Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday in Emberville

Shrinkage of "stuff" on the counter.  More to do, mind you, because she's not gonna stop growing.  When you decided to "hire help" getting you to decluttering, I recommend a puppy!  The puppy needs to be put into a safe space while you do, but when they are loose, they provide tons of motivation.

Some things are put "out of sight, out of mind", some things are discarded, donated, etc.  But the stuff will be reduced or the puppy will latch hold and destroy it!  Sometimes at peril to the puppy.  So, yeah, lots of motivation!

Wednesday morning walk challenge was the automated sprinklers in neighbors' yards.  She tested one and even drank a bit, was startled and jumped at a point or two and on the third one she tried to attack the sprinkler head!  Naturally mom played "distractor in chief", and we made it home safely.

Point of progress:  Ember had a carpet pee accident this morning, and for the first time, I did not have to put her "away" while I cleaned up.  She did not go after the paper towels; she laid quietly chewing on her rawhide roll.  She had to be put away a little later for Mommy to work on other human things, as well as to keep the schedule.

We had puppy plus class this morning at 11.  Thank goodness she pooped shortly before we went, but she ran out of bladder space right at the end of class.  She did pretty well with the cues, though.  I took "the good treats", and mixed them in with the normal kibble, in the hopes that the gambler's schedule would work in my favor.

It seemed that it did.  She did well with "go to mat", and with "wait" (which is just a briefer form of stay).  She did particularly well with "touch". She learned a new one:  "crawl".  Because she was good, I let her stay after for some puppy play time.  She played well with a puppy named "Vex".  A beautiful fluffy blonde puppy deserves a better name, in my opinion, which I did not express aloud.  I watched her carefully when she interacted with Charlie (looks like a Pekinese mix) and Mazie (tiny terrier class) but Vex was about her size and similarly shy.  Another big breed puppy opted not to stay for play time.

After class, sharing the shade.  I could not believe how peaceful Ember looks, with her leash slack, that close to the C-A-T.  Prisoner, on the other hand, does not look relaxed, but rather "on alert".

Alicia came over after her workday, and Ember was still pretty wiped out between class, play, and the heat.  We showed off her food puzzle and skill with human cuing, and Alicia helped me measure Ember's girth (see "comedy of errors" or "how to make a liquid puppy stand") with the idea of ordering her a different kind of harness.  Best we could measure was 22 inches girth.

Using "the good stuff" treats, we enticed her into the den so I could hug my sister good-bye in the driveway, and when I came back inside, there were puppy snores emanating from her safe space.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Awww, so cute that they tolerated each other for a bit.
    I never had the shrinking counter clutter problem with a dachshund!

    1. LOL! A doxie would definitely have a problem reaching my counters! But a lab? Oh-ho-ho!

  2. Tired girl! Not surprised to hear she was snoring πŸ€—πŸ₯°❤️ ~Ace

    1. And The Prisoner helped me get her back into the den at midnight. LOL... he wanted out, she was on the couch, I let him out of the luxury suite and she chased him to the back door. I held her while opening the door for him, then she was just fine going back to her own safe space for the night.

  3. Poor kitty looks as if he's ready to stake his claim. πŸ€—πŸ’žπŸ˜ΌπŸΆ

    1. LOL, indeed "poor kitty" gets bolder all the time. But he still seems to be giving Ember a fairly generous "puppy pass".

  4. Definitely a pup is more than enough motivation to declutter!

    Kind of makes me smile to visualize Ember being startled by the sprinkler! She’ll learn.

    Sounds like she did all right in Puppy class. And YOU were prepared!

    Hmmmm . . . . you would have to wonder why the pup was named Vex! OY

    Looks like, despite Prisoner’s being on alert, he and Ember are learning to share space well. Progress.

    Don’t you love puppy snores!

    Glad you got to visit w/Alicia and show off some of Ember’s skills. All good.

    Hugs and here’s to a successful Thursday.


    1. Yes, I love puppy snores, and puppy "urfs" in their dreams, and when their legs move while dreaming. Such little dears, learning and assimilating, just like us!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...