Monday, November 25, 2024

Day 43 - Today I am thankful

Today I am thankful for music.  For the calming music on Dog TV that I stream for the puppy.  For the classical music that my mom used to play, and the Broadway tunes, and the top 40's of my youth.  For the music of my son's generation, which are now starting to be considered oldies.

I am thankful for this non-verbal form of communication across the generations.  Listening to the music of another generation or understanding the history of the era in which it was initially produced can bring insight into why grandma kept playing the Big Band records (or why I fall back on Beatles and Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel, or The Eagles).

Music can make us relive our lives in memory!

Ember is thankful mom's starting to reintroduce the couch as a place to nap!  At least until she starts fussing with the slip covers and couch protectors, then she has to go back into her doggy containment areas.

Life is Good.  Keep Sparking!


  1. Monday: Well. Looks like the weather is going to continue cool. May have rain or snow overnight.

    Trying to make sure I get a good sleep for tomorrow.

    Got Miss Lilly to the park.

    Hugs and a motivated Monday.


    Oh my. We had classical, jazz, Broadway show tunes , and big band music playing all the time growing up. Still love it all!

    When my Mom had Alzheimer’s and I was taking care of her and Dad, music was the ONE thing that calmed her, got through to her.

    Ember looks angelic on the couch. LOL

    HUGS and hope it’s a good Monday.


    1. Good for Miss Lilly's park visit! We didn't have a TV when I was growing up, so music and radio dramas (including soap operas to wash dishes by) were what made up the soundtrack of my childhood home.

      Our first TV was struck by lightning when I was in 1st grade, I think. We didn't get another until I was in Jr. High School.

  2. She is so sweet looking, said to hubby - look at the sweet puppy and he replied - she is getting a puppy? I had to say - no that is the puppy. Sometimes he drives me silly - LOL Music is such a blessing from all the ages.

    1. LOL... clearly your DH is not invested in the stories of all your "invisible friends" as my BIL refers to us. Yes, that is the puppy. She came and got me to put her "to bed" a few minutes ago, pulling on my coat hood's draw strings. I was sitting on that couch, and she came out of her X-pen and around through the dining room and kitchen to get to me.

      We have been having "conversations" all day about gloves again. She stole one of my newer ones this morning and destroyed it. Sigh.

  3. I time travel with music. When a song plays, I can usually come within 3 years of the time it hit the top 100, because of where the tour of duty had us stationed. πŸŽΆπŸŽΈπŸ“»

    1. I do that, too... equating certain songs with certain time periods of my life... was I pregnant? Was I still in school? Etc. When the movie Mr. Holland's Opus came out I cried through most of it, due to all the musical eras it covered. It was an emotional journey watching it.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...