Monday, January 6, 2025



The wind howls, it's cold, the dog is somewhat freaked out by her first "measurable" snowfall since joining my household, but! we did not get as much snow as predicted.  My fingers near froze in first session of shoveling, which happened after I got Ember into her crate for puppy nap #2.

Amazon tells me they will deliver my replacement remote for the TV today.  I will believe it when I see it, as the little map shows their delivery vehicle on its way from Omaha... and who knows what the highway conditions are between there and here?

In case anyone is curiously paying attention to my change of the tag line with the first of the year... I'm trying things out.  Life is Good was Kevin (MOBYCARP)'s line.  I've been experiencing dog training with a focus allowing the dog to choose good behaviors.  I want to add choice into my tag line:  it is indeed a choice to live, and to live as fully as we can!  It may take a while before I come up with just the exact "signature" phrase, but in 2025, choice is a part of the picture.  

There is also a Biblical reference for this one.  Deuteronomy 30: 19.  It's a verse that has stuck in my mind for several years of ponderings.  We are not told to choose "good" versus "evil", but to "choose life".  This ties in with Kevin's "Life is Good" theme.

From KJV:  "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"


Single digit temperatures outside and I woke shortly after 3.  After a minor attempt to fall back asleep for an hour I did the math in my head and decided to get up and have my shower.  Making plans to put together something for Ember's mental stimulation today.  I had seen a good suggestion online Sunday and thought "that's something I can do".  It said, simply, hide things in a box for her to search through.  Well, I have lots of leftover packing materials... cardboard boxes and crushed up paper... that would be perfect.  Hide some of her toys amid the paper, and voila, puzzle time!

Maybe one of the toys inside can be the treat-holding kind.  Got to do something, as it's mega cold out there and not suitable for even back yard play for more than short trips.

LOL!  Well that lasted less than five minutes!  You know how babies want to play with the box more than the toy inside the box?  Seems Ember has something in common with that stereotype.

Anyway, we are on to puppy nap #2, it's cold out, but there is sunshine, and she has done some independent playing outside, in addition to what I've devised for her inside.  We also took a car ride to fill up Dexter's gas tank.  Tomorrow it's doggy day care for her and my trainer workout for me... and I have my to-do list for those free hours.

Choose life!  Spark on!



    Naturally, I could not avoid sharing the song your blog popped into my head. :)

    Yay that you didn't get an undriveable amount of snow! And that you're finding ways to keep Miss Ember focused on fun rather that destructo-mode.

    1. So grateful it bypassed us "this time". I'm sure the other shoe will drop sometime, but THIS time, we're doing OK. We dropped into single digits overnight Sunday to Monday, but then got some nice sunshine and it got up into the 20's F Monday afternoon. We won't see freezing or above until next Sunday, according to the weatherman's current narrative.

      Got the song playing now as I type.

  2. The snow predicted for your area came south. We got a bit over 11". Pre-treating helped some. The temps fall to the brutal cold levels tonight and a couple of nights beyond. It will be the end of the week before the temps begin to moderate. I'm ready for some moderation...of something...a moderation (change) of seasons maybe. Haven't seen any vehicles moving today. One lone state truck traveled our road yesterday afternoon, that did little to clear the road.

    Good luck getting your remote.

    Stay warm. Stay safe.

  3. Sorry about that, Jeanne! 11 inches is a LOT of snow. Got to be grateful for the moisture... which we did not get. We're following the same pattern in terms of temperatures... we got down to 7*F overnight last night, and I think it is predicted to go even lower tonight.

    P.s. The remote showed up Sunday afternoon! I was pleasantly surprised.

  4. We didn't get much snow either, more cold than snowy. I am doing lap walks around the apartment buildings and parking lot as there is no ice there but the streets could be another matter. Have a great day!

    1. Walk safely. Never know where the patches might form... on the other hand, you kind of do. But walk safely, anyway!

  5. Glad you didn’t get as much snow as predicted. Ours was mostly graupel, so still slick out there this morning. Staying put!

    What a wonderful verse Kevin’s “live is good” theme was based on.

    Yes, too cold here for doggy outside play, too.

    That will be good for Ember to have doggy day care today. Hopefully expend some energy!

    And good luck w/your training session today.

    Stay warm


    1. It's likely to start getting slicker with some thawing and refreezing, here. The forecast has moderated to the point where we'll get above freezing temps from Thursday through Monday next week (at least for highs, and at least as currently forecast... y'all know how regularly forecasts change).

      Ember was so excited when I dropped her off this morning. Another lab was arriving for daycare same time as we were, and she wagged her whole back end!

      Joy! I went on home, changed, and went to my own workout... now to shower and decide what to do with my day.

  6. What a gorgeous picture of Ember against the snowy fence! ~Ace

    1. The dark/light contrast draws the eye! You can see that we didn't get a lot of snow, and wind direction drove where it drifted. I think the deepest drift was about 3-4 inches, if that.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...