Monday, September 13, 2021

What are you ready to let go of today?

Ready to let go?

This theme was spurred by my decision, this morning, that this particular pair of shoes is not in good enough shape to donate, and allowing them to land in the land fill.

These shoes saw three seasons of running, two of yard work, and one of getting dipped in the edges of lakes while I learned to kayak.  They have never properly dried out and are starting to have the odor of "old lake"... so they are now at the bottom of the kitchen garbage can, and will see their way to a not-so-dignified burial, come garbage day.  I rescued the laces, and will wash and reuse them on the next pair of shoes headed the way of yard work.

Material things are not the only things that need to be let go

Often what we need to let go is an attitude, a thought, a resentment, a behavior... and sometimes these are not so easy to release!  But that's where the most growth can come, from the hard work of letting go the mentality that no longer serves us.

Sometimes it takes us a while to let go of long familiar thought patterns.  But if we work at it a little at a time, and periodically take stock, we can make substantial changes in our lives.

The pep talk:

Be gentle with yourself, this one and only Monday, September 13, 2021 we'll ever get!  Remember to breathe and quiet yourself.  Nurture your body with foods that support your immune system, your strength, and your bones.  Nurture your mind with positive messages.  And nurture your soul with meditation and/or prayer.

Life is good.  Let's live it best we can, and that is enough!  Spark on.  


  1. I LOVE donating or retiring stuff that has outlived its usefulness.

    SPACE, the final frontier! 😂

    1. Yes! And our community is hosting a "hazardous waste disposal" event next Saturday, so one of my goals of the week is to gather together a trunk full to get rid of!

  2. Yes it is so important to let go of things, material and otherwise. For me, perfectionism is being ditched for progress and persistence. That's a lot more do-able.

    So, going to make it a good day!


    1. Perfectionism is a good thing to discard... and for some of us, it takes multiple tries! Progress and persistence... great goals! ((( hugs )))

  3. I only got as far with her as getting dressed down to the shoes, and making my bed every morning. I've been thinking about the Flylady recently, and pondering over whether I should re-visit her materials as my next area of improvement.

  4. Yep, I donate to friends if I can, to organizations when possible, but the time comes for some things that it's the trash bin. Although, with some items I put them in a plastic bag; our trash company sorts for recycle/not-recyle, so I figure someone there may see just what they need.

    1. Good job! I am fascinated by how different places the trash companies provide services differently. My own doesn't sort recycle/not, so I separate those myself, and take the recycles to a center periodically. Either way, it's good to release things no longer needed or serving us!

  5. The pep talk is exactly what I needed to read tonight.
    Thank you for a peaceful way to end a not so great day.

  6. The “letting go” is very difficult for me right now. Still dealing with grief of losing my sister almost 3 years ago. Never thought I would have such difficulty. The end of September is when she received her terminal diagnosis. Sometimes I think life is this big chaotic puzzle and we have difficulty finding the pieces that fit together, only to lose a piece or the picture changes and we have to refocus. That is my task right now…refocus and move on. I need to honor her life by taking better care of my own. Thanks for the pep talk!

    1. There is no wrong way to grieve! It's unpredictable when it will hit us. I dreamed in the early hours of this morning, and my brother, gone over two years now, was part of that dream.

      We can do this, that re-focus you speak of... and we can be gentle with ourselves about the time it takes. ((( 💗 )))

  7. Sometimes "letting go" means right into the trash. Good for you! You have no idea how much absolute junk our ministry gets dumped on us. Dirty, stained, broken often just dumped at our backdoor when the office is closed. We actually had to contract for a trash removal service for the larger items. Our volunteers (mostly retired) cannot haul it to the dump themselves. Far from helping, these dumpers are costing us funds that could be used elsewhere.
    End of complaint. Yes, I will let go of the resentment.

    1. 💗 Good on you for letting go of that resentment! What a shame that people use the ministry for a dumping spot!

  8. My exercise shoes become casual shoes and finally yardwork shoes.

    1. Mine have a similar trajectory... these got to the end of theirs. I have the next pair identified as next year's kayak shoes...


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