Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pupsickle and such

Monday another Chewy package arrived.  I had ordered a puppy life jacket for Ember.  I made the mistake of showing it to her and attempting to dress her in it to check the size.  She was having none of it, and it triggered a "demon puppy" period for a while.  I put it away to "try again later".  Trying too many new things at once is not something she handles well.

I was also lured in by an ad. In this case, it lived up to its advertising.  I popped the filling into the Pup Sickle toy, smearing some peanut butter on its top.  Then I put it in Ember's den.  She followed the toy in and started licking away.  She was quiet for quite some time while I worked on upping my levels of puppy proofing yet again.

The downside is that I am pretty sure it was the pre-made "pop" filling that gave my puppy diarrhea, and I'm still cleaning up after her on Tuesday at 6 p.m.!  There is this puzzle of a puppy that knows this belongs outside but can't make it there when the urgency hits!  Once today it was on tile, and once on carpet.  

And why, you may ask, am I needed to up the level of puppy proofing?  Because the little big paws can now top the edge of the dining room table.  They can reach, but not yet top the kitchen counter.  

When I started pulling the puzzles out to fill for her dinner, she abandoned the Pup Sickle and asked to come out and supervise.

Look how long this 14-week-old is!

I kept trying to get Miss Emmy outside in hopes that her digestive system would work on eliminations of the solid kind before the predicted rainstorms.  We made it!  At long last, after she'd already ingested her supper, or most of it.

I zapped my little entree for supper, and she willingly went back into her den.  I turned on her dog music and turned off the lights.  I will go back down when I'm ready for bedtime eye drops (that I store in the 'fridge), to give her a "last call" before the midnight outing.  We're in a tornado watch Monday until 11 p.m., though, so I'm prepared for the possibility she could decline.  

As it turned out, I didn't have the patience to outwait her in that "last call", and this was a mistake.  When I got up to my 12:30 a.m. alarm, and opened my bedroom door, the odor of the puppy with diarrhea hit hard.  I was up for about an hour cleaning up while she played fairly politely.  Between the loose stools and her having to be kenneled for the time I went to workout, she was in a crummy mood all day.  "Demon puppy" kept going after my shoes, my wrist, slipped and got my hand, etc.  Sigh.  

Tuesday afternoon, she attacked the underside of my chair.  This one, the one she tried to sneak into in the pre-dawn hours Tuesday.  I had just turned around for a minute to sip my coffee!  Those training videos that say if you can't keep two eyes on the puppy, put them in their den were not kidding!

Having got away with that, she next attempted to take over the couch.  I called a halt and picked her up and put her on my lap:  only in this chair when you're with Mommy!

After the mid-afternoon attack on the chair, I sent her to her safe space while I did "repairs" of the underside, essentially cutting off some of the fiberglass material.

On the lighter side, from Monday:

Here's the new kitchen faucet.  Luxury item, it looks much like my retired sister's in her "redone" kitchen.  It has a sprayer setting, and the head extends, for easier cleaning of the sink as well as "pots and pans" as the plumber said.  I don't think he has any idea how seldom I cook in anything larger than a single size... but I do sometimes, and especially when it comes to soup season, that could come in handy.

Wish me luck making it through the night, as I'm not sure of Ember's digestive health status... sleep with one ear open!

Tomorrow the handyman is coming back to do the permanent repair on the siding, and also the plumbing estimator will be coming to give me an estimate on replacing the tub/shower in the main bathroom with a walk-in shower, the kind with grab bars and a seat.  Hey, we have to plan for the future, as well as the present, and the part the plumber was going to order to repair the diverter is no longer available.  I guess my fixtures are officially considered "old" now.

Despite all this, Life is GoodSpark on!


  1. Oh, those faucets are very handy.

    Poor Ember, poor you with the loose bowels! Hopefully she recovers soon. I wonder if there's a dog equivilant to Immodium ...

    1. I already discovered one way that faucet is handy! I have a "licki mat" for Ember, and the spray head being able to extend and directly address all those little spikes on it!

      I don't know about doggie drugs... worth asking the vet, if this doesn't just clear up quickly. She had another soupy poo between 7 & 8 p.m., and is now resting in her crate. I set my alarm for 11:15 p.m. to go check and see if she needs to go out. She'll get some extra loving through the night.

  2. Oh, poor Ember! Poor you! I hope the digestive issues clear up soon. Love & hugs, Ace

  3. Whew! Does the Pup Sickle filling have an ingredients list? Maybe you will be able to identify what made the pup so sick. Process of elimination?
    Your faucet is very similar to mine. It sure makes clean up so much easier.
    Good luck tonight! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. Yes, there is an ingredient list, and I was already shaking my head on some of them before we saw this biological reaction on Ember's part. I let her try them, anyway. And it isn't really proof that this treat is the problem, as Ember chews on plants in the yard, too. Could be a pinecone she chewed on. Or a combination of the little snippets of things I had let her try out.

      I love the new faucet, for same reason... makes cleanup so much easier!

  4. Faucet looks identical to mine. Nice for rinsing out both sides of the sink when cleaning up. Our water pressure is so strong that one needs to be careful to pull the sprayer below top edges of the sink.

    A few years ago we converted one tub/shower combo to a walk-in spa tub/shower combo and two years ago the master bathroom tub went bye-bye and in its place a walk-in shower with bars and a seat. Our realtor neighbor was telling us the walk-in tub was a big mistake for resale but since we hope to live here untl we pass on, we are making it more comfortable for us. Stuff is being done in bits & pieces due to expense.

    We put in a drip irrigation system for the lawn so no more dragging hoses and sprinklers (City rebate for water conservation using the drip system) and put levers on the interior doors in place of knobs along with light flip switches replaced by soft-touch levers (arthritic hands since my late 30's and these things help). We added recessed lighting in the kitchen and dining room which really brightened things for these old eyes. Next on my list is pull-out shelves on all the lower kitchen cabinets.

    Been decluttering big time the past six-months with the help of my goddaughter and have moved a lot of unused items out to a community charity center that finds them new homes.

    Hope Ember feelilng better soon. We signed up with 'The Farmer's Dog' program and start the switch to the healthier options tomorrow gradually adjusting amounts of old/new food until the switch is done.


    1. I'm with you on doing bits and pieces to spread out the budget. This year I'm doing at bit more as I've been holding back due to indecision on which of many projects to tackle first. Usually what happens is that an "emergency" decides for me, as when the AC went out two years ago. I had already been considering the bath re-do at that time, but put it off due to total cost.

      Ember is having an unusual day today because the handyman is here already working on the siding repair. I can hear his tools working.

      I would love to hear how The Farmer's Dog works out for you and your fur-baby! I mean, Ember is destined to be a spoiled dog, but spoiled-healthy is a good thing, right?

  5. Propectolin tabs FTW!!! But in a pinch, it’s safe to give puppies 1/2 - 1 T Kaopectate or Pepto Bismol (Ember’s big enough to take a full tablespoon) Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Val! Appreciate the advice. In fact, she seems to be recovering from whatever it is. This morning's stool, while soft, was not a pool of mostly liquid, as last night's was.

  6. Well, glad that Miss Emmy is feeling better. My goodness, she is getting big! Love the picture of her on the tile.

    Oh no on demon puppy . . . hope that is exited today and she feels better.

    Yes, when the fur babies have digestive issues, have to sleep light and keep the ears open.

    Good luck w/the plumbing estimate for the walk in shower. Considering that here, too. Yup . . . have to plan for the future!

    After the storms yesterday, very glad to see sunshine.


    1. My mom used to say that Nebraskans could not handle three cloudy days in a row. We need our sunshine! Often this time of year we get both... sun and warmth for the daylight, storms moving in during the supper/early evening hours. It's funny how the timing differs, depending on where you live. When I lived/worked in Des Moines, those storms came in around 10 p.m., which was horrible for sleep schedules. Here, they are usually done by then, allowing for peaceful night's sleep.

  7. I have the plastic model of your faucet.
    The landlord redid out bathroom and you would think its a nice thing to have everything new, but its all a watery mess…shower door lets water out while you shower, “wood” vanity was leaking for about a week before I noticed, toilet is the water saving kind, so constantly cleaning “that” mess…
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. I left out my point: We’re all cleaning up something.

    2. That is pure truth! All cleaning up something!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...