Sunday, June 12, 2022

Cat lady on loan

Different cats in the photo today.  These are my elder sister's kitties.  Ginger and Spice.  I usually get cat-care duties when she takes a road trip, and this week is no different.

After feeding the kitties Saturday morning I checked on the baby grass, where I'm trying to overseed.  A few blades are starting to sprout.  Carson the lawn-mowing kid came over and I pulled off the hoses to let him mow.  Those little blades are young and tender and too low to be touched by his whirling blade, so I didn't wave him off entirely.

Friday afternoon I got a call from the shared-fence line neighbor's significant other to confirm the style of fence we are planning.  I'm still awaiting the measuring and estimate for the revised specs and will confirm the width of the boards when I book the job.  You want to get the job done?  Put the ladies together and make sure we're on the same page!

Then Friday evening, I touched base with my kayaking companion and we have gone ahead and booked our rental kayaks for the next two Sunday mornings, tomorrow and a week from tomorrow.  Church on the water?  Yeah, can't think of a better place to commune with God than in nature.  

As it turned out, Mother Nature stepped in and changed our plans for Sunday morning.  Lightning strikes in the general vicinity deferred the kayak place from starting at 9, and the kind of kayak I wanted to rent was not available until noon.  Supposed to be 84℉ in the noon hour, and my companion Geri and I decided that wasn't "too bad" (considering the forecast for Monday tops triple digits) and we'll be out on the water, anyway...

So sister's kitties got their visit at the normal hour on Sunday.  While I was driving to and fro, I happened across a downed "big branch" from the storms that have come through.  I had no idea it had been that strong!

The reschedule allowed me to get my "internet church" service in before the kayak outing this Sunday.  That may not be true next Sunday.

Lily pads had floated over to the West side of the lake today, and I was noticing as we floated through them, the little puddles of water that formed on the leaves.

Had to take a selfie to show the beauty the sky turned into by noon!  I was following my buddy Geri at this point; she's in the orange kayak leading the way under that pedestrian bridge.

Looking out the bow of my own little boat at the back waters, and at the sky above the shore.

It was a lovely peaceful outing, and we shall go again next Sunday, but earlier, we hope!

Hope all my fellow Spark refugees are taking the best care to maintain physical, emotional, and spiritual health in the days of whichever season is dominant in your quadrant of the world!

And may your night be one of restful sleep, well earned!

Life is good.  Spark on!  🔥✨💖



  1. You are such a good sister. The kitties look very content.

    Good news about the neighbor and the fence. Like-minded people make those types of decisions so much easier.

    The picture of the lily pad brought back a flood of memories. I remember being in a row boat on a lake somewhere with my grandma and grandpa. There were so many lily pads with huge flowers on them. I was so taken by flowers that bloomed in the water.

    From the pictures, it looks like you had a splendid time on the water.

    Have a sparkling week.

    1. I would hate to be always fighting with the neighbors, wouldn't you? Yet some folks seem to thrive on that!

      Those lily pads will bloom profusely in a few weeks. I look forward to seeing them change. That's one joy of going to same lake, seeing all its seasons.

      You have a great week, too!

  2. ❤️Living vicariously thru you! Made me smile to “see” you out there! 😁
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. LOL... and you get differing views, depending on the app. I didn't save the walk back to the car, because I forgot to turn RunKeeper off and it followed me home in the car and gave me WAY too much speed on average!

  3. Good for you, Barb….you are making it happen! Moving forward with the fence, outdoor exercising while enjoying nature, caring for felines in need…hurrah! Sounds like a nice Sunday! Eissa7

    1. Thanks, it was peaceful, and my muscles know they have worked, too. Hope you have a fine Monday!

  4. That's good news about the fence. It's nice to have everyone on the same page.

    What a beautiful and peaceful outing for you.

    1. Yes, got the estimate back this morning... and kind of "yikes" as the measurement changed a bit. But the fence is a necessity if I'm to host Carl.

  5. Hubby is the 'cat-lady' for our neighbour when she goes away. Wonderful peaceful kayaking trip. Wonderful pictures.

    1. How kind of your hubby! It's really lovely to know you have someone to depend on when it comes to pet-care. My sis and I swap duties, and if she's not available, I have my son, but he's got a longer drive to provide duties, so it really works best for sis and me.

      Hope your week is smooth and full of peaceful progress!

  6. Kayaking looks so fun! I can't sit in one due to all the back stuff but a canoe will do.

    1. It's an awesome and peaceful experience, provided you get a calm day, which so far this Summer, I have. I love paddling the backwaters... where you can sneak up on ducks, and the geese are flying low in their V's and shifting their leads... Ahhhh!

  7. Enjoyed the vicarious virtual kayaking!

  8. Awwww, your sis’ kitties are cute!

    LOL! Yes, nothing better than Church on the water . . . . Mother Nature . . . . beautiful church!

    Wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing.



A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...