Saturday, September 18, 2021

Come Saturday morning

 Now that I have a sound track playing in your head

If you are of my generation, at least... the Sandpipers show up in your mind.  

Orion has a cloudy outfit on today, but he's visible from my deck

With Sirius, the dog star, at his heels, Rigel at one knee, Betelgeuse at the opposite shoulder, a familiar, maybe the most familiar of my childhood memories.  I had to go look up the memories on Stellarium, after speded2 commented about it a couple of days ago when I first posted an Orion picture. Among other things this site can do for me is refresh my memories of the star names and where in the constellation they lie.  I envision more "look ups" in my future.

It's a cool morning, but not yet cold, as we approach the first day of Autumn next week.  It's 58℉ (14.4℃).  

One cat had stayed in overnight, the other out.  They do this a lot, one in, one out.  Last night it was Rubia who stayed out all night, and Prisoner who snoozed inside.  But that varies, with the night.  Sometimes both in, sometimes both out, sometimes it's Prisoner out and Rubia in.

Morning tasks ahead

I have a morning task ahead of me.  The local health department is sponsoring a household hazardous waste collection event as a drive-through.  I have been gathering a bit at a time a few items that I'm ready to let go, and at this point they are in the hatch of my car.  Some of them have been sitting around the house for over a decade, and it's high time.

Problem from my point of view:  I'd never been to the location before, and I'm not sure of the entrance.  So I Googled it.  Google wants me to do a u-turn on a busy highway.  No thank you.  I altered my search criteria to go out of my way to avoid that u-turn.  Welcome to old lady-hood!

The pep talk

All right then... the phone chimed time to get moving!  Let's all get out there and live our best Saturday, September 18, 2021.  After all, it's the only one we'll ever get, and we are worth taking care of... us, and the planet... and our friends and neighbors.  Don't forget that self-care part... it's how we remain ABLE to do our part!

Life is good.  Spark on!✨💖🔥🎇


  1. Good job with your continued decluttering efforts! Hope that you have a wonderful Saturday! Eissa7

  2. Love your picture!

    Yes, the temperatures are wonderful . . . mostly 70’s.

  3. I like the “star chart” app on my iPhone - sounds like your new favorite one is similar 🙂

    My favorite are deep sky objects visible through binoculars. I’ve participated in a few overnight Messier Marathons. The seeing was GREAT when I lived in Vega$. Drive 45 min in any direction and there was surprisingly little light pollution and almost no water in the atmosphere. 🌌

  4. Our temperatures have cooled down also. At night it gets down to the 40's and 50's but warms up late morning. Our high today is 77. Our hummingbirds are busy slurping up the juice to prepare for there trip to warmer climates. Sept 25 is take back day for our county and we do have some batteries and old phones to donate to them. There are a lot of things that they cannot take anymore and some that you have to pay them to take. That's ok though. We are thankful for a way to get rid of things that you wouldn't want to see in a landfill.

    1. Yes, always have to read what they take and what they don't. One big win for the day was they handed out a guide to "who takes what" in terms of the things they do not. So I now know where to take some old used motor oil, for example, which I knew they would not take, but hadn't yet looked up.

  5. Google can be tricky and sometimes silly. Glad you re-routed! And good for you getting rid of more! I came across some cords that do not belong t anything I can think of...haven't used them in a very long time and maybe got rid of the stuff already anyway... DH says toss them, but I'm inclined to see if I can find a place to donate-ya never know! We had terrible smokey air here yesterday. The news said fires in the Crawford (NE panhandle) area were the problem. Wow!! Must've been significant! I may try to check a scottsbluff newspaper for info! Stay healthy!!!

    1. It's almost like a game, finding new homes for things that are no longer serving us!

  6. So many of our roads are undergoing major reconstruction -- our GPS features are never current, especially since some detours are revised once or more times daily!

    1. Our roads, too... they are building a new "by-pass" to the South of town, and that's caused many detours and changes as the construction progresses. LOTS of new round-a-bouts, which folks here are having to adjust their driving for.

  7. Thank you for the positive critique for Stellarium. DGD and I think it's fascinating.

    Cooler weather is predicted to arrive here on Wednesday, perfect timing for the first day of autumn.

    I've read that UPS drivers plan their routes so they mostly make right turns to be more efficient. I took that to heart and plan my trips accordingly, if possible. There is not one thing wrong with old it planning ahead. 🤗🤗

    Happy Saturday! Have a beautiful tomorrow.

    1. How interesting about the UPS drivers. My ex-husband (son's father) would go miles out of the way to avoid left turns, so my avoiding the U-turn this morning kind of made me smile and remember that trait. Nothing wrong with it... safety, and knowing one's limits.

  8. I’ve resorted to Zillow to plan routes. They offer street views like Google Earth but don’t have the nauseating zoom in feature. You are doing a stellar (pun intended) job of decluttering. Nice your things are finding new homes.

    1. I've never used Zillow. So many apps... so little brain power to take on new ones. Then when I finally do try one, the old one goes out the window? Sometimes, this is true!

  9. Old lady hood lives here too and finding a better way is always welcome :)

    1. My sister and I laughed over our common old ladyhood on the phone after I wrote that.

  10. Sometimes Google wants to take us in so many steps to somewhere. We call her "Wanda" because we're always wandering around.

    1. Love it... "Wanda"! Renaming things is one of the joys of being oneself!

  11. Hope your drive was okay and you got rid of those items that just seem to hang around for forever. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, it was fine... and now I know how to get to a new place! Bonus. Not that I'd ever need to go to a water park for kids. LOL!

      Have a wonderful Sunday!

  12. Came over to treat myself to a "catch up" of OKM blogs!! Always so interesting -- love that you felt confident enough in your kayak to volunteer for the tri: and that you're also experimenting with overnight fasting! Yes, share your sense of loss on how blogs "usta" work at Spark People, and I've been derelict about blogging here myself. It's just . . . not the same. Oh well oh well oh well!!

    1. Only so much energy in a given day, huh? And we have to budget that energy, to take the best care of ourselves, and LIVE! Miss the Henry stories, but... you living them is far more important than me reading about them! Spark on... quietly, peacefully... lovingly!

  13. Hi ... you are having adventures! Thinking maybe even I could kayak.

    1. On a calm lake, with limited motorized boats, anybody can!


Not a fan of the telephone

  I never was a fan of the telephone.  I hated calling up stores and asking for stuff, making appointments, etc.  This dates back to childho...