Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Time is moving on

I note it's been nearly a week since I posted.  But I haven't had a lot to say... think I wore myself out.  Not to mention the news cycle having me "down".  Sigh.

Still, I took a photo of a shell the kids brought back from the Atlantic shore, filled with my June pebbles for the pebble jar calendar.  A touch of humor / whimsey for the "new month".

Let's see, what have I done with this "do-nothing" week?  I voted early for the special election for my congressional district.  Seems the guy we've had in office for quite some time got convicted of lying to the FBI about foreign donations to his campaign funds, and has to be replaced.  He was honorable to the extent that he did resign, and I was glad of that.  

As has now become more the norm than the exception, I delivered the ballot in its secure envelope to the election commission myself.  That way I know it got there, and it saves a stamp, but burns some gas.  Not much more gas than driving to the polling place would.

I also ordered clover and grass seed for the yard.  The grass seed arrived, so I raked some of the barer patches in the front yard and overseeded.  Watered a couple of times, in between the fronts that brought some rain.  The clover seed is due to arrive in the next couple of days.

Today I made myself a bowl of potato salad.  A big batch, in order to use up the eggs and potatoes on hand.  I shall have to space out consuming it over the next week.  

I'm blaming Facebook for spurring me to make it.  A question in my feed asked about "who else puts mustard and mayo in their potato salad?"  Of course I also put sweet pickle relish in mine.  

The fence guy emailed me back to say he was wrapping up last week's work and would get to me this week to take ourselves through the planned work.

I'm back on sister cat duty starting today, running to next Wednesday.  She got herself to the airport to fly down to visit her elder daughter, they got the plane in the air, had a mechanical and had to return to the airport for repairs, so she would not have needed to get up QUITE that early given when the plane finally left.  Flying in the times we live in.

I was supposed to go to an outdoor concert with my son's fiance and her parents on Tuesday, but the weather ended up canceling that event (or postponing it, they will reschedule).  So we'll try again next week.

Any-hoo, that's about it from this domicile.  Hope things are well at yours, that you are keeping your balance and avoiding the upsets that are all too prevalent in the news.  

Be kind to yourself, and to others.

Life is good.  Keep on Sparking!  πŸ”₯πŸ’–✨


  1. Seems there is 'breaking news' breaking into the 'breaking news' on a regular basis. Aargh!

    It seems our experiment of a civilized society is running amok! Sigh!
    Praying that it can get back on a better track than the one currently being used.

    Quote I like: “Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.” ~ Nora Ephron.

    Keep on keeping on!

    1. I love so many things Nora Ephron wrote! Punishing ourselves, failing to live fully, is caving to the terrorists, be they foreign or domestic! The more of us are kind one to another, the more "civil" there will be in society.


    2. PHOENIX1949 here:

      I had the honor of meeting Nora Ephron. She was guest speaker at a Rotary Club that one of my sisters was President of. My sister got into a time bind and one of the calling committee members was unable to call members so I volunteered to help. I was treated to a nice meal in an historic building and introduced to the guest speaker.

    3. What an awesome experience that had to be. I cherish having met several of my own "heroes" of varying stripes!

  2. Now I want some potato salad. My mom also puts mayo and mustard in hers. Yum! All I need is a cold piece of fried chicken and I'm good.

    Sometimes you just have to step away from all the craziness in the news. It can be too much to take.

    1. Hee-hee... now we're even. You've often posted yummy food suggestions and spurred me to make something! Enjoy your potato salad, which, as most classics, gets made however it gives your family joy! I don't make mine the same as my mom did... closer to my husband's family tradition.

  3. Potato salad (with Hellman's the only REAL mayo), mustard, made with dill pickles instead of sweet, corn on the cob, accompanied cold fried chicken for Memorial Day dinner. Yummy for the tummy!!

    It's been quite a news week. Have you by chance seen the green sneaker video that Matthew McConaughey made? I don't cry at news stories...I cried

    Saner leader would be a refreshing change.

    1. Oh, yes, "real" mayo, none of that "miracle salad dressing" stuff (my mom made it that way and I detested it). Yellow mustard. I cut the mayo with plain non-fat Greek yogurt, so just a dab of mayo. Onions, celery, potatoes, eggs, and sorry, but in mine, it's sweet pickle relish.

      One of the things I love about potato salad is that everybody makes it their own way, wrapped up in childhood memories! I've tried other folks' offerings at picnics and such, I've bought the kind the restaurants offer... and they are OK, but the kind one makes oneself is the perfect recipe for YOU! Others might not like mine, but I do. I may not like yours as well, but YOU like it better. Potato salad is a metaphor for our humanity!

      Yes, I watched the Matthew McConaughey speech live, and yes, it's enough to make one cry. It wasn't a news story, it was a plea from responsible gun owners, many of whom agree with him. I know my son does.

      I grew up in a household with guns. My father had both hunting rifles and shotguns, and a couple of hand guns. He taught us that there is no such thing as an unloaded gun, you treat every one as though it's loaded. He taught us safety rules. And he tried to teach each of us to shoot. Did not take with me. But my older sister was a pretty good shot, and my brother took his first pheasant with a family heirloom gun that had put meat on his great-great-grandfather's table.

      The idea of licensing, waiting periods, and age limits makes total sense to me. It does not negate my Dad's style of training, but augments it.

    2. We have guns. Living in the boonies, we have targets set up in front of our back pond with hay bales behind the targets. Our children were required to take gun safety classes before they were allowed to even shoot at the targets. They were not allowed to aim and/or shoot at any living matter what. Waiting periods, raising the age for purchase do not infringe on anyone's rights. Automatic and semi automatic weapons should be banned.

    3. I sometimes think the urban folks don't think about the needs of the rural, and vice-versa. Still, most of us can agree on simple common sense things, like training, and waiting periods and age limits. The limits of common sense have been severely tested by "marketing" for votes.

  4. This has been a “do-nothing” week for me, too. Mostly because of the weather, the heat depletes me. After the early morning workouts, I try to stay inside, but with no AC in my apartment I make strategic store runs and cruise the isles for a while.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. We have been having a cool weather pattern the past week here. Big hail storm took out crops and gardens a couple of nights ago, nearby. A friend posted photos of her decimated garden!

      No A/C in the apartment sounds like my childhood and my son's. The lack of A/C led us to spend more time outdoors in the shade, and really saps the energy!

      I was out soaking in the chill at 6 a.m. this morning, and remembering those years. Hope you stay safe and healthy!

    2. I just read an article that there will be a Sriracha shortage; chili pepper crop failure. (There’s been a shortage since the Mar ‘20 lockdown.) Makes me feel for the farmers (gardeners, too); farming is already such hard work when Mother Nature is cooperating.

    3. Agreed. With farmers in the family, I appreciate how hard they work. I had enough time "on the farm" as a kid to know what it takes to "walk beans", feed chickens, put the animals up for the night, safe from predators, gather eggs and prep them for market... plus how early Marge got up to milk the single milk cow... but oh, what a joy the raw cream was on your breakfast cereal!

  5. Yup, the week seemed pretty constant. Mine just has gone non-stop so far. Blogging about that soon. Have a great day!

    1. You're in the midst of big family changes, so non-stop sounds about normal for that kind of phase. Sending vibes for energy to you as you navigate your way through it all!

    2. Thank you so much! It really means a lot. Huge hugs

  6. Mmmmmm, we make potato salad the same way! If I'm out of relish, a chopped pickle with some juice will do. I'm a bit heavy h!anded with onions.
    Enjoy the concert! We've our first big event to go to since 2019, an outdoor wedding with outdoor reception. Got our 2nd boosters last week.

    1. Good for you timing those boosters. You'll be at your most protected for that Wedding.

      I have done that potato salad thing with chopping up pickles and adding juice in the absence of relish, but relish is the best. Potato salad is such a matter of individual taste!
      Son and his fiance have planned their wedding for outdoors next April. My kid sis expressed surprised that she got an invitation to the reception event from my son... he never sends social media invites... but they did the modern day thing... each of the couple sent the invites to their own family members!

  7. I sense your son has found some sweet happiness that opens him up a bit.

    1. I have really been relishing the photos of them as a couple... he looks happier than I'd ever seen him, and that of course brings a mom joy.

  8. OH my, glad that your district congressman at least resigned.

    Tis the season for potato salad. So good. Definitely have to be mindful of quantity!

    Hope your sister had a safe flight after all that!

    Hope it’s been a good week for you!


    1. Sister got safely to her destination and is enjoying time with her grands. I agree about the congressman. He gained credit in my eyes for resigning.

  9. I make potato salad exactly like you do!! Yum! My Mom made it that way…It is always a good idea to stay away from heavy doses of news … I watch the local/national evening news and that is it…way too upsetting!! We are currently traveling BUT frequently my week is pretty “usualπŸ˜‚”. Eissa7

    1. I am currently in avoidance of the build up to the public hearings. I do intend to watch the raw congressional presentation, but avoid the commentary (on both "sides"). Neither denial nor exaggeration / overplaying politics serves the truth.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...