Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sometimes the silence is wonderful


Ember was in the midst of her morning crate time when this photo was snapped out on my paver patio.  She went in at about 7:30 a.m., having had her first bathroom break, her breakfast, and her earliest walk of this Saturday.  I cooked and ate my own breakfast, and she was a good girl while I did, puppy-napping on the kitchen floor.

I put her in for this normal routine, did my poo patrol, and let The Prisoner back inside to his area of the house.  I then headed to the grocery store to pick up some needed items.  I loaded a few bottles of water into the car against the dog park trip later in the day.

As you can see in the photo, I was home again still relatively early in the day. The sun was not yet threatening to round the corner of the paver patio.  I was sitting and reading for a while, then I puttered with weeding for a bit.  

Six days of "stay off the sod" left!  But who's counting?

Play date at the dog park

As soon as I mentioned a ride in the car, Ember was very much "down" for this adventure.  This gives me hope for the future of car rides.  We played a little "by the trainer's rules" fetch while we waited for time to leave.

It was a beautiful day, and it wasn't "too hot" yet, but it was warm enough to make us take the shady trail for the two dark-coated canines.  Ember showed off her retriever instincts by taking immediately to the water (yes, that's her in the photo).  At one point she fell over the bank into the stream and surprised herself (but don't worry, did not hurt herself).  The stream bank was quite steep where she fell, but Lacey managed to coach her back to a place where the it was shallower.  Ember dog-paddled like the best of them, and had a great time.

Carl also had a great time, and was a good foster-doggie-daddy, finding a ball, and showing Ember how to drop it in the stream to go swim after it.

The mythical son "rode herd" on the two frolicking dogs; his wife took videos that made us all smile, and I just grabbed a couple of still shots, but mostly kept an eye out for when she would drop a poo and I would need to clean up.

We were at the park for about an hour when it became clear that Ember was finally running out of steam.  She came to me for her freeze-dried chicken heart treats.  I clipped on her leash. Carl wanted in on the treats, too, thus he was also put back on leash and everybody headed home to baths and long naps.

I let Ember nap before her bath.  When she came out of her "den" about 3 p.m. it was time to test the theory that the "new" shower would or would not work to wash the dog.  Clearly, I need more practice, as every square inch of that bathroom was drenched, and I'm sure the dog was not thoroughly rinsed... but at least she doesn't smell like the creek anymore.

Interesting note:  Ember did manage to make me bleed again, and some of my blood ended up on the wall.  After I was bandaged up, Ember trotted up the stairs and looked at me, and looked at the blood smears, bringing my need to clean it up to attention!  Good girl, Ember, and we got the job done before it became a permanent stain!

Then my "little one" wanted to go out for a leash walk and was rewarded with attention from other humans.  She loves that!  The same young men who fawned over her last week were out in their driveway.  Belly rubs and ear scratches and lots of "pretty dog" compliments.  Then the family that used to mow my grass was out in their driveway with their 4th of July company, and we stopped to chat.  Ember got more compliments for her behavior while the humans talked about the yard improvements going on over at my house.  The neighbors all seem quite pleased that I've done this. I'm sure it helps their own homes' values.

Miss Emmy is now bedded down until "last call".  I would say that both Ember and her Mommy have had a good day, here in Emberville!

Life is Good!  Spark on!


  1. Oh wow! That’s good that Lacey coached Ember to the shallower area so she could exit the stream.

    Sounds like you and Ember had the perfect day. Yes, maybe a little more practice to get the Ember shower perfected.

    Here’s to a wonderful Sunday.


    1. "Practice makes perfect", right? Have a great Sunday!

  2. A fun day. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸ˜ΈπŸΆ

    1. 😁Indeed it was! And today (Sunday) promises mild temperatures, too. Our morning walk was up to 0.85 miles on Sunday.

  3. Replies
    1. This was an "up" day. Sunday was a bit of a challenge, and Monday morning, with thunderstorms rumbling over was a big challenge, especially in the morning!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...