Sunday, January 26, 2025

Weekending with mom


Still working on the dinosaur egg.  It's pretty indestructible, but Ember gets very excited when it comes out to play, so Mom limits the time that it is.  Ember loves BIG toys!  Which is probably why she likes to destroy furniture.  Would she have made a great member of a pack that brings down big game?

On Saturday we did quite a bit of toss and retrieve in the yard.  With the rubber rocks and with balls, both.

It was chilly and mom didn't want to freeze her hands off with a leash walk.  We did get a car ride to take recycles to the center, and that earned us a trip through the drive-thru when Ember got a dog-bone (but no whipped cream, that's a one day a week thing, on Sunday).

The Sunday morning family health news is good.  Nobody testing positive for the 'vid beyond my son.  His wife, her mom, and I are still good to go.  

Ember and I practiced "going out and going in" on the leash at the front steps today, before going on a car ride.  We also pulled out a new Tearrible toy.

These toys are velcro'd together, intended to be torn limb from limb by the puppy, then put back together for another round.  

Carl loves his, Ember loves hers, too.  We pulled this little one apart three times today, and when I put it back together during her puppy nap #2, I inserted the "optional" squeaker, as when she pulled it apart the first time, she uncovered the pocket where the squeaker goes.

We did take a Sunday afternoon walk around the block, as the temperature got up to nearly 40℉.  We had some stubborn pulling toward the park.

I ended up invoking Carl's name to convince her to start heading toward home.  "I know where Carl lives, and we can go for a ride in the car.  Mommy has to drive us to see Carl and his people."  At this point she gave up on trying to pull me down toward the long grass and accepted treat enticements to head home.

Shortly after we got home, I fed her, then we did go for a ride in the car, to the high school where the former foster GC and his brother were practicing basketball.  The boys and my son and DIL came over and petted her through the car window.  Her tail and whole back end were wagging.  She does so love people!

She tucked in for the night quite happily, having had "a good day".  I texted the lady next door and we made arrangements for a "follow the leader" leash walk tomorrow afternoon.  It's supposed to top 50 and will be a great day to be outside!

This next week we will have three daycare days, as I have the second half of the annual medicalizing on Friday, then on Sunday the 2nd, she'll get her "spa day".  

Keep on choosing to live your lifeSpark on!


  1. She keeps you busy, for sure. With the warmer days this week, I have plans to be outside and enjoy the extra doses of vitamin D. 🌞

    1. I do hope you get that chance to enjoy the sunshine!

  2. We have a couple in the building who got a puppy like Ember but sadly they don't seem to be training the little guy at all. I think they are going to regret that as that little guy can pull them off their feet already. It is a lighter brown than Ember but still that sweet face. You are doing such a great job with Ember and I do love the Ugly Doll that comes apart. Have a great week.

    1. I am so sad for any puppy that does not get appropriate training! It's not the puppy's fault... that's a human error! Dogs are such precious creatures, and they deserve a good and joyful life. Maybe the puppy you're seeing is a "chocolate" lab? They are gorgeous. The thing with training is it's not always visible, though. Sometimes you feel like you're making no progress at all, and then suddenly, one day, it clicks in the puppy's brain and WOW!

  3. you might want to look at a jolly ball - ball for horses. Our shepherds loved them.

    1. Ooh, good idea... I'll look it up!

    2. I found it on Amazon, so it's on order. I think she'll love it.

  4. Glad Ember had a good day!

    Great news that the ‘vid seems to be going away. Hope DS is feeling better.

    Glad you got to see the former foster and his brother. Hope they’re doing well!

    Here’s to a good Monday!


    1. You know how when you announce "good news" and karma bites you? DIL tested positive for Covid this morning! Yikes. I had just seen them through the car window Sunday, so I feel "fairly safe" but I have three Covid tests on hand that all expire Feb 2, so I've started testing. Negative this morning.

  5. Good for weather which allows you to be out and about a bit more. We had rain and just the barest skiff of snow when I woke up (late) this morning. Water is like gold here on the desert, so I was glad to see it. Some of our surrounding mountains were predicted to get about a foot, but I haven't checked to see if they really did.

    That Tearrable toy looks very interesting ... I may have to mention it to the kids for Roxey! Did you find it in a store or order it online?

    Glad the family is not seeing any new cases of Covid.

    Happy Monday!

    1. I ordered this one online, but I had the benefit of having seen one "in person" when son brought Carl's over back in the day. So I was pretty confident of what I was buying. I think if you Google "Tearrible Instincts" you'll get a hit or six.

      Spoke too soon about the "no new cases". DIL tested positive this morning! Yikes.

      Hope your Monday was better that mine has turned out so far!


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