Friday, September 10, 2021

Friday goes to the dog

Carl hangs out in Sleeping Beauty's forest
First, the day started too soon again.  I woke up before 4 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep, so "gave up and got up" at some point.

The mythical son had said he'd be dropping Carl early, to allow himself extra time.  He and Carl arrived about 6:15 a.m.  It was still dark.  

Wait, what, Carl on a Friday?  Isn't Monday Carl day?

Well, it used to be that Monday was the one day a week the mythical son had to get his physical self into the office.  That was pre-pandemic.  Then he was only in the office rarely for a year and a half.  But today was special, it was his last day working for this employer.  He had to turn in his "work at home" gear, and have an in person exit interview.

When he dropped Carl off he apologized for being a bit later than he'd hoped.  Seems when he has a panic attack, it gives him the dry heaves, and this leaving the job had him at a level of anxiety such that he did not get much sleep.

Neither did his mother.  I'm worried about him.  Yeah, yeah, typical mom.  When he came to pick Carl up after his work day, he confirmed that he had his exit strategy calculated right to the cliff's edge.  He is still qualified to be re-employed, should he at some point want to work for this employer again.

In the meantime, he's filling out the necessary forms, etc. to re-enroll in grad school, to finish up his Masters degree.  His advisor assures him he can pick up where he left off, he has the base courses covered, he can move on to the advanced ones.

 Sleeping beauty's forest is back

I had told my son that "Grandma" (that's me) had a whole backyard full of weeds that Carl could "help" me with, evoking his puppy memories of the days he used to spend with me.  The outdoor mate to Mt. St. Omigawd (the indoor piles) is the overgrown outside, which I refer to as Sleeping Beauty's Forest.  

"We" did some work out there, but as the day heated up, we retreated indoors to the A/C.  Carl is a lot calmer as an adult dog than he was as a puppy, and flopped down with a sigh to nap, as Grandma is pretty boring.  Carl was happy when his daddy came to retrieve him.

And the cats are back in charge.

As they drove off, I stepped out on the deck and in plain English announced to the invisible cats that Carl was gone, he would not be coming back today, the house was theirs.  Went back inside.  Within five minutes, The Prisoner presented himself at the door for admittance.  A few minutes later, Rubia followed.  And it's a kitty haven again.  Dog toys have been collected back into their box.  Garden tools back to the garage.

The evening pep talk:

You made it through the work week.  It's Friday.  Time to change gears and focus on the home front.  This weekend for me includes volunteering at a Triathlon on Sunday morning.  

Important:  Do not lose focus on self-care in the process!  Be kind to yourself in assessing how your week went.  And remember that when it comes to your body processing intake and outgo, a weekend day is no different from a week day!  Eat to support your health, mental, physical, and spiritual.  Be active to feed your soul, not just your body!

You only get one shot at each day as it comes around... here's hoping your Friday, September 10, 2021 was appreciated as the gift the present is!  🎁✨💖🎇🔥

As with every day, we Spark on!


  1. Wow! I'm glad son is finishing his masters". I'd thought that was a done deal, so it's a good thing he's gonna get it done. I have no doubt leaving his job was stressful. Seems he's been there quite some time, yet better for him to finish the education and maybe press on above that, if he's so inclined. Lucky you to have a Carl day! Too hot here even for an afternoon walk! Tomorrow should be better. (I do wish DH liked the am hours for walking... I'm like you...even before breakfast is my preference!)

    1. Carl and I got a short walk into the park, but there were a lot of other dogs being walked same time and he was being bark-y, so I cut it short.

  2. Good for your DS finishing his Masters. It's not easy but so worth the effort.

    I got mine in 1985 (publich health administration) while working full time. I was much younger!

    Glad you had Carl time! And sounds like Carl was glad to be w/Grandma, too.

    Have a good weekend.

    1. I think Carl considers that Grandma time is better than being cooped up in his kennel for the day!

      So many well educated folks on here... I never made it to the Masters level, having got the job in the industry, just took a couple of grad school courses, and of course kept on reading up on new changes.

      Son's field, though, a masters is almost a requirement. I think he still has a practicum to finish (Social work).

  3. I hope your sons day worked out , stress is hard to deal with . Have a fun weekend .

    1. He survived, and I'm sure he's glad it's over... now I told him he may need a couple of weeks to "remember to breathe in and out" and just live.

  4. Oh Barb, I am SO glad he’s finishing. I don’t have stats on hand, but it’s rare someone leaves grad school and manages to finish later. Usually they leave and spend the rest of their lives telling people things like, “I’ve *practically* got a ; I just didn’t write the thesis.” (Or some variation on that theme)

    It’s devastating to the committee and advisor, to see someone leave without their degree, after spending time (and often grant money) training them. I’m sure they are elated to have him back! ❤️

    1. He kind of HAD to leave, for the money involved and medical debt of his then-wife,l now-ex. I think had he had the funds, he might have stayed in to finish, maybe even go beyond the masters.

      Got my fingers crossed for him.

  5. Great news about your son! Earning a master's degree will be really empowering.

    I wanted to ask you if you had STEPH-KNEE's contact information. I know she posted her Instagram, and I think maybe an email, but I don't have Instagram. =(

    1. No, I'm sorry, don't know how to contact STEPH-KNEE, but invite anyone else who has it to let you know.

      I hope that the Masters is of help to him. In any case, it may give him some breathing room to heal, and right now, that is needed.

  6. Congrats to DS. A good life choice at any age.

    1. Thanks. 👨‍🎓💖 Some of us would have been students forever, could we afford it. I came close in my choice of profession. No, I was not an academic, I was an analyst and system developer... LOTS of opportunity to learn new things!

  7. My goodness, he has lots of time and good for him! He's young!
    Thanks for reminding me about dog toys; I've got to do the reverse as Chewy is staying at Nana's tonight. He looks indignant (how do they do that) when his toys are still in the carrier where he can't reach them.

    1. LOL! Somehow we read their emotions in their furry faces, don't we? Have a great time with Chewy!


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