Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wednesday morning musings

 Daily happenings

I was awake "too early" again today, but Fitbit assured me I had over seven hours of sleep, since I sacked out early, too.  I "gave up and got up" as they say.  Early to bed, and early to rise... guess it's how I'm wired.

But now, in the cool of September, it's dark when I get up!  I had pre-planned that this would be another day to attack the piles of "stuff" I'd been too tired or unmotivated to sort, file, or otherwise organize.  So I started my day by carting a big pile down to the dining room table, re-building a foothill of Mt. St. Omigawd, but with the goal that it will be cleared off into files by end of day. 

When son's GF posted a sunrise picture with mountains in the background... bingo, that's what you get as the blog photo.  I swiped the Montana photo from her Facebook story.  

I deferred the morning walk until after my healthy breakfast.  I'm observing the relationship between athletic endeavors, fasting, and hunger, with interest.  I had observed back in the days when I was training for events that I would not be hungry as much on the heavy workout day, but be ravenous the day after.  Today is acting a lot like the day after.

The pep talk

Not much more to say, other than the standard pep talk:  treat yourself like your own best friend today, gently, and kindly.  Feed your body, mind, and spirit with things that bring health and uplift!

Now go live that way, this one and only Wednesday, September 8, 2021 that we'll ever get.  Because we're worth it.  And life is good!  Spark on!  ✨💖🔥


  1. Morning here spent with garage door technician. Our opener, installed in 2004, is cutting out off and on. He offered to replace the motor but we opted to replace the entire unit instead of multiple future calls to fix other parts.

    Have a productive day at Mt. St. Omigawd.

    1. Hoping for a success with the new garage door opener for you!

      Mt. St. OmiGawd is progressing, but I need a break... responding to comments in providing that! 😁

  2. I slept in today, I can’t overeat if I’m sleeping… (guess that pity party isn’t quite over)😔

    1. Hugs! Sometimes it takes a while for the clouds of a pity party to dissipate! Here's a flowery pick me up, in the hopes of helping: 🌹🌺🌼💐🌻🌷

      Hoping for a better mood for you, starting right now!

  3. I observed the same kind of thing you have described; on strenuous days, exercise tended to suppress my appetite. The day after, I was often so hungry, was tempted at times to gnaw my own arm off! 😂

    Good luck with Mt St OMIGAWD 🏔

    1. Thanks for the good luck wishes... whenever I start diving into another layer of "the mountain" I need it! A stray thought occurred to me as to why I let it pile up, over and over... as long as there is a "mountain", there is life to be lived? The ponderings of a Geek, sorting paper!

    2. Jillian Michaels used to say that we do the things we do, because they afford us *something.*

      I didn’t agree with a lot of what she said, (especially the pseudoscience 🤮) but I think she was right about that.

      With paperwork I think I tend to feel like I’ll do a better job tomorrow or next week. But just like health management, what serves me best is having a *system*, where everything has a place it can go. It’s the indecision that paralyzes me and makes me feel inadequate in the present.

    3. Perfectionism... "I'll do a better job tomorrow"!

      Systems: for me these work, until they don't. I think I'd give my current paper-handling system about a C... MOST of the paper gets handled well, but certain categories are problematic. Mostly related to medical stuff! Need to revamp that system, decide what needs to be saved, and where... and then fold that into the rest of the system.

  4. What a beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing.

    Yes, it certainly is still dark when I get up, too @ 4 am. But it's all right.

    1. Mountains are certainly beautiful, but they come with challenges attached!

  5. Back in the day, when I had 5 little kids to run after and life caused things to pile up, I would ask myself, "How would you feel if MIL showed up for a visit?" That would usually do the trick. FYI...MIL was 2000 miles away, but the mental image was enough to get the motivation juices flowing.

    Good luck with "Mt. St. Omigawd". I really like that name. So appropriate. 😉😉😉

    1. Wednesdays are a good motivational day for me because ALICIA363 stops by when she gets off work, and she's allergic to cats... but that's more a motivation to vacuum or dust, not to sort through papers!

      The fear of drop-in guests... strong motivation! I remember my older sister cleaning mom's house when she had a date coming to pick her up for a movie.

  6. We have rented the same old farm house for 18 or 19 years . Our landlord was never going to sell , it has been in his family since the 1770's . I have always loved the property since I was real young and first married and lived somewhere else . The property sung to me . I have asked many times if we could have first refusal before it went to the real estate agents ; if he ever changed his mind about selling . Any ways a real estate agent sent big dollar signs in to his head . So his beloved property is being sold off in lots and the house will be a lot of his own , but , a big , big price . It's a big house and will always require big upkeep ; so , next summer or before we think we will be moving so 20 years of papers and things to go threw . So I understand your work load on that dining room table . Take care and work diligently on those piles .

    1. The piles are smaller these days, but still require examination and decision making! If I pace myself...

  7. Woke at 5am today ... arrrgh. Not sleeping to great here.

    On the road tomorrow.

    1. Drive safe. Avoid fires. Enjoy scenery. And wishing you good rest while away from home.

  8. I am such a procrastinator! I need to go through "stuff" too so if and when we move it won't be so daunting. I lay awake at night thinking about it but when I get up there always seems to be something else to do. I will take my inspiration from you and get going!
    Joan, Hemtech

    1. Good for you... we can treat this like we did with so many things over on Spark: if we piece at it, ten minutes a day, and time-box it... it can get done.

      Or there's Sister #1's method: "do one thing" each day. That one thing can be small, or it can expand to something more.

  9. Good Thursday morning! Commenting from home while I can. Still having to remind myself what day it is!
    Thank you for the lovely walk last night! ❤️ Pedaling away now...🚲🌟

    1. It was a lovely walk. The weather is turning! Good job with the pedaling! Spark a fine Thursday!

  10. I’m also an early to bed/rise person. Always have been. Wish I could sleep later and I try. Oh well. Looks like your sister is too!! High fire danger here. We don’t need that. Stay safe today!

    1. Fire danger is good to be aware of, even if you get lucky and none actually start up! You stay safe, too.


Not a fan of the telephone

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