Monday, November 11, 2024

Days 28 and 29... today I am thankful.

For anyone who was wondering, yesterday's post about hunting dogs was a bonus blog.  It was not part of the gratitude sequence. 

Yesterday's gratitude was for this Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving tradition of posting gratitude, and how it keeps me grounded in the positive.

Today's gratitude is the classic Veterans Day... For those few who raise their hands to serve.

Status on the appliance replacement:  panicked over the whole "carpentry project" aspect of this, but I accept it just has to be done.  I Googled local carpenter services, picked one, and have a guy coming out Tuesday morning to look at the project (remove old stove and make space for the new), and give me a time and cost estimate.  Here I go again!

I already called the appliance dealer and put the stove and fridge delivery "on hold" until I get the carpentry scheduled.  Projects, projects.  And I canceled the personal trainer session for Tuesday because of the timing.

Oven mitt in the trash after "somebody" swiped it off the counter and eviscerated it.

Replacement oven mitt.  She's probably going to think this one is a toy, too, so I have to be in "protect" mode for it.

Meanwhile, it was chilly enough on Veteran's Day morning that I got out the Winter Coat.  We were doing OK until I tried to take for granted that Ember knew it was me out there picking up her glow in the dark ball.  Oops, tackled by dog with teeth out.  Shut her outside, brought her back in for "desensitizing" lessons (round two or three for coats).  We've kind of got it about gloves now, but we are doing a keep away game with mom's stocking cap.  Today she tried to swipe it when we were getting ready to go out for her walk, and I turned on my heel and said, "no hat, no walk".  She let me have the hat back then, and we went for our walk.

Life is good.  Keep Sparking.


  1. Sent "Thank you for your service." texts this morning. DD ~ six years in USN. SIL (DD's hubby) 21 years in USN. My DS ~ career Army. I am thankful for these wonderful folks in my life who are loved beyond words.

    1. Amen to that. My son (Iraq and Afghanistan) and his father (VietNam), both my grandfathers (one in WWI, the other in WWII)... thanks to your family members for their service, and to you for supporting them. Loved beyond words is the right description!

  2. Well at least Ember got the 'no hat, no walk' idea before the hat was gone too far. Lots to be thankful for yesterday and beyond. Have a great day my friend! You are one of my things to be grateful for - internet friends.

    1. Amen to internet friends as an item of gratitude! Ember did it again this morning. For the first time ever, she succeed it taking me off my feet, then as I was reaching to pick up the phone that fell out of my pocket, she swiped my hat. For this, she was penned for a while for me to put myself back together again. We continued the lesson of "no hat". Mommy can't come outside without her hat. It's cold outside, Mommy needs that hat.

      She did eventually get a walk, but it was not as long as yesterday's!

  3. OH no on the new stove meaning a new carpentry project as well. *SIGH* Hope the carpenter works out well.

    Ember keeps you hoping and trying to stay ½ step ahead of her. No sense wishing for a full step . . . it never happens!


    1. Carpenter has been and given an estimate which I accepted. So it looks like old stove gets pulled on Monday, new one gets delivered on Tuesday (as well as the 'fridge). All just in time for a birthday!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...