Thursday, November 14, 2024

Day 32 - Today I am thankful...


I was having a hard time coming up with gratitude this morning and fell back onto the Anne of Green Gables classic of "a new day with no mistakes in it"...

Then I thought of the Wordle game which took me six tried today and ended up being a word I had forgotten was a word.  Not being a big anatomy buff.

Then when I started to write this blog, and looked for a photo to attach, last night's fiery sunset popped up.  There's always something to be thankful for, even if we are having a hard time.

Looking back at why I was having a hard time, it was related to Ember's regression, or change in phase to adolescence, or something.  Regardless, she was a pill during the rainy day yesterday and has been testing her limits.  And when her Aunt Alicia came over after her work day was over, Alicia tried to interact with Ember and was being ever so good to her, calming the little one, rubbing her belly, etc.  Then when she stopped, Ember jumped her from behind.  Alicia, quite sensibly, decided she had had enough, and left through the house while I contained Ember.

Naturally, I felt like an utter failure as a dog-mom!  My puppy isn't being civil to my human friends and family.  At least she wasn't yesterday!  Sigh.

Thursday is another day.  We woke to frost.  The welcome mat on the deck was frozen to the deck surface.  This gave Ember a "challenge accepted!" moment or sixteen.  She was determined to detach it.  Took her three trips outside before she managed to do so, but she did.

Our morning walk was marred by some evidence of fears resurfacing.  Another big dog accompanied by a similarly small woman... we were trying to negotiate how to keep the dogs separate and safe.  But Ember had been pulling me in both directions (and I'd been letting her direct our route, as I often do).  Finally had to force the issue.  The other lady took her dog off sidewalk into the drainage area.  I convinced Ember to cross the street to a place where there was no sidewalk (the continuation of the drainage area).  And we survived to get home in one piece although my fingers were pretty frozen up by then.

I had my workout with the trainer.  Only one this week.  Turns out the heat wasn't working at the studio, so it was 50℉ inside!  Not bad for working out, honestly.  It got up to 60 by the time I finished my workout.

I came home and got Ember up from her nap.  Took her on a long sniffapalooza in the park, and she got some pets from a neighbor man who'd petted her in the past.  Makes her day when another human not her mom pays attention to her.  But then right afterward there was another little dog being walked nearby and she got one of those fear/reaction zoomie things going.  Calmed enough to get home, let her loose in the backyard, and she zoomed some more.  Big dog.  Little human.  The challenge of the year!

Life is Good.  There is still hope.  It's what keeps a body going!  Keep sparking!


  1. I like that . . . a new day w/no mistakes in it! Lovely thought to start the day.

    What a gorgeous sunset! Gorgeous.

    Oh my. Wish I had some suggestions for the challenges you’re having w/Ember. When they make up their mind about something, it’s hard to deter them. Hope she’s better today.


    1. We had a pretty good day today until after supper, when Ember decided to shred the mat she'd worked so hard to release from its frozen attachment to the deck. On the plus side, it entertained her while I collected the wastebaskets and trundled the trash to the curb for Friday morning pickup.

    2. Always an upside, right!


  2. PHOENIX1949

    Your are a good HuMOM!

    1. Thanks for your faith. We live on hope that we're doing the right things, don't we?

  3. Your pup came to mind when I watched this video:

    Two kinds of'll recognize yours instantly. 🤗💖

    1. That's so funny! And the truth is... she's BOTH kinds! Depending on the day and the mood.

  4. You are a very patient mom to your pup. As us humans we have good days and bad days. That was just an off day for Ember, she is still growing up and I bet will get really good, just like Carl does now. Huge hugs and have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! I was pleased on Friday morning when she hurried up to get us home from the walk in time for the dishwasher installation!

    2. She was also pretty good about letting the installer hold her leash while I unlocked the door and about kenneling up while he went about his business. Blessings abound!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...