Friday, June 14, 2024

The end of the extra well by the sandbox


No more "bubblin' crude", as of 9:30 ish Friday morning.  They came out and capped this particular well.  One more check mark off the list.

Justin showed up promptly to take care of the bathroom floor.  He brought samples to compare pattern and colors.  It was a pretty easy decision for me.  Then he did some prep work before the install.

While he was doing prep work, I did a grocery run, and stocked up on dog treats and cat food.  I think I spent more on the livestock than on myself, this trip.

When I got home, Ember was barking and whining, and I gamely waited her out, then took her out on leash.  

She found a huge windfall branch and spent most of this second walk of the day, chewing on it.

Back in the house.  Not happy on leash in the house.  Had another episode of her going for my legs, this time jeans-clad.  There had been an earlier such episode before her first walk. 

I think I am ready for a change in strategy.  The kind of ignore the trainer recommends is not working for me.  I need a closer bond with Ember.  I'm contemplating going with my heart on this one now.  She is not hurting me, I need to let her communicate, and I need to be able to love on her in response.

Justin finished up with the floor by about 1 p.m. and I was able to let Ember out of her den.  It's a hot afternoon, so except for potty breaks, we've been chilling inside.  I'm implementing my new strategy, and letting her play with the toys.

We ended up napping, me in the wingback chair, her on the kitchen floor in the 2 p.m. hour, with Dog TV on in the background.

The new floor is lovely, and it goes well with the new shower.

He put white quarter rounds and baseboard around the entire floor, and in the end it's almost as if I got the whole room done for the price of the shower conversion.  I will wait another day before putting it into use.

It feels so good to have the house back!  

Life is Good!  Spark on!


  1. Ember looks like Tigger watching her program from Red Squirrel on YouTube, her's is birds and squirrels and sometimes bunnies. Nice job on the tile. You were really right on going with getting it fixed. Sounds like soon everything will be back to normal quiet and I bet Ember will be a happy pup about that. Have a great day!

    1. We are both very happy to have our lives uninterrupted by service people. It's going to be a good weekend!

  2. ALICIA363

    Glad you could get through the complete job finish. I waved off our deck guys a few years back, and regret it. I do not have the porch swing or lattice trim underneath. I just couldn’t stand the project continuing forever!

    1. I understand both points of view! Once done, it's done! But oh, the process!

  3. Your bathroom looks great…now it’s done and soon to be enjoyed! One more project completed -yahoo!! I can’t imagine how difficult it is to have your entire yard under construction while you attempt to housetrain Ember! It will certainly be lovely in a few weeks! It must be frustrating to be Ember’s teething ring/ chew toy at times… Hopefully, it is a puppy phase and will end soon!
    Karen (Eissa7)

    1. Knock wood the housetraining seems to be going well, at least. She's letting me know when she needs to go out, not vocally, but by going to the door. And yes, I also hope that Ember "outgrows" the use of teeth in certain ways.

  4. Oh, what a beautiful bathroom!!! I know it took a bit longer, but it turned out well that your old flooring got a ding!!

    I'm glad you're finding strategies that fit for Ember and you for her as she learns to be a good girl.

    1. It shall henceforth be known as the "hotel bathroom". LOL! This is an inside joke. One of my cars was referred to as "the rental car" because it was my first with automatic transmission, electric windows (as opposed to cranking handles), etc.

      I hope for continual progress with Ember.

  5. What a 'happy accident', as Bob Ross would have called it, having the bathroom floor corrected. Looks great.

    1. The wisdom of Bob Ross! Yes, it does look wonderful, better than if it had not been done. I had drawn the budgetary line, and this was my "bonus".

  6. Replies
    1. Well, almost. Finished on the inside.

      On the outside, they still owe me sand, and a refresh of the steps on that backside rock bed. And I still won't be able to let Ember loose in the backyard until July 4th. Sigh. That's the really hard part. That, and the fact that when I try to play fetch with her, it leads to her wanting to play roughhouse, which involves teeth, and even though she's not trying to hurt me, I have thin skin and bleed very easily. And when I don't bleed, I bruise. I shudder to think what the people at the endoscopy center are going to think on Tuesday when they see my legs!

      Still, life goes on!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...