Friday, November 8, 2024

Day 26 - Today I am thankful...

 I told the Facebook world that I'm grateful for dreams today.

Dreams are the part of sleep that tries to resolve things and solve life's problems.  Last night (early this morning) I dreamed that I worked at Disney World.  I was new to the job and trying to "fix" a plumbing issue.  But I was lost.  I kept getting stuck at dead ends in a maze.  The layout looked amazingly similar to a mall I frequented in my childhood and teen years.  At places where there was more than one path to choose, I had trouble picking which way would take me back to my car, where I assume my tools were stored, or to the swimming pool, which apparently was where the problem needed to be fixed.  It was a doozy.  I woke up before solving the problem, as is often the case.

Keep Sparking!

Speaking of sparking, my "alarm weight" the lower limit, the one at which I go into panic mode of "I have to gain a couple of pounds here, for insurance" appears to have ticked up 10 pounds in the past ten years.  When I was actively running in endurance events, I would panic when the scale dipped to 113.  Now I seem to do so at 123.

As a consequence, I have a quart of Egg Nog in my fridge, and a pound of butter in anticipation of baking.  It's hard to bake with a dog in the house, but Thanksgiving is coming, and they expect my pumpkin pie to be available.

Holidays, something to look forward to!

Life is good.


  1. LOVE the doggie meme, AND Embers photo.

    Dreams are amazing! Quite often they reveal answers to problems I am trying to solve, as you said!

    Goooood luck w/baking w/Ember. It’s always interesting w/Miss Lilly, too. She’s small so always have to watch for her as she stays under foot while I am cooking or baking. She’s no dummy, she knows Mommy spills treasures! LOL

    HUGS and blessings


    1. So far, Ember's pretty good when I'm working in the kitchen, even working at preparing "chow" or treats for the treat bag, and knows that sitting on her hot zone is the best strategy. She does this when I prepare my oatmeal, too. BUT (and as Lynda always says, it's a big BUTT) when I bring out hamburger to brown or a roast to put in the crock pot, she needs to be reminded and in some cases, contained, so I can work in undisturbed peace. I expect for rolling out pie dough, she is going to have to be at least in her X-Pen, if not in her crate.

    2. Yes, eventually they learn! In the meantime, you handle the situation so they don't get in the way!


  2. Today I am thankful for the completed chore list. Good luck completing the cooking/baking chores.

    1. Thanks for the luck wishes. And woohoo for the completed chore list. I faced one down on Friday, myself, and it feels good to check off even that one item.

  3. I have those getting lost and not knowing where you are dreams a lot. I'm forever in high school forgetting my locker combination.

    Eggnog and Thanksgiving have me thinking pumpkin pie. I might have to make one this year. Starting to put my grocery list together to go out next week.

    Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. I am willing to bet that your pumpkin pie will be amazing. Somehow, yep, those kinds of traditions, even experimented with, bespeak of youth and good times!

  4. Yup, that is the St. Laurent mall in Ottawa, it got so maze like I would have trouble finding my way. I use to dream of the East Block on Parliament Hill like you did, there was even a rail system in my dream. Have a great day!

    1. So funny and strange, the way dreams and memories mix with one another!

  5. Stole the meme before I even read the blog!
    If I know you, you were trying to fix the U.S. in that dream. Good luck with that!

    1. Maybe? I don't think I try to fix the whole world, though, just survive in it and help others to do the same. This can be challenging! Hope those in your life are doing well. I've been enjoying wedding photos from Lacey's family wedding. The "kids" will soon be on their way home, to resume their own efforts at making the world a better place... for at least one child and one doggo.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...