Thursday, May 16, 2024

Day 3: the back yard weed maze is gone


Ember still likes to just lie down in the grass and feel the air and listen to the sounds of the birds.  But she knows her world is changing, and just now she chose to go nap in her kennel.  She had been lying by the dining room table and when I went to check on her, no Ember.  I checked the parlor, the staircase, and even the family room lest she slipped by me, but no!  There she was in the dark of her crate!

I asked her if she wanted the door closed and she didn't protest, so she's back in for another puppy snooze.

We had success in the poo department about 12:30 p.m. once the workmen had finished what they were going to do in there for today.  So with just Ember and me, she found a spot in the corner and dropped a well-formed but soft poo.

Then at 1 p.m. her friend Barnaby and his daddy Bill stopped by to invite Ember to play in their patio area.  That way, Barnaby's hu-mom could meet Ember.  She (Barnaby's mom) doesn't move around so well any more, and she wanted to meet the new puppy on the block.  The dogs played nicely together, and we warned Ember off the lovely flowers which would not be good for her.  I love bleeding hearts, and they have azaleas, too.

After 20 minutes or so, I decided it was best to bring Ember on home, and she collapsed in a tired but happy puppy state.  When she went back into her den with a peanut butter bone, I stepped out to check on the front and side progress.

If you can see the pink lines, that's where the edging will go to the new paver-stone patio area, which will extend under the bay window to the end of the house.  Beyond that, inside the pink edging marks will be filled with river rock.

Talking with the crew, I discovered that I hadn't considered the plan beyond the downspout along the deck fence.  They had mulch in the plan and a natural edging.  I'm not a big fan of mulch... it rots and weeds take over so easily.  I asked them to change it to extend the stone edging and river rock to the back end of my property (i.e. the end of the patio in back.  And let me know how much more that will cost before following through.  I'm pretty sure I'll do it anyway:  in for a penny, in for a pound, don't ya know?

After the crew left, the skies opened up, and the backyard that was mostly dirt?  Yeah, the usual flow-through water.  So it doesn't look as though that particular "drainage spot for the neighborhood" is being fixed (but then I didn't request that fix, either.

A muddy mess it was.

Leaving muddy paw prints on the way back to the house.  Fingers crossed for a smooth overnight!

Overnight report, Wednesday to Thursday

Sleeping arrangements varied, as Ember decided she wanted to be on the leather couch in the family room.  So I streamed the season 7 episodes of Young Sheldon and we snoozed together.  About 11:20 p.m. Miss Emmy stirred, so we went outside, and the poo was about half and half:  part more solid, part very soft.  Half an hour later, out again, and she did whatever she did under the deck, so I have no assessment of its nature.  

Back to snoozing.  2:20 a.m. she started stirring again, and this time I didn't get myself and her together in time, but at least it landed on tile floor, and was easy cleanup.  Very soupy.  I gave her another dose of Kaopectate at this point, and coaxed her into the crate, and was able to go up and sleep in my own bed until 4:40 a.m.

At this point, I opted to follow the original routine:  dress me, feed the cat, then take Ember out for a chance to go (she peed, but I don't expect a poo until afternoon, given when I dosed her.  Once it got light enough, I went and collected the pooh from 11:20 p.m., triple bagged it, and put it in the back of the car, so "just in case" it would be useful to the vet, I have it.

I fed The Little One her breakfast, interrupted by play, as usual.  Then I attempted to put her harness on, but meeting the desire to play tug-o-war with it, I opted out of that game.  I waited for her to go sit by the front door, then swapped the house line for the "big girl leash" and we went on our usual morning "round the block" walk, but earlier than usual, at 6:30.

The inch-long painted turtle that she'd found yesterday morning was still there this morning.  Dead, but in the grass, colorful enough to look like a toy or a buckle or something... very attractive nuisance.  I got her to drop it (but it wasn't HER idea), and we moved on.

She got toothy when we got home from the walk, and earned herself a time-out in the den to calm down while mommy also calms down.  In that cooling off period, I have vacuumed the upstairs hall where I had treated the accidents of the past couple of days.  Dry enough to vacuum now.  And I'm writing this.  As soon as I post I'll be letting her out of her time out and attempting to put the harness on for the trip to the vet.  Wish us both luck!

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. The actiivity never ends w/the Little One, does it! Sounds like each day is a tiny bit better, though. Hope the specimen will help the vet determine what's going on w/Ember.

    Your project looks like it's moving along. Good! The area of the back yard with the drainage problem does indeed look like a muddy mess!

    HUGS and hope it's a good day.


    1. Turns out the specimen was just discarded: the history didn't warrant it, and besides, I had let it lay overnight and picked it up in the morning... it hadn't been refrigerated, either, so it might have required a new sample anyway. As is, the vet chalked it up to "the puppy diarrhea phase".

      She sent us home with antibiotics, that I started giving Ember as soon as we got home.

  2. I know you're glad to be getting in to see the vet and figure out what's up with Ember's digestive system. Good idea to take the poo sample in case it's needed; saves you a trip back.

    Where I live (California high desert) we get lots of standing water needing a while to clear out when it rains. Some people use river rock to build drainage paths and they're very attractive. I'm not sure if they put some sort of sand under them or just the rocks. I've seen similar online for downspout drainage.

    Gosh, with Ember and your new back yard along with solving the woodpecker issue, you'll have such a lovely cozy nest for a while. I know you've done some other preventive and beautification projects in the last several years. I'm so glad for you!

    1. "For a while" is a key phrase. But yes, I intend to enjoy the improvements in the home and yard, hopefully it will be worthy of the flattening of the bank account.

      The vet wasn't worried about the diarrhea, and sent us home with some antibiotics to supplement the Kaopectate. She did ask whether Ember was still eating well, and if she had been vomiting, and I said yes, she was still a hungry puppy, and the vomiting I had seen seemed to be related to her car sickness or to pulling to the point of choking herself (in puppy class last Sunday).

      Having told this to the vet, Ember proceeded to vomit three times since getting home. That would be three in very close succession, so it might count as ONE episode, I think. The item of interest was a couple of chunks of what looked like onion. They looked like they might have fallen from my cutting board! Little vacuum cleaner, I had no clue she'd found such a thing!

      Continuing to monitor, of course!

  3. Caught up on Emmy’s world. Love the picture of her surveying progress on her back yard. Her little wet paw prints are so cute....maybe not so little.
    Hope the antibiotics work and she’s right as rain soon.
    I still struggling with allergy management. Taking far more medications than I’d like seems to have done the trick last night, so I’ll continue this morning and today. 🙏🏻 Keep on keeping on!

    1. We seem to be making progress on the poo front, but now have some vomiting issues. The good part of vomit is that you can often spot the source of the problem in the output.

      I'm having a bit of reaction the the Covid shot, almost nothing on the RSV arm. Chills last night, and a temp of 99.9F.


  4. I knew I missed dogs when I started to pick up food bits in the bottom of my feet. Little vacuum cleaners!

    I'm glad your vet is not concerned. I've several products that have worked well on the intestinal and bladder mishaps. You know my love of beige carpets...let me know if your need a recommendation.

    1. I'm more concerned about the health of the dog than the condition of the carpet... it's going to be replaced at some point anyway (the carpet, not the dog).


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...