Saturday, January 18, 2025

Some of the new toys

Yeah, I got sucked in to a Jurassic Park themed "super chewer" box.  This mosquito inside ambergris ball was part of it.  Bigger size, but Ember can put her jaws around it.  Glow in the dark ball included for size reference.  The glow-ball is tennis ball sized.  I would say the dinosaur ball is softball sized.

This squeaky chew is a duplicate of one she destroyed in minutes a month ago.  This time the squeaker has lasted three days, so far, but of course the woven material is starting to fray.

Another size comparison shot, this one of the "giant dinosaur egg" from the Jurassic collection.  Same size glow in the dark ball as in the top photo.

I started putting this together on Friday evening.  It was dark, the wind was howling as the front came through.  I was anticipating the cold that is coming.  Ember had her "last call" and was tucked in for the night.  I put an extra blanket on the bed for myself.

Saturday morning dawned cold (13℉) and Ember did her business in two different sessions.  The second one, I stayed up on the deck and let her go out in the yard on her own.

She was having trouble with "you're in, you're out" related to the sliding door to outside, but we continue to work on that lesson.

It got too cold even for her, after sitting in this posture for a little while.  

Saturday's first adventure was a drive to get dog treats.  I left her in the car while I dashed into a store that I will not name because about half of my acquaintance are boycotting it for social issues reasons.  The second adventure was filling the gas tank and going through the coffee drive-thru.  She got her pup cup of the week on Saturday.

She had such a good day Friday with the weather being mild.  She got to interact with other people and with Frank (another dog).  Saturday she's getting up to mischief if I'm not right with her.  But we made it through the day.  

Sunday promises to be even colder.  We are under a Cold weather advisory.  Apparently, the National Weather service has renamed "Wind Chill Advisory" to Cold weather advisory.  This advisory lasts from now through noon Tuesday, with Wind Chills in the minus 20 to minus 30 Fahrenheit range.  Brrrr!

Stay warm my friends!  

Choose to live your life!  And Spark on!


  1. Brrrr indeed! The wind chill here is minus 11. A pot of vegetable beef stew is on the menu for today. I hope Mother Nature gives us some relief soon. 🔥🔥

  2. Ohhhhh, that Jurassic Park ball is nice! And that Jurassic Park dino egg . . . that’s huge!

    Ohhhhh, that Jurassic Park ball is nice! And that Jurassic Park dino egg . . . that’s huge!

    Yes, cold weather advisory here, too. Too cold for miss Lilly for sure. Yes, same wind chills here and it lasts through Tuesday. Ah well. Hibernation.

    Stay warm, stay safe!

    Had to laugh. The Weather Channel has all kinds of health alerts (allergy, cold, flu, etc.). Today one of the alerts was a mosquito alert . . . the risk is low. SERIOUSLY? LOL

    1. I think half of many professions is thinking up new names for the same concepts and calling them new. Back in the day, we as software designers (we were just called programmers back then) had HIPO diagrams: "high-level input/processing/output". More recently, "use cases" became a more common design tool. The concept of laying out a design is the same, just described differently. The Weather alerts are the same things, just renamed.

      Laughing at the mosquito alert, though. I imagine in some parts of the country...

      Stay warm... must be about a three dog night, don't ya think?

  3. I love the half in/half out pictures of Ember. Tigger does the same thing too. She doesn't want to make the in or out choice either. Still had my 30 minute walk today but I was bundled up for it. No wind so not too bad. Have a great day!

    1. Cats, I expect it... dogs, not so much. It is getting progressively colder here, but the wind wasn't bad on Saturday. I think we got into the teens, Fahrenheit, at least. I don't think we made it over 20.

      Hope your Sunday was a fine one!

  4. It's always impressive how long those super chewers can last. Three days for the squeaker is a victory! It's understandable that the woven material is starting to fray though – those jaws are powerful!

    The size comparison photos with the glow-in-the-dark ball are helpful. It gives a good sense of scale for the ambergris ball and the dinosaur egg.

    I can imagine how cozy you were Friday evening with the extra blanket and the howling wind. It sounds like you had a good system for Ember's bathroom breaks on Saturday despite the cold.

    It's always a challenge to keep dogs entertained on cold days. Pup cups and car rides are definitely a good start!

    I hope you and Ember stay warm and safe during the cold weather advisory (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Wishing warmth and safety to you, your mom, and Scooter, too. What's Scooter's favorite cold weather distraction?

  5. Three dogs ;-) and you'd be covered for sure!
    The snow , then cold, arrived here yesterday. We were flummoxed when all the weather talking heads were stating how bad our snow could get. They kept announcing snow totals like game scores.

    OMG! 2.5 inches here, 3 there.

    In the end we had about 2-3 inches of a powder that blew around all night in howling wind. DH said he just pushed air around the mall with the backhoe and tried not to hit anything as it skated most of the time.

    I might get out my leaf blower.

    1. Light and fluffy is the best kind for clearing that is. Wet and sticky is better for snowmen. And two to three inches is not a whole lot. Stay warm.


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