Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Your Wednesday morning endorphin report

 The call of morning

Wednesday, in the 7 - 8 a.m. hour, it was a cloudy morning.  As I turned the corner onto one of the main streets, I saw this huge glowing circle.

Ever thankful for a red traffic light?  I was, this morning.  I took this photo of the sun, shrouded by the cloud cover, but shining through, at that traffic light.

Where was I going, old retired lady that I am?  I was driving to the nearby lake. It was interval jog day, and I wanted the softer surface of the trail.  I'm in the process of increasing the time of the jog intervals.  Now I'm up to 400-500 jog steps in a five minute cycle.  

Not quite halfway done, I was on the top of the dam.  I slowed long enough to catch the reflection of that shrouded sunlight glistening on the water.  Ahhhh!  By this time, all stress and worry and anxiety has drained away, and God and I have come to the agreement that the world is a great place to live, and that life is good!

I played a bit of tag with an older couple who were walking around the lake.  I passed them on the top of the dam.  They took a shorter route down to lakeside, and I had to pass them a second time along the north shore.  As I passed that second time, the woman gave me a huge thumbs up. She asked me my age.  I told her, and asked her "how about you?".  She didn't answer, but her (I assume) husband proudly said "75".  

"Good for you!" I replied.  "Keep moving."

When I finished my loop of the lake, I stopped at a picnic table to stretch it out, and the couple caught up with me.  "Do you do this every day?" the woman queried.  "No," I said, "two or three times a week."  

And those two or three times feel wonderful, I might add.  Words not said to my "instant friend".  The couple kept walking, I assume toward their home in the neighborhood.  So proud of my fellow seniors, out there "representing", taking care of our health!

My pebble jar calendar has ticked over to the September "to go" jar, with the center jar holding a pebble a day from January 1st through today now.  This is the one and only Wednesday, September 1, 2021 we will ever get!

Today we begin living the final third of 2021, let's all do our best, best can do, with whatever "conditions on the ground" we are each dealing with.  That is enough!  And each of us is worth the effort we take, to nourish our bodies, souls, and minds.

Spark on!  ✨πŸ’–


  1. Those were great early morning pictures to see. It is great to meet people along the way who are getting their walks in too. Thanks for sharing! Hugs

    1. Yes, very peace-inducing, those views! Hoping similar evocations for all!

  2. How awesome to run into that couple! Yup . . . seniors rule, right!?!

    1. Seniors mostly have it figured out, what's important: time and health!

  3. Happy September 1 and onward. Love the pics, they capture so much. It is good to "make new friends".

  4. My dear hubbie turned 70 this summer , and a few times I have whispered to myself ; " Your married to a 70 year old " . I prefer to think of seniors as those in the 90 to 115 year range . Do your pebbles match your dΓ©cor ? Take care .

    1. LOL... "old"/"senior" is defined as 20 years older than you! It keeps getting higher with every passing decade!

      The pebbles do match the runner on the buffet the jar sits on, so although I never thought of them as matching the decor, photograph seems to say they do.

      You take care, too!

  5. Happy September! These seem to be the early bird events for seniors: walking and dining out. Both allow you to avoid the annoying crowds. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    1. Don't forget grocery shopping... we like doing that early, too!

  6. That’s what most mornings this week have looked like, not sure if it has more to do with our fires burning out this way though πŸ˜”

    1. Heck, the way the weather works, your fires' smoke can cause haze all the way over here, too! But I think this is more likely partly Ida's fault... often when a hurricane hits the gulf we get something out of it... all the way up here. Being an agricultural state, we are grateful for the moisture, but we do like to complain if it doesn't come just when we want it to. 😁

  7. What a beautiful backdrop nature provides!

    1. Indeed! Thanks for getting me out in the afternoon, too. It wasn't as beastly as last week!πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’

  8. Am chuckling and agreeing with your definition of "old/senior" - I know my gauge kept moving up but think I'll adopt your definition! Meterological fall is in the air around here - (at least til Saturday.)

    1. When in doubt, write an equation! How many bicycles do you you need? If you have n, you need n + 1. How old is "senior"? If you are x years old, "senior" = x + 20. LOL!

  9. How does this pebble thing work??

    Inquiring minds want to know! πŸ˜‚


    1. You have missed a blog or six... over the course of the years! Guess it's time to write another! The tradition for me dates back to my son's second deployment, when I was counting down how long before he would be coming home... but evolved into a tactile calendar. 12 little jars in the beginning of the year hold 31, 28 (or 29 in leap year), 31, 30, 31... etc pebbles, representing the months of the year. The center jar gets a pebble transferred to it from the current month jar, with each passing day. At the end of the year, the center jar is overflowing. The point is remembering to live each day as it comes.

    2. I wondered if I was late to the party on that one...

      Thanks for re-explaining to me! 😁

  10. You must be proud to give such a good example for any generation to watch! Cool pebble calendar. First time I see one. Lovely pics. Thanks and enjoy the special opportunity of living this day!

    1. It did make me feel good about my progress this year, for sure, to have that thumbs up from another active person! Hope your Wednesday was a good one!

  11. If we are lucky, and don't develop bone spurs, etc., there is no reason we can't be active into our "senior years"... but it does take that training, it's not all luck!

  12. I admire you for going back to running. I just could not get into it. I tried but I just couldn't handle those (TMI runner trots).LOL

    1. I try to maintain a certain level of amnesia related to those kinds of trots! πŸ˜…


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