Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Lab's first instinct

Friday was a rocky day in Emberville.  She did not get enough exercise.

From the Labrador retriever's handbook (if there is one):  "When you encounter something new, check to see if it's edible."  This is Ember's first snowfall since joining my household.  It came in big fluffy flakes around 3:30 p.m.

It was brief and it did not accumulate much.  The "big" snow is coming on Saturday afternoon/evening and all-day Sunday, according to the weatherman.

I hyped the snow:  Isn't it pretty?  See, it's frozen water falling from the sky!  Ember, for her part investigated.  

I also attempted to give The Prisoner safe passage with Ember contained in her X-Pen, but he (the cat) bolted when he spotted her (the dog) standing behind that barrier.  

When Ember was let out, she went after the pad under the area rug in the family room.  I attempted to rescue the floor (I had already given up on the leather couch).  In the process, I left the TV remote on the counter, and guess who nabbed it.  She refused to give it back.  The tussle proceeded into the garage, where I tried to distract her, but she instead targeted the wing-back chair remains that still reside there.  I pulled the cushion off and brought it inside, in the hopes of getting her out of the garage, at least.

Got her out on the deck again, while I put the family room back together and picked up the now inoperable TV remote.  I unplugged the TV in the family room.  I know from experience that the TV remote from the upstairs TV doesn't work with the family room TV.

I opened the sliding door and asked her if she was ready to be civilized now?  I apologized to my puppy for getting her over-excited over the snow.  Some couch puppy time got Ember calmed down and she fell asleep on the couch.  After a bit of time napping there, she consented to be enticed into her crate until "last call".  

At this point, I was able to coax The Prisoner out of the evergreen tree and into his safe space.

Second replacement TV remote ordered.  Amazon predicts it will arrive Wednesday.

Between now and then, we are in a Winter Storm Warning.  4 to 8 inches of snow is predicted with this particular storm.  We're closer to the side of town that approaches the 8 to 12 inches area, so I expect we might be closer to the 8 inches end of it.  Sigh.

Based on how Ember behaves with brooms, I predict an "attack" response to a snow shovel.  I will try to introduce her to it gently, but am not sure how it will go.  Wish me luck.

Choose to live life!  Spark on!


  1. Ooooh, good luck with that. Seems lots to do to keep Ember well behaved with it being on again off again. You are really doing great. I know from reading your blogs I would not have the patience or ability to manage Ember at all. Well done! and Huge hugs.

    1. Of course, reading someone else's adventures with their challenges is never a good prediction of how YOU might do, even faced with the same situation! Decisions are always being made and responded to.

  2. Winter storm warnings here, too. The accumulation amounts have lowered from 8"-12" to 4"-6". Mother Nature will do a she pleases.
    I pre-treated the deck and the ramp with snow melt...probably a waste of time.
    Good luck with the snow removal. Crate while shoveling?
    Stay safe in the storm. 🤗💖

    1. Hope your forecast continues to moderate. Ours hasn't been moderated yet, but yours going down could mean it's swerving more in our direction. Did you know this storm has a name? Winter Storm Blair. I went and peeked at the maps on the Weather Channel website, and it shows us in the Moderate to Severe category.

      I will attempt to shovel while Ember is crated, of course. I certainly will not have her outside the fence off leash, which could be "interesting" to say the least.

  3. Not sure how much snow we’re supposed to have but . . . guess it’ll happen overnight. HOPE you don’t end up with that much snow. ANY snow is too much, but mother Nature does not agree w/that.

    OH NO! Sounds like a very challenging day in Emberville. *SIGH*

    Good luck w/the introduction of the snow shovel to Ember. Makes me think of my introduction of the floor Swiffer to Miss Lilly. Lordy be! She was like a little attack terrier. Now she’s used to it, but my first Swiffer did not survive the onslaught! Sheesh.

    Stay safe and Ember . . . give Mom a break!


    1. The predictions here show a little bit of snow in the 2-3 p.m. time frame, then a break, and restarting the snow around 5 p.m. with an 8 inch prediction within the next 48 hours from right now. Most of that is predicted to happen overnight with 2 inches in the next 12 hours. Such fun!

      I have two brooms that were casualties, and she's still not over attacking brooms. I use them as lures to get her from the garage to the house. You either desensitize the dog or use their tendencies!

  4. I agree with what someone else said...Miss Ember might need to be in her crate during snow shovelling. Slick ground with you on the other end of her flaling the snow shovel like prey might not end well. :o

    That said, I hope you get enough snow to be pretty but not so much you can't get out for a dog park/pup cup run. Too bad you don't have treadmill you could train her to run on. :)

    1. No doubt about crating. She will be "contained" while I shovel. 8 inches is the prediction, and that's not dog park or pup cup run friendly, at all.

  5. I keep covering my eyes not wanting to look.
    Be safe in the snow.

    1. It has yet to start in earnest. We had some flurries between 3 and 4 p.m., now we're in a lull... supposed to start for reals after 6 p.m.

  6. Re: the snow ... Hope springs eternal that nature will be kind...


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