Thursday, June 13, 2024

A quiet puppy gets rewards...

 but a noisy Mommy gets results!

As in operational zone 8 sprinkler heads.  I now have pulled the hoses back into the garage, and the new zone has run once, and the noon programming is in progress, and we'll see that it rolls from zone 7 to zone 8 properly.  It did!  Yay!

Also, the sod guy showed up, and again ran out of sod... he only needs about two more rolls, he said, and he thinks he could be back later today.  In the meantime, what's here is being watered.

Puppy class went pretty well this morning.  Only four puppies in today's class, one bigger and two smaller than Ember, physically.  Amazingly calm collection, too.  We did games of various sorts, including the agility weave pole trainer.  That was fun!  Ember did a pretty good job of following the treat.

They also were training "heel", which they classically do on the left-hand side.  I normally walk Ember on the right, as that's my "treat zone".  She rode home without benefit of seat belt, just riding in the back seat.  It's less stressful for her, especially for this short a trip.

After class, as usual, very tired puppy, ready for a long nap.  Also, very tired mommy!

Ember slept until nearly 3 p.m.

Aunt Alicia pampering the liquid puppy when she came over to visit after her workday.

Teeth feel better when chewing on a toy originally bought anticipating Carl visits.  Some dog toys last for years!

The shower is getting closer and closer to done.  Today's questions had to do with color of the PVC strip, the divider between the shower doors, and the baseboard.  (White, gray, white, in case anybody is interested.)

End of day Wednesday shower work:

The doors.

The corner shelving for soap, shampoo, etc.

And the start of how the walls above the shower walls will be painted.

Yet to be done:  the PVC stripping on the edge of the shower, the baseboards and the paint.  That's on the agenda for Thursday.

Life is Good.

Spark on!


  1. Glad that it seems like your sprinkler system problem is fixed! Good!

    Sounds like the puppy class went well. Great job Mom and Ember!

    Awwwww, looks like Ember is enjoying her pampering from Aunt Alicia!

    Looks like the shower is coming along. Yeah!

    HUGS and here’s to a wonderful Thursday.


    1. Ember truly does love all the attention from other people! I love that Aunt Alicia enforces "the rules" for Ember.

      I'm ready for them to be done with all this. I need a day or two space before the medicalizing next week!

  2. Yay for all of it!! Properly working sprinklers, beautifully designed shower, and calm puppy who took a nice snooze.

    1. Yes! We're not quite there yet, but it's getting closer! Turns out what I thought would be a shifting and they'd be done by yesterday will simply be a longer process, and they'll be here tomorrow, too.

      And the sprinkler had another issue that the puppy and I discovered this morning that still needs to be addressed.

      That light at the end of the tunnel? Oncoming train?

      Can you detect a sleep-deprived mom?

  3. Everything is stunning! You must be very pleased. 😊

    1. So far, I am. I'll be even more pleased when they finally call it "done". This was supposed to be the last day of the tub/shower conversion and at the last minute, while he was cleaning up... he knocked a heavy tool to the floor, and it dinged my linoleum!

      So, his brother-in-law will be out tomorrow to install new linoleum to match the shower wall colors... gratis. I would rather have had my life back one day sooner, to be honest. Whine, whine, whine!

  4. Hang in there! They don’t work Saturday and Sunday πŸ˜‰❤️ ~ Ace

    1. Truth! And they will be done today! But Monday is "clear liquids only" for me, and drop Ember off at NAMC around 3:30 or 4 ish, so I can start the "prep" at 5 p.m. as directed. Ember will be safe.

  5. So much stuff going on! Too bad about the tile ding, I don't think I would have managed another day but I get that and it is a free fix. Hopefully it won't take to long to fix and then you will be done.

    1. So far, Friday morning... so good. The Sprinkler guys have come and gone, capping that buried head. Yes! And the flooring guy has done some prep work and headed out to get the vinyl material. He filled the ding and the embossed lines in the old surface and will just lay the new surface on top.

      Ember's not a happy camper, though. I left while the flooring guy was doing his prep work to do a grocery run, and when I got back, the barks and whines started in. I've been a strong mommy and ignored, and she has quieted down, long enough for me to check the comments and write back.

  6. I just now realize my shower comments are a day ahead of themselves😊
    -RunKeeper Dee

    1. LOL! It's ok, all good in the end! It's Saturday morning as I'm catching up, and I'm waiting another day to make sure all the epoxy etc. is good and set and dried before I take it for its maiden voyage!


A hunker down week has begun

It was snowing overnight Sunday, with a dusting accumulated by morning.  It continued actively but lightly falling all day.  Ember went out ...