Sunday, June 16, 2024

Inaugural shower!


The new shower has now been used!

This early Sunday morning, the lesson was on the mechanics of gravity, doors, and the new shower controls.  Turns out the control as far as water temperature works as expected. The doors?  Well, they are weighted.  If I want the shower to keep the water in, they have to be in a specific configuration, because the "inner" door slides automatically toward the shower head.

OK, I can work with this.  But the real luxury was being able to flip that little seat down and soap up my feet!  And rinsing off with the wand is so much easier than trying to get your body pretzeled to reach every soapy surface with the regular shower stream.

It looked all pristine with the clean towels dressing it before I went to bed Saturday night.  Sunday morning, well, things have to dry off, right?

And to be honest, I love the way the new floor looks, and despite the inconvenience, I'm glad it worked out this way.

Weathering the weather

We had some rain yesterday evening, but it wasn't enough to deter me from letting the 7 p.m. watering program run.

Sunday we have a breezy day.  Things flapping in the wind have always been a bit spooky to Ember, and I'm beginning to understand some of her triggers.  On our morning walk, a big gust blew by at the same time as a vehicle passed by us on the street.  Oh, my goodness, she got zoomies, and I was spinning around to keep the leash from tangling.  Then of course she jumped up on me, and I hugged her and told her all was well, Mommy's here, and fed her treats, on a cue of "sit".  Several treats.  She did calm down enough to finish the walk (we were only a street and one house away on our way home.

Then we tried to play in the house, but she wanted to rough house.  Which makes mommy's thin skin produce blood.  I bandaged me up, kind of forced the issue of the crate while I did, and left her in for a while.  Let her out for about an hour, and ran into the same issue.  We went outside and she played "dominate the cat".  At least she did her business outside!  I put her back into the den about an hour ago, which is close to her normal crate time anyway, so she didn't resist as much.  Whipped cream has entered the picture as a bribe (pup cup in a Kong).

The planned Father's Day outing got pared down, because my son begged off.  He's not been well the past week, and is conserving energy for his work days.  With him absent, it means Carl is not coming along either.  And I had already said "not a 40 minute drive with Ember" especially after my two failed attempts at car rides Saturday.

So, praying the people at the Gastroenterology place don't pay too much mind to the bruises on my legs when I go in on Tuesday.  Between the little nips on the hands and arms, and the bruises from her hard head and teeth through the jeans... yeah, I do look like the victim of some kind of violence!

Anyway, I am now going to try to close my eyes for a bit, and come up with a plan for the rest of Ember's day!  Wish me luck both today and tomorrow (Monday), which will be both "clear liquids only" day and drop Ember off at boarding day.

Life is good.  HonestSpark on!


  1. Clear liquid day is kinda fun as a reset. Funny that's the only time I like green Jello. Good luck with all that.

    1. Yeah. It's been ten years since I last did this. Time flies, eh?

      The day ended well with Ember, though. She was invited to garden play with Barnaby when Bill and I spotted each other out on walkies. They did a good job of wearing each other out, and then Ember was in a much better mood.

      We'll see how she likes "doggy day care" on Tuesday while being boarded. Alicia's Benji goes to day care one day a week, to satisfy his social needs. Ember gets one puppy class or trainer appointment each week, but that's not the same as playtime with other pups!

  2. Congratulations on the successful inaugural shower! That’s a huge project off the books.

    Glad that you were able to get Ember calmed down. I bet she was glad that Mommy was there to calm her down! Oh boy I’D behave for whipped cream! Glad that Ember likes it.

    Sorry to hear that DS is not feeling well. I sure hope that he feels better soon.

    Good luck tomorrow! Hope all goes well. And hope that Ember does good being boarded.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. We got a longer and calmer walk in Monday morning, as there was no wind to speak of. And it didn't hurt that she got some Barnaby play time on Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers for the boarding/day care experience, as she'll get puppy play time there, too.

  3. Good luck with the prep. A change of location and handlers may be just the ticket for Ms. Blueberry. πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸΆπŸ˜Έ

    1. Thanks! Ms. Blueberry (although she doesn't recognize the name, it amuses me that she has this moniker) is a little grumpy this morning because Mommy had chicken brother for breakfast, and it smelled good to her, but wasn't for her.


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...