Sunday, June 26, 2022

Another peaceful, sunny, Sunday morning paddle


Someone asked for a photo with the lilypads rolled up and reaching for the sun.  This was my attempt at taking one of them, this morning.  Enlarge the photo and you still might not be able to see them, along the shore, but they are there.  My paddle buddy and I mused that might be what they do overnight, then unfurl in the sun to drop to the surface?

But what I noted in this photo was the morning sun on the waves, and how sparkly it was.  For the most part I did not even attempt photos this morning as there were waves and wind to deal with.  The wind was coming from the Northwest, and the Paddle Company texted me that they were going to change where they launched from today.  He explained that this would make it easier to launch beginners today.  He wasn't worried about Geri and me... we'd do fine either spot, having been doing this for a while.  It was fun, having a bit more of a challenge than a glass-smooth surface, and we got our workout in, for sure.

After our paddle, we walked over to where the marina used to be, 55 years ago when I took canoeing lessons.  The concrete pad where the boathouse used to be and where the canoes on racks used to be when they were awaiting renters.

The dock at the foot of the steps leading down to the lake is no longer there, of course, but I could walk down memory lane easily, being there.

When I got home, I saw the neighbors across the street were out in their yard, so I quick like a bunny found the print I had made of the photo with the geese on their roof, and walked it over to them.

Meantime, back at the clover nursery, I saw itsy bitsy sprouts in the muddiest part of the yard yesterday afternoon.

The neighbor kid had come by and mowed while it was still raining.  The yard looks good except where I'm still trying to encourage that clover.  I have watered a few times because the rain has not been reliable enough.

Here's hoping my fellow former Sparkers are remembering to breathe, hydrate, and be active, because whatever we might individually think about the state of the world, it won't do a lick of good to neglect our own health.  We have to be strong to make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of those to depend upon us.

May your well-deserved rest be peaceful, for Life is Good!

Spark on, gentle friends!



  1. I've had a bit of a time feeling settled this week. So many thoughts about freedoms.
    I envy you your kayaking.
    I've had to stop walking the canal until I can find a buddy. There have been several assaults and even chubby old woman like me is a target. So sad. They haven't caught the person yet.
    Another freedom in jeopardy.
    Toady is my first venture in the pool. I'll enjoy that.

    1. Huge hugs, Janet! It is sad that you can't walk the canal path as freely as you used to do! I walked the canal path with my hubby, up by his mother's home in Trenton. His brother would garden on the banks of that canal.

      Have you read Paula's blog, reminding us to breathe, today? The profound sadness over the political trends is this country could just weigh us down. But we will not allow that. We will link arms, remember to breathe, and pull up our big girl trousers and do what we must.

      Meanwhile, enjoy the pool!

    2. Thanks, I posted on Paula's blog. We need to fight at the polls for our representation and there are many ways we can do so without screaming and throwing things.

    3. Indeed. And the truth be told, if we all sat down and talked calmly, we might find we are closer together than we think.

  2. Even with the close up, the lily pads were difficult to identify. I have such fond memories of seeing and touching them from the rowboat with my grandma and grandpa.

    The lake provide peace and calm in a world filled with chaos. Even vicariously, it's soothing.

    Have a pleasant evening and the week to follow.

    1. speded2 (Jeanne) ugh!!

    2. hugs back... it's a whole different experience to be close enough, in the kayak, to drip water from your paddle onto the flat leaves. Yes, deep peace.

  3. Nice to “see” you out there!
    I keep thinking I want to head out to the beach (solo and during the week), but I talk myself out of it 🤷🏻‍♀️I’m glad I get my “water fix” thru your adventures.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I am so glad I have this option. When the kids went to the ocean shore in May I was so jealous. Living over a thousand miles from any ocean or gulf shore, lakes will have to do it!

    2. I am 5 miles away from the nearest beach 😊
      I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow nearby, I think I’ll pack a beach bag in case the urge strikes 😉

    3. I do hope you pluck up your courage and decide to go, Dee! If nothing else, finding courage to do "normal" things again feeds ones soul!

    4. I drove by, because it would be my luck that it would be foggy and cold 😔

    5. Even a drive by is a step in the direction of action! Well done.

  4. A nice peaceful Sunday on the water is what we all need right about now. I guess a nice cool day out in the yard doing some work had to do for me.

    1. Cool weather helps a lot, doesn't it? I was out giving the baby clover a drink this morning before errands. Calm in that, too!

  5. The clover seems to be coming along pretty well. Looks like a beautiful day for a paddle. Have a great week ahead

    1. There are more today, so I gave them a little drink before starting in on the "to-do" list. Hope you have a good week leading up to Canada Day!

  6. The lake looks like a lovely setting for a peaceful, tranquil paddle although the waves do indicate more of a workout opportunity. Glad you enjoyed it! Yes, we can only control ourselves and do what we must to stay healthy…exercise, hydrate, eat healthy foods, and stay away from all the upsetting news that TV loves to blare in our faces so that our minds are healthy, as well. Eissa7

    1. It was a nice workout, I thought, and yes, these morning paddles are perfect for a Summer workout. Here's wishing you a wonderful Monday, and upcoming week!

  7. Sounds like you and Geri had a wonderful canoe trip! Beautiful pictures.

    Looks like the clover is taking hold. Good!

    Here's to a good week ahead.


    1. Oh, and I found out later that day that kayaks count as canoes. It was National Canoe day on Sunday!

      Good week wishes sent your way, too.

  8. That looks lovely - I am strongly tempted by my Tractor Supply's neat lineup of small kayaks; I could slide one right in the bed of my pickup! Hubby was a strong paddler back in his youth, but I have not been able to tempt him back into it.

    1. I'm having "issues" with blogger at present... I swear I left a response both here and on your blog (I followed you home from this comment) but "poof" everything seems to have disappeared. Thinking kind thoughts your way... and I love the photo of the bobcat on your blog from this morning... sorry he is species confused!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...