Saturday, January 25, 2025



Ember looks very "puppylike" in this photo from Wednesday afternoon.  She had gone down to the basement level and found my 4-pound weighted exercise ball (they used to call these "medicine" balls, never quite understood why).  She picked it up, and wagging tail in full use, proudly trotted it up the stairs and into the X-Pen to begin deconstruction.

Aside:  she really has not grown into those paws yet, has she?

Yes, I had to run the vacuum on Thursday while she was at daycare, to clean up the little fragments she chewed off.

It reminded me of once upon a time when my baby brother (you'd remember him as MOBYCARP from SparkPeople) and I skinned and unwound a golf ball just to figure out what it was made of!

Anyway, the blue cover is a very thin layer, then there is brown rubber stuff under it.  At about this level of deconstruction, I distracted her, got her settled for the evening, then put the ball away.  To be continued, of course.

My little girly is going to get an extra day of daycare on Friday, because I have my annual Medicare wellness appointment, and a fasting blood draw coming up.

Things started getting interesting Wednesday afternoon/evening.  My son had been feeling ill since Monday.  I asked if he'd taken a Covid test and could rule that out.  He had not yet, as of Wednesday afternoon, so he took one, at his wife's suggestion.  Sure enough, after five years of "the virus" being present on our shores, my son had his first positive test for it.  I'm still a unicorn, but I was with them on Sunday the 19th and of course hugged my kid!  

So, the two elders who were at the basketball clinic, DIL's mom and myself, are monitoring our own health.  So far, so good.  But also taking precautions.  I called my doctor's office to ask advice about Friday's appointment.  As long as I'm symptom free, they said come on in, and if I do develop symptoms, still come in, but wear a mask.  I was already masking for my trainer workouts... started up again when I was anticipating my cataract surgery last October, and just never stopped masking there.

Friday Ember went to daycare on a non-trainer day so that I could go to my annual Medicare wellness check without worrying about her being "stuck" in her crate at home.  I was fasting, no symptoms showed up, and I opted not to wear the mask, even though I carried it along.  I took my breakfast with me and munched on it while talking to the PA.  She duly noted the weight loss since a year ago, I credited the puppy, as I generally do.

Saturday morning as I'm typing now:  still symptom free.  I asked the PA on Friday about when it would be considered "safe" to have my next booster.  My last one was in May, 2024.  She said as long as I remain symptom free for another week or so, blessings on getting my next Covid shot.  But if I *do* get Covid, wait 3 months after recovery before getting another shot.  It has become part of the "normal", after five years in the wild.

Keeping on.  Choose to live your life!  Spark on!


  1. Good luck! May you remain virus free. Hope DS has a speedy recovery. 🤗

    1. Thanks, I'll take all the good wishes and luck I can get. DS got past his fever and went to work on Friday, masked. Thank goodness he now has a weekend to recuperate from the "backlog" he was faced with for having missed a few days.

  2. I unwound a few golf balls in my time!
    When does Ember stop destroying everything you own?

    DH and I have gotten Covid 3 years in a row since 2022, about 6 months after getting the vaccine. Fortunately, the symptoms have become exceedingly mild, but they have a distinct feel to them that lets us know we have it before we run those tests. It's my own real-world experiment that show the vaccine only has about a 6 month effect on our immune systems. Most people don't realize the flu shots act the same way!
    Getting that booster sounds like a plan. I may check into it myself.

    1. I have no idea when Ember will completely give up her destructive ways. It seems as though we see incremental progress, but then she discovers something else... some things I'm fine with her destroying (empty TP rolls, innards of paper towel rolls, even milk jugs or soda bottles)... and the occasional stuffed toy. As long as she doesn't ingest it and land in the vet's office. But bit by bit, we are gaining more self-control.

      Yep, a booster every six months or so seems like a good idea. However, with the new administration, I am not sure how long they will keep funding both the tests and the vaccines... especially considering who they have nominated for Health and Human Services head?

  3. OMG! Ember brought a 4 lb. medicine ball upstairs! She’s a strong girl!

    MY BROTHERS and I did that . . . deconstructed a golf ball to see what made it tick! Fun @ the time.

    So sorry to hear DS has Covid. Hope DIL doesn’t get it, too. AND YOU TOO!

    Yeah for the weight loss. Thank you, Ember!

    Well, hope you remain Covid free and can get your booster.

    Hugs and blessings and GOOD HEALTH!


    1. DIL and her mom have both been testing... her mom has taken 3 Covid at-home tests, one a day, because she has had cold symptoms, but all have come up negative. DIL had a touch of sore throat this morning, so tested... negative. Me? Still hanging in with no symptoms.

  4. PHOENIX1949

    Those paws! Looks like Ember is going grow a lot more. There is a 120# white lab that escapes her yard often that is posted on NextDoor seeking help to locate her. Owner states she is full-lab but photos show hints of Great Pyrenees (sister & brother-in-law used to breed Pyrenees).

    Hope Covid passes on you yet again. Six of my 8 medical appointments for this month done -- amazed that personnel, nurses and some doctors not wearing masks! Next week's 2 appointments are vitual.

    New growth, so back for another surgical biopsy middle of next month. Scheduled 3-wk round of treatments were put on hold until at least a month after surgery.

    Polar Vortex brought us snow and unusually cold temps -- lowest 21F with a low single-digit wind factor. I'm so grateful for central heating and a well-insulated home.

    Susan, Central Texas

    1. Ember's birth week is happening, starting tomorrow. I've seen three different birth dates for her, and they all are within the next week, so happy 1 year old, little "not grown up just yet" girl! 120 pounds? Yeah, with her breeding, quite possible!

      So far, so good on the Covid thing, as of Saturday night. Oh dear, adding prayers for the biopsy next month for you.

      If you have good heating in Texas, and good insulation, you were very lucky in your planning and purchase of a home! I mean, it just does not make sense in your part of the country, financially, to prepare the way we have to further north! So good job!

    2. Prayers appreciated.

      Actually, it was upgrades in the 40 years we have lived here and not luck at purchase time. Home projects one by one over the years, 2001 exterior siding with 1" insulation pad under it, few years later Windows by Andersen throughout house + attic insulation increased, converted wood-burning fireplace to gas logs, rebuilt both bathrooms which uncovered many construction boo-boos, about 5 or 6 years ago new HVAC installation including all new attic ductwork & insulation.

    3. So, smarts on your part. "Good job!" still applies, and I understand the multiple projects across the years. I've done similar in the 25 years I have lived here.

  5. Oh, Ember, such strong muscles you have ... carrying a medicine ball.

    Sorry to hear your son has Covid...not fun. Thankfully, several years out from the first go-round we know a bit more about vitamins and possible medication if caught quickly enough. Pray lifted for you and other mom-in-law not to contract it, and for quick healing with no long-Covid symptoms for 'the kids' if both wind up with it.

    Happy weekend.

    1. Son's feeling better, physically, but at work he has a pile of backlog to get through, and when you're not at 100%, the mountain looks even higher. I'm hoping he gets some good rest and distraction this weekend, so as to approach things with fresh eyes come Monday.

      Thank you for the prayers... so far, so fair, for DIL's mom and myself.

  6. Oh I do hope you stay covid free. Has it been a year already for Ember? Time sure flies when you are a puppy. Have a great Sunday.

    1. For sure... a year since she was born, 10 months since she joined my household, come the 31st. I'm hoping for that Covid free status, too! So far, so good.


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