starting to look like it will be her "final" adult crate, starting now.

Today she'll get a test of staying in that particular crate while I leave the house for my one week out check of the left eye, that had its cataract removed last Friday.

Life is Good.  I am thankful for this attitude, which was lived by my brother, and encouraged by many positive thinkers in the world.  Spark on, my friends!


  1. I am glad to hear that Ember is on the mend after the vet visit and that she likes her vet. That is always huge. We are in a place that gets no visitors on halloween but when we did it averaged about 130 little ones, mostly from the school I worked at.

    1. It always seems to me more when you know the kids. I loved Halloween in the little village we lived in when my son was young. We knew the kids who came to the door. We knew which house gave the biggest candy bars. It was a place of safety and fun.

  2. Good that Ember is feeling better; hence so are you. And so wonderful that she loves the vet, as it makes getting care for her easier for you and less stressful for her. Both of our dogs are pound puppies, and are afraid of the vet; one absolutely terrified to the point he a could use a tranquilizer before going.

    I'm glad you got some trick or treaters; they are so enjoyable. We got quite a few, although not as many as last year, but enough to leave only a little bit in the bowl out of five big bags. My son-in-law enjoys putting out decorations and absolutely loves handing out generous amounts of candy, talking sweetly to the littles and doing startling the older ones. He and my daughter are on a little vacation, so no decorations this year. I had fun handing out the candies, as I enjoy it too. As always, we had from littles in strollers to older teens ... my policy is if you come to my door I'll give you candy even if you have a beard. Teaching middle school and high school for so many years, I know those older ones like getting candy even though they're maybe too old. We put a baby gate inside our front door frame so our dogs can see the people, and get pets from the braver ones.

    My Grandma Smith used to laugh and tell us about when she was an army wife in Germany, early '50s. She and two girlfriends put on masks and visited neighboring Army housing neighbors with cocktail glasses in hand singing out "Trick or treat!" She said the neighbors did not disappoint and they all had a good time. :D

    1. Those grandparent stories are priceless! My grandfather used to tell of the Halloween when he was about 10 years old (so it would have been about 1930!). He and some chums built a wall of hay bales, blocking the town's main street.

      Of course the local law knew exactly who was involved and come morning, their fathers were all on board making the boys "undo" their handiwork and return the "borrowed" bales.

      Wonder what today's equivalent might be? Some high-tech hacking thing or other?

      Glad you enjoyed your Halloween!

  3. So glad Ember is on the mend. We do worry so about our fur babies. They cannot tell us what's wrong, but count on us to be watchful and help them!

    HOPE your check up for your eye goes well!


    1. And then when they recover, they are double the handful!

    2. YES! LOL and that kinda makes you wonder why you were in such a rush for healing! Nah, rather have them healthy and rambunctious than feeling poorly!

    3. Exactly! Even when "full of beans" they are still our little fur-loves!

  4. Whew! Busy day yesterday. I was thankful for my comfy bed last night.

    1. A great thing to be grateful for, and I am grateful that mine was there for a morning nap after another night on the couch.


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