Sunday, May 12, 2024

Plans versus actuals


This is one that could have been predicted:  I got out the hose and filled the kiddie pool while Ember was finishing one of her puppy naps.

Then I let her out to go explore.  Her focus immediately went not to the pool, but to the hose.  The game we ended up playing was "tug" with the bullet hose.  We shall find out tomorrow if she broke it.  I don't know how many who read here already use a bullet hose, but you've probably seen the commercials where it shrinks when you turn the water off?

Well, that feature results in the hose "pulling back" when puppy grabs hold of it.  An automatic tug buddy!  We did a number of remote "surprises" with turning the water on or off in the process of getting to the hose being put away.

In the process, the puppy got hosed off.  A hosed off puppy is also cooled down!  We soaked three towels (and mommy, and puppy) and mommy laughed a lot!  And it exercised the puppy enough to take care of her business outside, although the poo ended up on the deck.  I'll take it.  Easy to find and easy cleanup!

I would call Saturday a bonding day.  Ember has taken over the wingback chair that was The Prisoner's.  Before it was the Prisoner's, 13 years ago, it had been Diamond's chair.  Hard to argue with inheritance rules where pet's chairs are concerned.  But Ember only knew it as "Mommy's chair" so wanting to sleep in it is a sign of trust in Mommy.  At least that's how I shall interpret it.  I slide into the chair and shift her onto my lap, or onto the floor next to me if I need to sit there.  But when she's so totally peaceful...?

For our afternoon snack, Ember got about half a slice of apple (no core or seeds) and about 1/4 ounce of Mozzarella cheese.  Mommy got the rest of the apple and about an ounce of the cheese, plus her biocoffee.

Bunny finished air drying and Ember welcomed him back.  Mommy thinks maybe an evening walk, to avoid the heat of the afternoon, to round out our day!

Happy Mother's Day Sunday

My mother-of-a-puppy day began sleep deprived.  I tried a new strategy... if she doesn't poo on her outing, stay up with her, uncrated until she indicates ready to go out and does the deed.  Then she went nicely.  And I thought I could set my alarm for a few hours later, and I'd catch her in time.  WRONG.  Third night in a row waking at 3 something to a befouled crate.  And each time this happens it takes more effort to rehabilitate the crate (to the puppy) as a safe place to chill.

Sigh.  So, more time out of the crate, which is fine when she has a high energy absorbing morning but will not fly for times when I go to the gym or to a medical appointment.  Overnight?  It's not working NOW.  So... creative solutions are in order.  I still have portions of the house blocked off to her.  Doors are a wonderful thing!

Puppy Preschool:  Ember's litter mate did not come this morning, which resulted in a better class for her.  She excelled at her commands, but not so much at walking on leash in the distracting environment.  She was just a bit too big and rambunctious for the two much younger puppies who were in class with her, and "calm down" methods were used.  The second episode of puppy play time, I just kept her chilling on her mat, as she was content to do so.

After class, the Little One collapsed in a cooling pose by the dining room table.  She stayed there as I dealt with the laundry from cleanup this morning, cooked my breakfast and even when I headed upstairs to bring a laptop down to the family for the first time since I removed the laptop from the dining room table due to a power cord interest, in an earlier phase of puppy proofing.

Speaking of Diamond, in this photo she hag found a nest with a baby bunny in it.  She did not attack, she just froze on it, like the pointer she was.

We have been promised a visit from Carl this afternoon.  I hope we figure that part of the equation out, too.  Meantime, I think I need a nap!

Life is good!  Spark on!


  1. Just like with a baby, never wake a sleeping puppy, right! Well, sounds like she did all right in her class today and she looks like a pooped pup on that tile floor!

    Hope Ember and you get a visit today form Carl and DS! And DIL, too!


    Happy Mother’s Day

    1. Thank you, and a Happy Mother's Day to you, too, Barb.

      Ember and I got a Carl and DS visit. DIL was with her own mom, but she sent a little gift (which includes chocolate)!

      A very lovely day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day.

  3. Hmm, my thoughts on the 3am emptying...maybe cut back on evening meal; longer walk after dinner; or perhaps no food other than her own for a while longer.
    Their systems are so much shorter than ours that food goes through a lot quicker. Less in the afternoon may slow down her system.

    You have quite a handle on cleaning up!

    1. It's been crazily irregular, the timing. I was thinking the problem might be feeding her evening meal too early? 11-12 hours later, time to go? Alicia heard somewhere 24 hours after a meal. But that may be adult dogs.

      Anyway, onward, come what may. It's currently raining (8:30 p.m.) and we enticed Ember into her den to give The Prisoner safe passage to his luxury suite. He did not want to stay there and followed me up to my bedroom level, as he used to do, pre-Ember. Another kind of balancing act!

      Now heading back downstairs to sleep closer to Ember, hoping to catch any accidents before they happen. And to check on The Prisoner's 20!

  4. Happy Mother's Day! May you be blessed with more peace filled nights. 🤗💝

    1. Thanks. Hope your Mother's Day was a good one.

      We made it through to 3 a.m. with no crate accidents, due to me resting on the couch and listening for my uncrated puppy to indicate she needed out. Which she did, three times. But no cleanup, this morning, thank goodness!

  5. That game with the hose sounds fun! 😂
    Gals you made it through the night, with puppy indicating ‘time to go’.
    Yeah, I wonder if the 24 hours is specific to adults or breeds. 🤔

    1. Whew! I was able to entice her into the den long enough for me to shower at 3:30 or so. Our morning routine is being modified because of the kind of night Ember and I spent. For instance, she's napping (in my chair) right now, and I am feeding The Prisoner on the deck. Because Ember was sleeping, I was able to sneak out with his breakfast dish, and back in with no drama.

      I swear this is good for the aging brain: problem solving, learning, flexibility!

  6. Wow, Barb…I get tired just reading about Embers day….she certainly keeps life very active and interesting! With the exception of poo cleaning at 3 AM, she is a joy and so endearingly entertaining!!
    Her face is so adorably sweet! Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Thanks, Karen. Of course I am besotted with this puppy, despite the various "challenges". We tend to forget how much a young critter (human babies, too) come into the world equipped with one skill: the ability to learn, and no database of facts. The rest is up to us to introduce, explain, and teach!


  7. Hmm. Would a baby monitor help you get down there quickly enough for middle of the night trips out to avoid problems of poo in crate? Could avoiding people food or doggy treats for three days or so help you figure out if that's part of the urgency problem?

    I'm so glad you have Ember. I agree with you; even with the extra work entailed animals add such joy and compantionship to our days.

    1. I don't have a baby monitor, and by the time I got one in... problem might be behind us. (Fingers crossed)

      I'm also not sure I move fast enough for it to prevent an accident. So... the consistency of the poo varies... and it was almost soup consistency at about 3:30 this afternoon. I can't help wondering if some of this is puppy stress, too!

      Just now I gave her a tablespoon of vanilla flavored Kaopectate on her licki mat and put her into the crate. I'll probably plan on leaving her there and sleeping on the couch again... maybe the couch in the family room, since she'll be confined.

      Wish us luck!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...