Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Clear Liquids Only day at Casa mia


One thing Spark taught me was the importance of "dressing your meals up" when you're restricting what you're eating.  Monday's apple/peach juice was dressed in the SWAG glass from the Wineglass half marathon in 2018.  This was the last race that my brother (whom many of you knew as MOBYCARP) and I participated in together.  I plodded through the half marathon distance, while he ran his personal best full marathon that day.  

At 3 p.m. I dropped Ember off at the vet center that also boards and does day care.  

Ember was excited to go, and she was so happy with the "kennel" staff person who greeted her.  This young lady let Ember stand on her hind legs and lick at her face!  Ember had been on best behavior all day long, as though she knew something was up.  I have no new wounds!  Not even the accidental kind from paws.

When I got home, I picked up her toys and treats, and I went out on the deck and announced in English that she'd gone "on vacation" and the house is dog-free for two days.  Then I came back inside to the cool A/C.  Shortly after that, The Prisoner appeared to be let in and fed.

Survived the Prep - Tuesday morning report

Prisoner stayed in all night, but as usual he's not allowed in my bedroom (allergies).  This is just as well for doing the "prep".  They have changed it since the last time I had a colonoscopy (10 years ago).  Now it's what they call a "split dose", do half at 5 p.m., and the rest at 3 a.m.  At least that's how my schedule parsed out, with my procedure scheduled for 8:30 a.m.  The 3 a.m. is "four hours before you leave for your procedure".  

So now, at 6 a.m., the part most of us dread is over, and it's just a matter of my driver showing up on time, and putting myself in the hands of the professionals.

Post procedure

Lacey showed up exactly on time, and the procedure went smoothly.  Out by 9:30 ish.  Since she took the whole day off, my daughter in law also drove me to get my glasses frames adjusted.  Ember had knocked them off kilter, and a day while Ember is elsewhere is a great day for getting errands like this done.  

Lacey had brought me a piece of banana nut bread to have on the trip home, and it was a perfect way to break the fast.  She brought me home, and I gave her the grand tour.  I'm hoping that the ten weeks since Ember arrived and reduction to one cat plus her preventative use of antihistamine will make her reaction to my cat-person home tolerable.

Then she took me to the grocery store, since I'm not supposed to drive today.  Whew!  Finally started to cook my breakfast while Lacey headed home to enjoy the rest of the day.  Breakfast, at almost lunch time, was just right.

Life is good.  Keep on Sparking!


  1. It's great that everything went so well. Hope the results are nothing but good news. Peace and quiet are probably what you need to rest and recuperate from the body invasion. Rest! 🤗💖🐱🐶

    1. Yes... I went to bed early Tuesday night, and I'm sure Ember is sleeping well after a full day of play. Prisoner enjoyed another night with a dog-free house.

      Happy Juneteenth!

  2. ALICIA363

    Catching up...the magic bowl game is so clever! Glad things went well. Bet Prisoner loves being king of the castle for these days. Hope boarding and day care give you good reports! I know you and Ember will be so glad to be together again ❤️ See you later today, unless you need to wave me off for any reason. Love and hugs, Ace

    1. Hope your workday goes well, too. I called them yesterday (to ask them to weigh her so we'd know what dose of Simparicatrio to give her next) and asked how she was doing. "Having fun", and "Pretty good" were terms they used.

      I expect Ember will be just as glad to see you as she always is!

  3. I'm glad you're all done! It's such a PIA, LOL, but the memory is short-lived for the whole darned thing.
    Our g-dog, Winnie, likes her doggie spa days as the kids will send her there if they go away or have a large function at their home. She's too loving and 'pawing' for some people; and large! She comes home bathed, trimmed, and with a new neckerchief appropriate to the season. I still can't figure why people feel the need to deck out the dogs, but the kids like it.
    I understand the prices are close to what a human vacay day is, but it IS a good practice for them as she's too big for me to care for, unlike Chewy who I can practically put in my pocket!

    I wonder if the Prisoner is enjoying a dog-free house or has he gotten used to the partner?

    1. Prisoner loved his dog-free time. He came in, rubbed up, purred, demanded pets, etc. He stayed in overnight (which was good, it rained).

      Large dogs need people who understand and love them for what they are, and if you have people who are important in your life that don't, you need to compartmentalize the dog time and the people time!

      Son's got Juneteenth off, and is catching up on paperwork for his other job, still pacing himself with the vestiges of "whatever it was" he had last week. I checked in with him after Ember got home, and both dogs were eavesdropping on the convesation and heard the words they love, like "walkies". Ember got her first walk back home, but also had her first "oopsies" with a puddle on the floor. I have no doubt they kept her supplied with water at the kennel, as she had just piddled twice on our walk, too!

      And yes, the price is not "cheap" but the care is good, and if they pay their staff well for being good to my pup, it's worth it to me. Thank goodness I CAN afford it.

      She didn't get groomed this time, but at this full service place I can board her, have her get day care play with other dogs and also have grooming done... definitely a spa kind of place.

  4. Awwww, good way to spark things up w/your clear liquid diet.

    Hope Ember does well w/boarding! Glad that her first encounter went so well @ the facility.

    Well, glad that the ‘oscopy went well. All over! Wahoo. How lovely that Lacey was your chauffer. Hope that all the changes helped Lacey to be less allergic to the cat in residence.

    So glad you made it through! Hurray.


    1. Yes! Glad that's over for a while! Fingers crossed for the "ten more years" answer.

  5. Thank goodness I've not had to start with colonoscopys yet!! I imagine next year they'll start suggesting it; so far I just use what my NP calls the 'poop kit.'

    So glad Ember did well and was happy with the boarding; dogs are like children in needing sitters, unlike cats who can be on their own short-term pretty easily.

    1. That's the truth about dogs and cats. The Prisoner was ecstatic being "on his own"!

      I know they have changed the rules/guidelines about when they recommend the full colonoscopy since I had my first, 17 years back. I'd just as soon have the longer reprieve (10 years), so fingers crossed for results.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...