Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Happy _____ Day!

 It's Rabbit Day (1st of every month)!

And May Day, when we used to deliver May baskets to friends, ring the bell, and run away!

May Day is also, I note, Worker's Day in many parts of the world.

But here in Ember-ville, it's a day for establishing routines.  Like just about every day.  Up at 4:50 a.m.

1.  Shower for me, and leisurely getting dressed before the circus begins.

2. Fed the cat, enticing Prisoner down the stairs from outside.  I even carried him part of the way, since Ember was making noise in her crate.

3. Get Ember outside, where she did her business nicely.

4. Change the water bowls, inside and outside.

5.  Feed Ember her breakfast.  This includes command practice for sit, down, stand, and as needed "leave it", "let it go", "off", "drop it", etc.

6. Puppy play time, which ranged through the family room (which is the most puppy proof) to the great outdoors, where we played ball chase.  Oh, what a joy to watch that puppy energy in action.  What does it say about me that I feel a lift in my heart when I have found and picked up three poo plops from the evening/overnight trips out?  Doesn't take much to amuse me.

7. Finally put Emmy back into her den so I can clean up after her cat-tree destructive binge during play time.  As you can see, she has torn it up pretty well.  I snipped off the remaining fragments of the "floor" of that level.  Some of her training time this morning involved "spit it out", "that's not puppy food, THIS is puppy food", etc. but she didn't swallow any of it, that I can tell... yucky!

8. Flip on Dog TV so Mommy can have time to come breathe and write this blog.

Plans for the rest of the day include another practice car trip, this time to deliver my ballot for the May 14th Primary to the election commission dropbox.

We will also get at least one "big girl leash" practice walk in.  And hopefully enough puppy nap time to run the vacuum, as by now the mud from three rainy days has dried enough to make it more effective.

It is sister walk/visit day, and we'll see how the puppy schedule coincides, we might do some leash walking together, at least the distance that is OK for Ember.

Life is good.  Spark on!


  1. Yes! I remember the May Day baskets. That was fun.

    LOL! Watching puppy antics is fun!

    OHhhhh, Emmy! NOT NICE. I bet Prisoner didn’t appreciate that!

    Miss Lilly got groomed today. She is good as gold for the groomer. I am glad. Could have something to do with being SPOILED. LOL

    Hope it’s a good sister walk. Nice day here for it. Hope it is there, too.

    And happy May Day!

    1. Prisoner has never been a particular fan of that tree... it was more Rubia's thing.

      So glad Miss Lilly likes her groomer and behaves!

      Happy May Day!

  2. Busy times. Enjoy the "maybe" sister walk.
    Happy May Day! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. Maybe turned into a definite. Ember was FULL of puppy energy the entire time Alicia was here. Emmy lingered across the street from the home day care where the children were just being picked up by their parents. And the Little One garnered pets from a neighbor who keeps a GSP!

      Alicia thought the walk did not wear Ember out, but she willingly went into her den afterward, getting tucked in with her bunny.

      Another day in Ember-ville!

  3. Ember's looking a little more leggy to me. It's amazing how fast they grow out of puppyhood.

    1. Yes, indeed they grow SO FAST! She's been with me four and a half weeks now and is 3 months old. She's still very much a puppy, and it shows in her little snout, but the legs and body are starting to shape up to the dog profile that will eventually become the adult retriever.

  4. I thought of you this day, I actually remembered to say rabbit as my first word! ♥️
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. Awesome... silly little traditions, but they keep us going! Ace and I thought of you on Wednesday as we took Ember on her leash practice walk.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...