Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Tuesday and Wednesday


Ember's first Tuesday morning mission:  let's skin the indoor football!

We also played several rounds of glow in the dark ball retrieve outside.  When she gets going on that rotation, it's a joy to watch.

Mom's Tuesday rejoicing:  What is it about running the vacuum, sweeping the tile floors, and shaking out the rugs that makes Mom feel so much better?  Dog laundry being done is also a good feeling.

Ember did not want to get in the car Tuesday morning.  She wanted to go rip up the wingback chair that never made it to the curb.  It is still sitting in a corner of the garage.  I had to resort to dragging her back to the car, then playing "hide and seek" to entice her into the back seat.

Nonetheless, she had a fine day at daycare and came home good and tired.

She waited patiently for me to brown the ground turkey that I then topped her kibble with, and she "licked the platter clean".  Good girl.

We had an uneventful evening.

Wednesday morning, this hu-mom was feeling kind of weary; she had a bit of a headache.  She took second Covid test.  Still negative.  I'm thinking the headache is most likely caffeine management I've been drinking more coffee and my dietary standards have been tossed out the window, showing that I'm still an anxiety over-eater (the uncertainty over the foster child and his siblings is a huge worry point).  I should be behaving myself better, with the medicalizing last Friday and this coming Friday. 

Regardless, I started feeling better after a couple of mugs of coffee, so my thoughts of caffeine management are reasonable.

I dragged out the dinosaur egg after puppy nap #1 so she would have something to play with on the patio and deck in the sunshine (it's a really nice day).

 Link to video of playing with it on the patio.

Anyway, here's your Wednesday "old, blonde, female" giggle:  noon time, I made Ember her "puppy salad" and put it down in her spot.  She ate some of it, but then after, I wanted to let her out on the deck to play with her dinosaur egg, only to be met with a sliding door that would not open!

I start to freak out.  I crate Ember long enough to take a screwdriver and the key and walk around the house to look for any obstacles that might be blocking that door.  Nothing.  I turn the key in the lock, it does its thing.  I go back inside, the latch locks when closed, but when unlocked, stops at about a quarter of an inch open.  

I look up the company that installed that sliding door (six years ago) and called their service department.  They could not schedule a tech to come out and diagnose the problem until the 10th of February.  Now, keep in mind, this is Ember's potty outside door!  I'm not thrilled with the "you have to take her on leash outside, around the house into the back yard to do her business" for two weeks!

While the lady on the other end of the line is looking things up... and I'm pacing anxiously, anticipating a $225 service charge if they try to virtually diagnose and still have to send a technician out.  I try the door one more time, and mutter to myself to stop, already, it's not going to change by simply trying again and again.  And then I look down, and see a little bit of metal, and a feature I had forgotten about (because I never use it) to "lock" the sliding door at a partially open position.  Guess what one of those positions is?  Yep, the quarter inch open position.  Looks like Ember must have scrabbled that foot switch (or I did, but I don't remember).  I can easily see how going in and out and manipulating that dinosaur egg over the threshold she could have flicked that switch.

When the window/door lady came back on the line, I gave her the church lady line:  "Never mind!"  Sigh.  Yep, I'm still old, blonde, and female.

When you stop laughing at this, choose to live your life, your way!  And keep on Sparking!


  1. Ember really is on a destruct-o mission. Sheesh. Glad she had a fun time @ daycare and was worn out! Victory.

    Hope managing the caffeine intake works to quell the headache.

    I certainly understand your anxiety re: the foster boy and his brother. It’s daunting!

    Holy door nightmare! Glad you figured out the key to making that door go open sesame! OY

    HUGS and hope the rest of today is a little calmer!


    1. Caffeine levels still need to be stepped down, but we made it through to Thursday.

      Ember is once again at daycare, and I am waiting for the water meter replacement to "happen". It's only supposed to take 25-30 minutes to do, but the time window they gave is three and a half hours long. I presume that is "time to arrive".

      The door thing? Ember was a bit concerned about mommy while it was going on, looking at me with that doggy expression that says, "you OK?" and a little whining.

      Hoping it at least gave a few folks some smiles and giggles!

  2. Yep, I don't tend to get headaches without coffee first thing; mostly because it's running through the espresso maker before the egg whites hit the skillet. :D I actually drink my coffee in a 2/3 decaf to 1/3 regular ratio so I can drink two big mugs every morning. If I wait a bit I don't get a headache, but when I drink full-octane I do get pretty energetic.

    Thank goodness you figured out the issue with the door before you hit pay a charge territory!!!

    1. I'm very glad NOT to have to pay that "trip charge" for diagnosis! I feel a little silly, of course, for taking so long to figure it out, but glad it did dawn, because 10 days without the easy doggy access did not sound like fun at all!

  3. The is one destructive dog!
    The video is great! She's fun to watch.

    1. Yes, she is destructive, but getting less so, if you can believe it. The Tearrible Toy, I treat gently, and when I put her in the car with it, she does, too. I figure toys that are intended to come apart might be good training tools? I don't know for sure, but I'll try a lot of things until I find what works.

  4. I love the video, Ember really likes to play with that egg. Glad you got the door figured before the appointment was made or before they came out and charged you and you had witnesses to forgetting about that 1/4 lock. Have a great day!

    1. That little lock thing is probably one of the things that the "virtual diagnosis" would have found if I didn't find it first. But that "virtual diagnosis" all on its own is $90. Whew! Dodged a bullet there!

  5. Don't fret about the 'blonde' thing. Rejoice that you saved yourself $$$$.
    I'm contemplating that egg for Winnie. She's a smaller dog but loves balls. Currently she's taken over about 4 dryer balls. Didja get it on Chewy?
    Speaking of Chewy...the Shih-tzu...he's got a wicker basket full of toys. Ask him for a particular toy and he'll find it by name. Cracks me up, he's got quite a vocabulary. That egg is about his size :-)

    1. The dinosaur egg was part of a promotion by Bark. It is the Jurassic Bundle, and I signed up for a six month "super chewer" subscription partly because of this egg. The other suggestion that I got from (I believe Val, the Endurovet from Spark) is a horse toy: Jolly Ball. It arrived yesterday, and I haven't given it to Ember to play with yet, but it looks similarly stury.

      BIG toys. The Jolly Ball has a 10 inch diameter and I ordered it on Amazon.

      I am not at all surprised that Chewy knows the names of his toys. Ember knows several of her toys' names, too. "Tearrible" among them. I call one of her tugs "Shorty", and another one "Black Sheep" (fleece, black), etc.

      I'll bet both your grand-dogs would love the egg.

  6. Sounds like Ember and you have been having quite the week! From indoor football to door drama, it's never a dull moment, is it? Glad Ember enjoyed her ground turkey (licked the platter clean - impressive!) and that your Covid test was negative. That sliding door saga, we've all been there! So glad you figured it out before that hefty service charge.

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    1. Me, too! Onward to the weekend. Hope yours is a good one!

  7. PHOENIX1949

    Have a great weekend!



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