Saturday, September 25, 2021

The mini-tantrum is still not over


The skies were on the gray side Friday morning, which made it easy to sleep in.  I checked on Rubia, who has been "not herself" Thursday and Friday she was still kind of listless.  At least she had used the litter box overnight, and on Saturday, she's more herself, even jumping up onto the table, and this afternoon the bed.

Friday evening I reserved my flu shot for Saturday morning, thinking I want to space out the flu one and the third shot of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.  If I have side effects, I want to know which shot to blame, if you know what I mean.

In line at the pharmacy, I encountered another "older" (as in like me) lady, who was doing the same thing, but in the opposite order... she was there for Covid #3, and would schedule flu for a couple of weeks down the road.  But then again, she got her Covid #2 a couple of weeks before I got mine.

The local health department has put out that they will be e-mailing the folks who got their first shots through the mass vax clinics in order of "time since shot #2" next week, so for now, I'm just going to wait for that e-mail.  If I get it by Thanksgiving, I'm good.

I did hear from the mythical son today, and from his girlfriend, too.  She's gone and acquired a costume for Carl for Halloween... I think I'm going to have to stock up on doggie treats!  

Carl will be going as a pizza slice, GF as the delivery person, and they are still working on what to dress the mythical son as... breadstick?  Beer?  I guess I'll have to be surprised.  

The son is contemplating an interview opportunity for a new job, wanted to run it by me.  He'd already run it by the GF.  I basically said, hey, sign up for the interview and see what more you can find out.  That will remain pending for a week or more.  

That's about it for today... still dealing with a burnt out attitude about food and activity.  

Meanwhile, remember that whatever small things we do, it is sufficient for TODAY.  Tomorrow is another day.  Each day it's a little bit better... maybe tomorrow will be the morning I wake up as "me" again!  LOL.

Spark on, my friends!  ✨💖🎇🔥


  1. I’m glad you told us Carl was a pizza slice - from the camera angle the pattern kind of looked like planets and cosmic dust. The only puzzling part was the little black “O”s, which I now realize are olives!

    I hope Rubia starts feeling better. I have a soft spot for orange kitties and still miss mine, who died in June ❤️🥺

    Good plan with the shots 🙂

    1. I had to expand the photo to spot the mushroom, too. I had seen a photo of the costume lying flat before GF picked it up, so I kind of knew what it was ahead of time.

      Yeah, I worry about my kitties when they start acting "not themselves" since they can't talk and tell me what hurts... but she does seem to be coming back. Sorry about the orange kitty you recently lost (June is recent!)

    2. It *feels* recent 🤷‍♀️
      (Compared to him being around for 14 years)

  2. Mythicl son could dress as a pizza box??

    HOPE Rubia is attitude-improved.

    And just signed up for my 3rd vaccine on 02 Oct. Got the flu shot last Saturday. So shold be ready to do virus battle, I hope.

    I totally agree. My pharmacist said you could get the flu and covid vaccine @ the same time. Ok, not good in my book, either, for the same reason you said -- if I have a reaction I want to know which shot is the culprit. And besides that. . . I don't need both arms hurting @ the same time!

    Have a good weekend.

    1. I don't think we're alone. But some people double or triple up shots for kids or pets... figuring they need them all anyway. I suppose if I was short of time and busy, I might think differently... but as a retiree, I want to know!

  3. Oh, my friend, lots of hugs for you. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  4. I'm so glad that you're able to get your shots. I got my flu shot a couple weeks back on a whim. My mom was at her doctor's appointment and Kaiser had a tent set up for the flu shots. While I was waiting I went and got my shot. I got my Covid booster last week. I'm glad for that.

    The costumes sound cute and it makes me want to get Scooter one.

    1. Glad you were able to get your shots, especially as you are taking care of your mom and watching over her health, too.

  5. Kinda in a slump myself, but hey, at least I'm here!
    We dressed Oscar as a hot dog...figures!
    Carl is tolerant.
    Enjoy the flu shot. LOL. Have you considered checking in on the multi-valent flu vaccine? I've seen it advertised but have not encountered any info, gotta ask my MD it really has extra benefits.
    I'll be hitting #3 at the end of October for sure!

    1. What's the difference between the Flu-Max over 65 shot and the multi-valent flu vaccine? I've been getting the Fluad Quad 65+ for three years now.

  6. The only way we would get our cat Tigger in a costume is if we want to go to the hospital due to blood loss. Being the feral cat she is, it would not go well - LOL. Cute costume! Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. I would never try to put a cat in a costume... a dog? Depends on the dog, and I'd let him out of it fairly quickly... right after the photo shoot!

  7. 🐓🐓🐓
    Are you getting enough daylight? Water?
    Big sister hugs from your ‘little’ sister!

  8. At first glance, I thought Carl might be a hippie in a tie-dye outfit!
    Keep on keeping on.

  9. Dr. Jan Pol always said if an animal is still eating , that's a good thing . So is she still eating ?

    1. Oh, yes, she's eating, drinking, using the box, asking to go outside, and jumping up on surfaces... i.e. the cat is doing much better!

  10. Great to hear all your news hope Rubia feels better soon.

  11. Hi Barb, just getting caught up with your blogs. I haven't been consistent at all. I find the interface with wordpress a bit daunting. Agree that it's not the same. Kudos to you for your weight loss. I have not been doing well on that front...still getting outside, getting exercise in, but not really "on a program" even though I know what I need to do. Hugs to you.

    1. Knowing what we need to do doesn't always lead to doing it, does it? Sometimes we just have to let that "mood" run its course, then climb back on the wagon!

  12. PS hope Rubia continues to improve! It is so hard when they are "off"

  13. Your son should go as Ranch Dressing!!

    1. LOL! I'm not a fan of Ranch Dressing, but I am a fan of my son, so however he dresses is fine by me.


Not a fan of the telephone

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