Friday, May 3, 2024

Cleanup on aisle CAT


The cat / dog detente, in a nutshell.

On Thursday, at some point, the puppy knocked over one of the baby gates.  Oh, it wasn't in use, it was laid aside waiting for when it might be needed, leaning up against a counter.  Puppy jumped to try to see what was on the counter.  On the "off" command, she brought the gate crashing down with a loud boom!

A secondary "boom" happened, but I couldn't figure out what that second "boom" was!  An echo, perhaps?  Something fell down in another room, maybe?

Later in the day, not sure how much later, the cat came up the stairs, asking to go outside.  I don't remember what/where the puppy was at the time, but there was a clear path to the exit, and he was able to go out without being pursued.

End of story?  I did not put the pieces together until this morning in the dark of pre-sunrise.  I filled The Prisoner's breakfast bowl, and started to carry it down to the laundry room to set him up in his own "safe space", and found this:

It would seem that the secondary "boom" was the light globe on one of the laundry room lights.  Enough vibration had accumulated over time that when the gate crashed, one floor up, it was the final straw.

I could not put the Prisoner in that room as it was.  I could also not delay getting Ember out for her morning potty before feeding her.  So, we went back to the al fresco breakfast for Prisoner on the deck, and whisking the bowl away once he paused, so that Ember could go do her thing.  Not quite the most peaceful situation for the beginning of the day.  But we carried on.

Ember was not particularly happy to be put back in her den in the 6 a.m. hour, so that mom could go clean up the shattered glass and run the vacuum down in the laundry room.  All cat food and water dishes have been removed and washed "just in case" slivers could have been mixed into the water or cat food.

Ember came back out for play about 6:50. She was out being a good girl for about an hour and a smidge before she had to go back in because Mom had to get ready to go to the trainer.  Not a normal Friday schedule, but normal enough for a trainer day schedule except for that 6 a.m. hour.  

In general news:  Ember seems to have found her voice.  She barks more now that she has up to this point.  Sigh.  But a lot of the nipping has moderated, for which I am grateful.  One puppy developmental issue at a time, eh?

The current play focus (at least this morning) was the staircase.  We played up and down the stairs with that ball quite a bit.  Other toys, too.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. OMG, that is one of Miss Lilly’s favorite games . . . ‘upsie downsie’ . . . throw the ball down the steps and THEORETICALLY she’s supposed to bring it back up . . . rinse, lather and repeat. But after 2 rounds, she will come ½ way up the stairs with the ball in her mouth and sit . . . looking @ ME to fetch the ball. LOL Eventually she get the idea she has to bring it back to me if she wants to continue to play. Fun game for the fur babies!

    And love the picture!

    Here’s to a good weekend.

    1. I hope you and all your family have a good weekend as well. Ember and Miss Lilly must be related, at least in temperament.

  2. The photo of Poor Kitty on the railing and Ms. Blueberry keeping watching is priceless!! Insert a tree graphic and you have a future Christmas greeting. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. LOL... guess I'll have to photoshop me in, too, for that Christmas card shot!

  3. Whew! You got in a LOT of steps this morning.

    1. Indeed I did. And it was my trainer day, too. And after I got home from that, took Ember around the block on her big girl leash. So, yes, getting lots of steps in!

  4. Oh my gosh, poor Prisoner must have jumped a mile with the boom and then the glass globe explosion in his safe place.

    1. And now I "get" why his eyes were so big when he came up and demanded an exit! Hopefully he will be willing to go down there for breakfast tomorrow!

  5. The picture with the two of them is great!

    1. Sometimes I get lucky! Two seconds later and there would have been no cat in that shot! Love 'em both.

  6. Hope this morning was uneventful! ~Ace ❤️

    1. This morning was somewhat magical. I waved the breakfast bowl under The Prisoner's nose, then took it down to the laundry room. Miraculously, Ember stayed quiet and The Prisoner was brave. As I exited the laundry room, here was The Prisoner on his way down the stairs. Success!

      Life is calm at casa Prisoner-Ember.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...