Wednesday, June 19, 2024

44 pounds in under 5 months

We are in the business of growing a dog-shaped weed, here!  

She's off at doggie day care on Tuesday, as part of her boarding arrangement for my little trip to the docs and their post-procedure instructions not to drive.  I called and asked the vet's office to weigh Ember so we'd get the right dosage of Simparicatrio for her, and sure enough, she was up into the next weight class.

They assured me she is having fun, and not causing problems for them:  "being pretty good".  Which has me wondering what "pretty good" looks like.  They said she had one good doggie friend to play with in day care, and therefore will be tired out.  Yay!

Wednesday, I pick her up after the daycare pups arrive.  This times out to the 24 hours since procedure, the driving restriction.

Thursday, we have a private training session scheduled, at which my particular goal is to learn ways for this 71-year-old hu-mom to safely play with her precious pup!  I want to be able to play tug and fetch, interactive games, with my dog, such that she's happy, properly exercised, and my skin is intact!  It should also help strengthen our bond as person and dog!

Friday, the electrician will be back at the house to install a motion sensor light and security camera outside the sliding glass door to the deck.  

Dontcha love a medical oopsie?  As long as it gets caught with no damage done!

Once I had a dental hygienist read the wrong x-ray and tell me something I knew not to be true.  Turns out x-rays for me, and for another patient, were stuck together.  

Today's episode had the guy in charge of my anesthesia coming in and beginning to lecture me about my blood pressure.  He started saying things about taking my prescribed blood pressure meds (I don't have any prescribed) and monitoring my BP post procedure, etc., and that I should discuss with my PCP.  I ended up telling him I would check again at home this evening, but I was both confused by the conversation, and at the same time totally unconcerned about it, since I knew my own doctor was not concerned.

WELL!  Not long after that, when he came to administer the propofol, he apologized... he got me mixed up with another patient... I do not have a blood pressure problem.  Whew!  But this is why they check identity all those multiple times, y'know?

Whoever that other patient is... hope they are OK and that they are following appropriate advice!

They gave me propofol, yeah, the drug that did in Michael Jackson!  They are using that in this office.  I poked back at him about that... he quipped that MJ's doctor wasn't doing his job, but he, my guy, would do his!  Monitor as the procedure is ongoing and if any problem were to develop, fix it stat!

In any case, the procedure went smoothly.  I truly did drop off like turning off a light switch, and woke up back in the waiting room with Lacey.  I was wide awake and refreshed.  

They did remove two polyps that they think are benign but are having tested anyway, just because.  The results of pathology will be back in a week or two and will dictate whether I'm free for five years or ten from having to do this again!

Kitty is loving this break from the dog

The Prisoner has been within voice call, and has come inside each time I offered, but later also asked back out.  He's got another 19 hours before the d-o-g comes back.  Most recently I let him in as I headed upstairs.  It was supposed to rain within the next couple of hours, possibly T-storms.

Wednesday morning, Prisoner was getting quite bold.  I fed him both supper last night and breakfast this morning in his old spot on the kitchen/dining room floor.  I can't do that when Ember is in residence, as she will steal his food.  He really is relishing access to the whole house!

Meanwhile, in the front yard

Am I imagining things, or do I see the little baby blades of grass starting to germinate from the "overseeding" process?

Don't just Spark:  Water on, Barb, water on!

I turned off the 7 p.m. watering, as we got rain, honest rain, during the evening hours.  Then I checked the forecast and snuck back down to turn it on for the 4 a.m. watering.

The forecast calls for cooler temperatures and "scattered showers" during Wednesday's daylight hours, so I might have to turn off the noon watering, also.  Save what water we can.

That said, Life is Good!  Spark on!


  1. Most of the times my medical oopies is that they forget that I am there and I am left to sit then they wonder after they say - oh gee I forgot about you why I am pretty short with them. I am sure all tests will be okay. Prisoner looks pretty perky at the moment.

    1. "Forgot about you"? Unacceptable! I'd be a bit on the short side at that one, too!

      Prisoner truly is feeling quite full of himself without the nuisance of the puppy. I have warned him she's coming back in a couple of hours, though, and I know he understands English!

  2. As long as they didn't tell me the rabbit died, or I was about to, I get the mistakes like that. Done it myself a time or two and fortunately recovered the problem before I stuck a needle in an arm! After introducing myself, something I see lacking nowadays, I learned to always begin any interaction with, "Please spell your last name for me" or something similar.

    I'm glad your procedure went well. My doc gave me the 10 year span too. At that age, I'll think about it.

    1. Thank goodness. All the providers at this most recent visit introduced themselves, which is a nice touch. We had a Hannah, another Lacey, a Jim, and a Valencia. And of course Dr. H, who has done all of my c'spy procedures. I commented that he has a few more gray hairs since ten years ago! He quipped "thank you for noticing"... LOL. I love it when providers have a sense of humor. Makes things easier, don't you think?

      And agreed that these kinds of mistakes are easy to make, especially when you have a whole boatload of patients at the same relative time.

  3. Ember is a growing girl!!!!! Glad she’s having fun. And I love it when they say “ . . . being pretty good.” Uh oh! LOL She’ll be glad to be home.

    Hope that the training session goes well tomorrow. It’ll be good for both of you.

    LORD! Glad that the anesthesiologist recognized the error and made mention of it. Sheesh. YES! That’s why the multiple checks on name/rank/serial #, as we used to say!

    That’s the exact truth . . . Michael Jackson did not have supervision using the Propofol and many other oopsies, but that was the biggest one.

    Glad that things went well. Nice that Lacey was there w/you. Hope that you’re free for 10 yrs.!

    And what a nice little break for Prisoner! He looks happy there!

    I see baby blades of grass! Yeah!

    Well this will be a wonderful Wednesday for you . . . wahoo.


    1. Hope you have a good Wednesday, too, and that your "consult" with DH's doc and physio brings about harmony of a treatment plan!

  4. Fingers crossed for a good report on those polyps. 🫰🏼
    How grand that Poor Kitty got to reclaim his territory...for a couple of days, anyway. Good luck with the training session.
    Cooler temperatures would be greatly welcomed. 🤗💖🐱🐶

    1. Today we have just that: cooler temperatures! And overcast skies. Ember is now sleeping in her little den, having used up a lot of energy even this morning, running about outside with a Doberman puppy.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...