Monday, January 20, 2025

Dog TV


When it's cold outside, let's snuggle on the couch and watch Dog TV.  When I was checking Facebook today, I saw a post from a friend who has recently (with her hubby) adopted a pair of Spaniels.  Cutest pups, of course, but the photos she posted were of the dogs watching TV with their paw-rents.  She captioned the one where the pups were awake and the ones where they were sleeping with the team names of the football games they were watching when the photos were taken.

I had to laugh just a bit.  Ember really does watch what's on the screen when it's Dog TV, i.e. videos of dogs, in slow motion, with their humans, doing fun things like running at the beach, or in the woods, or in a park... with soft piano music playing and sometimes nature sounds.  It's a calming thing for a pup, and I use it as Ember's sleepy time music, leading into her naps / crate time.  She also watches a bit of old episodes of Murder She Wrote with me.  I'm on a "news fast" of late, but I did notice Sunday morning that TikTok had gone dark on my phone, overnight.  I'm not a frequent user, but my kid sis finds things on it that she likes to share.  

Later in the day, TikTok went live again.  Can we ever keep up?

Sunday Ember was really starting to feel the confinement associated with the cold weather.  I foolishly had put out the raised dog bed again.  This time, she totally destroyed it.  

This is only the beginning.  She shredded the fabric, gnawed off the plastic connectors.  Can't do a whole lot about the metal posts, and it's now all in the trash.  Until next time.

Every so often I give her a plush toy that I know she's just going to shred to bits.  Sunday it was a fresh one, a burlap wrapped steer head toy.  The fluff flew almost immediately.

I fed Ember her supper a shade on the early side and tucked her into her after-supper crate time.  Then I went over to watch Foster Grandkid and his brother practicing at basketball in a YMCA clinic.  This brought back a lot of memories of my son's childhood.  We had him in organized youth sports from about age 5 or 6 onwards.  Basketball was his favorite.  FC's brother's "One more shot" begging brought back strong ones of fading light at the schoolyard when my son was young.

Many moons ago.  I think he was six or seven at the time.

I bypassed the family "McDonald's" trip afterward.  I got home, gave Ember her "last call" on schedule, and got to bed myself.

Monday morning I woke to the phone app proclaiming it was -1℉.  My kid sis translated that to -19℃, but my little calculator app would clock that as being -2℉.  Perhaps across town at her house it was.  Either way:  BRRRRR!

Ember agrees!  Too cold to stay out longer that essential.  She still kept asking, as though I could control what the door opened to.  But when pressed on the "in or out" issue, she consistently chose to come back in.

OK, I admit it, I have been watching the frou-frou in DC, and whatever my innermost thoughts about DJT, I have to admit he knows how to put on a show.  PT Barnum had nothing on him.  He views himself as a producer, and one of his biggest criteria for selecting folks to serve him is do they present well on TV.  

'nuff said about that.

Choose to keep on living your own life!  May all be free to do so.  May all the worries and fears be just that:  worries and fears, and not realities.  May we each keep making the best and kindest choices we can in our own daily spheres.  Spark on!

Oh, and I brought out the dinosaur egg today!


  1. The area school have begun to send out closure notices for tomorrow. Wind chill temps are predicted to be 27 below. No one should be out in that weather. A bus breakdown could result in tragedy.

    1. Here, too. Kids who would have had to walk to school or wait for a bus... naaw... I agree! Let them stay home and warm!

  2. In one way I am surprised at schools keeping kids in or staying home. None of us ever was kept inside in the winter, only if it was completely pouring rain outside. Of course in those days no one spoke about wind chill until someone invented it. Kinda wished it hadn't been. Well, I probably not going for a walk outside. Have a great day!

    1. I grew up in those times, too. We just bundled up!

  3. Glad Ember enjoys Dog TV! Miss Lilly enjoys the Incredible Dr. Pol, Critter Fixers, Rocky Mtn. Vet, and . . . music. Hurray for her tastes.

    Oh no that Ember destroyed her big bed. **SIGH*

    How nice you got to see the foster and his brother practicing basketball! Good for them.

    Honestly, -1 would be closer to -18 or -19C. But no matter how you cut the cheese, it’s C-O-L-D!

    LOL! Yes PT Barnum had nothing on T with showmanship. For sure.

    Schools closed here today due the arctic temps.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. A while into the "indoor parade" I had to change the channel, though. It was just too much. I'm not sure I'm up to four years of this stuff... might have to return to the "news fast" very soon.


Spring? Not just yet!

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