Friday, June 17, 2022

Fence guys are back at work

 They took Thursday off, which was fine with me.  One less thing to stress over.  Thursday night we had some more thunder boomers roll through.  The fence fellows had left their auger behind my fence, right where the rain water drains.  This morning, this is what it looked like.  It had been solidly caked with mud before the rain.

I did not know whether they would come today.  I had a bathroom remodel guy coming to take measurements and give me a ballpark for re-doing the "main" bathroom in the house.  While I was sweeping the front steps after that contractor left, the fence guys showed up.

The fence posts they had set on Wednesday survived the storm just fine, and now they are working to set posts on the other side.

I really think this "shared" fence line is more of a challenge than the one that abuts the "alleyway" between my house and the condos up the hill.

The neighbors that share the fence line are having other work done on the far side of their house.  That gives everybody the chance to keep an eye on the progress.

I have a couple of steps up from the yard to the patio, but they laid the plywood down to get their machine up onto the patio and kept on working.

Posts laid out and ready to plant.

They will need to connect the new to the old, before it's all done.  I am starting to envision how open the yard is going to feel once it's done and I get the clover planted back there.  I'm mulling over the idea of a beehive... I've never tried keeping bees, but you know we need them!  And I could in theory anyway, harvest local honey for myself and family.

By the end of the day, they had all the east side posts up.  They will not be working on the weekend, which is good as we're predicted to have 100 degree heat.  Gives the posts time to settle, too, before they put the stringers and pickets on.

Here's hoping everyone is staying safe from whatever the weather is sending your way, be it heat, storms, flooding or whatever.  Take care of yourself, get your water in, and get your rest!

Life is Good.  Spark on!



  1. Once everything gets done it's going to be amazing. How exciting to be able to just have a fresh start with your yard. Oooh, bees that would be so cool to do.

    Yes, its been hot here too. We might get a small little tiny break from it, but it's going right back up.

    1. It's a bit on the messy and exposed side now, but I'm sure it will be great when it's all done. Meanwhile, I'm hiding out and trying to do laundry during the coolest parts of the day.

      Hope you have a peaceful weekend!

  2. They have made so much progress. It's going to look grand when they have it all up and in place. Looking forward to the next set of progress photos.

    Bee keeping as a new venture. For certain they are needed and the bee population is dwindling. There is an orchard market to which we travel in the fall to buy apples and fall produce. They have a huge bee hive with a glass wall inside the market. There is always a wait line to watch the bees working inside the hive. Of course they sell jars of honey, too. We think it's better than what we get at the supermarket, but it's probably because we watch the bees while they are making it.
    This fall, I will have to remember to ask how they got the hive started. I'm sure there's an interesting story to be told.

    Cooler weather predicted here for tomorrow. It's my plan to get all three acres mowed. I've been mowing in the evening for a couple of hours. One area looks really good while the others look ragged. Maybe by the end of the day, they will all look good, for a couple of days anyway.

    Happy weekend!

    1. I imagine this is just one of my dreams, the bee-keeping thing. Those dreams flit in and out but when the concept of how much work it would take? Well, the next shiny thought might just shoo it away.

      Here's hoping you get that cooler weather today, and enjoy it!

  3. Sounds like an interesting project, really worth researching. The fence is going to be great. I smiled at the tools just left, that seems to be the trend now. My dad would carefully clean off his tools and put them all away at the end of each day, now they seem to just leave them everywhere.

    1. Oh, he had been going to leave the whole machine, unsecured, but decided not to, in the end. Just left the attachment.

      I don't have a lot of faith in my stick-to-itiveness when it comes to bee keeping project... but who knows? These thoughts come and go.

  4. Bees please! I have wanted one for years but there's too many chemicals in mine and my neighbors yards. Sadly there's also few bees. Someone on my walks had hives for years and one winter the bees died. They aren't really sure of the cause and did not renew the colony. They are a bit of work but the reward for the environment is substantial. Good luck.
    Bathroom remodel? You are planting some seeds in my head.

    1. Well, my unpoisoned lawn (dandilions) and the clover in my yard is a draw for bees to begin with. I already get bees. If I bought a beehive rack, and set it up, I wonder if they would decide to "move in" without my having to do further encouragement. I have time to ponder. A bee suit might be in order as well. And of course a boatload of research.

      Oh, dear, the cross-pollination of ideas!

  5. Oh no on the mud caked fence auger!

    Glad there is progress on the fence!

    Here’s to a good weekend.


    1. Even though he says he doesn't work Saturdays, the head guy went and picked up the stringers and pickets and unloaded them into my garage. He brought his daughter along and we joined in the fun of hauling boards. Little girl is strong for her size!

  6. I feel drained just doing a walk in the sun, I can’t imagine trying to do any kind of work in itπŸ₯΅ Bless those who get it done out there.
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Amen to that. It's dangerous work in the heat.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...